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16 Feb 08
14 Apr 18
3 edits

Originally posted by @secondson
Yet still you evade substantive discussions about the relevance of matters spiritual with the attendant scriptural evidence applicable to the topic.

Instead you treat this forum, and its posters, as a backdrop in which you can make comparisons with. A sure sign of insecurity.
I have been posting in here for over a decade. I have started dozens and dozens of threads on “substantive” topics some of which (if size is an indicator of pleasure) have grown to over a 1000 posts in length.

I have led with topics ranging across the spectrum of biblical themes, I’ve revealled deep things about my own beliefs and my experiences as Christian of many years as well as standing up vehemently and unequivocally for my Lord Jesus Christ.

Like me or loath me, I am without any doubt one of the core contributors to this forum over the last ten years. You have been here 5 minutes and know absolutely nothing.

How’s that for forthrightness 🙂


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
Believing and doing are two different things
one is faith the other is works

Faith and works
Two components of salvation.

Can faith save you? James asks
What is the answer.
Saved by grace through faith, not of works.

But then how could you boast, right?

Works follow salvation. They do not save. You promote a false gospel. Comes with anathema.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
Believing and doing are two different things
one is faith the other is works

Faith and works
Two components of salvation.

Can faith save you? James asks
What is the answer.
Quote the verse where James asks the question "can faith save you?"

14 Mar 15
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @secondson
Yet still you evade substantive discussions about the relevance of matters spiritual with the attendant scriptural evidence applicable to the topic.

Instead you treat this forum, and its posters, as a backdrop in which you can make comparisons with. A sure sign of insecurity.

2 Corinthians 10:12
For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or comp ...[text shortened]... hey measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
Evade substantive discussions? Dive?!.....Really?

I think he positively seeks them out and is willing to ask difficult questions, even about his own faith.



04 Apr 04
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
SecondSon doesn’t like me telling him that he comes across in here (to me) as a prickly, self-righteous, churchy, American Christian. He was saying earlier that perhaps I was insecure in my Christianity because I called him on not citing you and I as being “children of god”. I told him that it’s silly for him to think that I need to hear him tell me thi ...[text shortened]... y, puffed up American Christian coming to this forum and revealing far more than he intended. 🙂
Ok got it. So he does in fact know what you are speaking of. Just that he did not want to answer my question.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
I have been posting in here for over a decade. I have started dozens and dozens of threads on “substantive” topics some of which (if size is an indicator of pleasure) have grown to over a 1000 posts in length.

I have led with topics ranging across the spectrum of biblical themes, I’ve revealled deep things about my own beliefs and my experiences as ...[text shortened]... . You have been here 5 minutes and know absolutely nothing.

How’s that for forthrightness 🙂
Well, if today's posting is a representative example of how you've been posting here for ten years, then I'm glad I missed it.

"...standing up vehemently and unequivocally for my Lord Jesus Christ."

Jesus may very well be your saviour, I can't say, but if Jesus is your Lord, then why do you rub elbows with a Christ denying heretic?

You do realize Rajk holds to the heretical doctrine about the identity of Jesus, your Lord, promoted by the watchtower don't you?



04 Apr 04
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @secondson
Quote the verse where James asks the question "can faith save you?"
What doth it profit, my brethren,
though a man say he hath faith,
and have not works?
can faith save him?

If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,
And one of you say unto them,
Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled;
notwithstanding ye give them not those things
which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works:
shew me thy faith without thy works,
and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
Thou believest that there is one God;
thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
(James 2:14-20 KJV)



04 Apr 04
14 Apr 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @secondson
Saved by grace through faith, not of works.

But then how could you boast, right?

Works follow salvation. They do not save. You promote a false gospel. Comes with anathema.
You do not understand that passage
I challenged you to explain it and you ran away
like a coward.

You are cherry picking.
Read the Cherry pickers thread .. read it

Paul explained what he meant in Ephesians

If you read the whole of Ephesians the WHOLE doctrine is
Faith + Works = Eternal life

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
I have been posting in here for over a decade. I have started dozens and dozens of threads on “substantive” topics some of which (if size is an indicator of pleasure) have grown to over a 1000 posts in length.

I have led with topics ranging across the spectrum of biblical themes, I’ve revealled deep things about my own beliefs and my experiences as ...[text shortened]... . You have been here 5 minutes and know absolutely nothing.

How’s that for forthrightness 🙂
You certainly are full of yourself today, tiger. Don’t let that A+ on your vocabulary test go to your head. Remember Miss Perkins graded it on a curve.



04 Apr 04
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
I have been posting in here for over a decade. I have started dozens and dozens of threads on “substantive” topics some of which (if size is an indicator of pleasure) have grown to over a 1000 posts in length.

I have led with topics ranging across the spectrum of biblical themes, I’ve revealled deep things about my own beliefs and my experiences as ...[text shortened]... . You have been here 5 minutes and know absolutely nothing.

How’s that for forthrightness 🙂
Nice post ..

16 Feb 08
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @secondson
Well, if today's posting is a representative example of how you've been posting here for ten years, then I'm glad I missed it.

[b]"...standing up vehemently and unequivocally for my Lord Jesus Christ."

Jesus may very well be your saviour, I can't say, but if Jesus is your Lord, then why do you rub elbows with a Christ denying heretic?

You do ...[text shortened]... heretical doctrine about the identity of Jesus, your Lord, promoted by the watchtower don't you?[/b]
I’m not motivated by impressing the likes you SecondSon, I find you to be, to some extent, cut from the same cloth as likes of Grampy Bobby, Josephw, LemonLime, Checkbaiter, sonship, suzianne and several others. All typical American self-assured religionists, well rehearsed and deeply churched in the “speak”.

Rajk999 and I deeply disagree and have seriously fallen out at times as I’m sure he will agree. Your comment “ rubbing elbows” is as misplaced as your pompous, prickly, superiority. I’m not impressed by the likes of you, I’ve met hundreds of Christians....just like you.

16 Feb 08
14 Apr 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @romans1009
You certainly are full of yourself today, tiger. Don’t let that A+ on your vocabulary test go to your head. Remember Miss Perkins graded it on a curve.
I’ve been speaking my mind with honestly in here for many years sonny.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
I’m not motivated by impressing the likes you SecondSon, I find you to be, to some extent, cut from the same cloth as likes of Grampy Bobby, Josephw, LemonLime, Checkbaiter, sonship, suzianne and several others. All typical American self-assured religionists, well rehearsed and deeply churched in the “speak”.

Rajk999 and I deeply disagree and have s ...[text shortened]... iority. I’m not impressed by the likes of you, I’ve met hundreds of Christians....just like you.
Come on, tiger. Enough with the boozy belligerence. This isn’t the schoolyard at Shetland Primary. We mind our manners around here.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
I’ve been speaking my mind with honestly in here for many years sonny.
Your unjustified gloating is most unattractive, tiger. Maybe that’s the way they behave at the pub, but you’re not at the pub now. Or are you? Did Jimmy’s dad drop you off there after soccer practice? You know you had a piano lesson today.



04 Apr 04
14 Apr 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
I’m not motivated by impressing the likes you SecondSon, I find you to be, to some extent, cut from the same cloth as likes of Grampy Bobby, Josephw, LemonLime, Checkbaiter, sonship, suzianne and several others. All typical American self-assured religionists, well rehearsed and deeply churched in the “speak”.

Rajk999 and I deeply disagree and have s ...[text shortened]... iority. I’m not impressed by the likes of you, I’ve met hundreds of Christians....just like you.
Checkbaiter pulled himself out of that group recently.
And yes we disagree but we can still discuss stuff amicably.