We tend to dwell on several themes when it comes to religion on the debate forums. One issue that I do not believe we have discussed is whether or not it is appropiate to have female clergy. For some of you this may seem like a strange issue in a time of equal rights and female empowerment, but for many it is a big issue. I have started this thread with the encouragement of Nyxie who always has provocative ideas.
Originally posted by kirksey957It's fine by me. What difference can some hormones make in this case? I still wouldn't go to church though ...
We tend to dwell on several themes when it comes to religion on the debate forums. One issue that I do not believe we have discussed is whether or not it is appropiate to have female clergy. For some of you this may seem like a strange issue in a time of equal rights and female empowerment, but for many it is a big issue. I have started this thread with the encouragement of Nyxie who always has provocative ideas.
Originally posted by kirksey957Well, I think the viability of female clergy depends upon your brand of theological premise. If you are a literalist, or atleast a general literalist, then generally female clergy is right out of the question.
We tend to dwell on several themes when it comes to religion on the debate forums. One issue that I do not believe we have discussed is whether or not it is appropiate to have female clergy. For some of you this may seem like a strange issue in a time of equal rights and female empowerment, but for many it is a big issue. I have started this thread with the encouragement of Nyxie who always has provocative ideas.
If you are less literal, but believe in the scriptures, then it is permissable, though highly argueable.
If you are a scripture believing person, but also belive the nicene convention warped and distorted the word to a masculine preference, further composited through the ages, most notably by catholicism up through atleast the 1600's, then you definitely might think female clergy is perfectly acceptable.
Further, if you believe that in the pre-nicene era there was a matriarchal emphasis that was surplanted into a patriarchal emphasis, then you would in fact probably have a female preference in clergy, if not insisting upon it.
Then at last we have the non-believer who has absolutely no theological reason to deny the permissability of female equal ability to be a clergy member. Of course, this does not bar any unfounded theological basis, nor any pretenses that exist completely outside of theology.
Anyhow that's the determining factor(s), in my humble opinion, as best I can. Naturally, my statement is intended with regards to Christianity. While I confess this is greatly due to it being the religion in which I am most knowledgable, I also think it relevant in the sense that many/most/all other religions are fairly clear in this respect.
Best Regards,
Originally posted by OmnislashSince you are in the know, could you explain to me why the scripture forbids female ordainment?
Well, I think the viability of female clergy depends upon your brand of theological premise. If you are a literalist, or atleast a general literalist, then generally female clergy is right out of the question.
If you are less literal, but believe in the scriptures, then it is permissable, though highly argueable.
If you are a scripture believing per ...[text shortened]... eligions are fairly clear in this respect.
Best Regards,
Originally posted by DarfiusYou actually make a good point (with the exception of your household pets preaching the gospel). The Bible commands all to spread the word, so why are Men the only ones permitted to be ordained? Would you know the contents of the scripture that Omni was talking about?
We're all commanded to spread the word. Male, female, cat, dog. If someone is saved because of a woman's preaching, they'll rejoice as loudly in heaven as if it were by a man.
Originally posted by darvlayTo be honest, I am not properly qualified to make the arguement that females should not be clergy. Quite frankly, I would not want to.
Since you are in the know, could you explain to me why the scripture forbids female ordainment?
However, I would suggest as just a little food for thought the premise of what a mans role is vs. a womans role. Just basics, such as that the woman is the helper, the man the leader. These being the natural roles of the sexes as God created them, such should it be in Gods house, etc.
I think the arguement might be different depending upon who you talk to. Someone might argue that it is due to woman (Eve) being the cause for mans fall into sin. Another might go to depthful and complex lengths to give example of the numerous occasion in scripture where it states that the man is the spiritual leader of his house, etc.
This is my understanding atleast, for what it's worth. 🙂
Originally posted by DarfiusThe general assertion, as I understand it, is not that women should not preach, but rather that they should not be preachers in the literal sense ("spiritual leaders in Gods house ((i.e.church)) administering the sacraments, etc."😉.
We're all commanded to spread the word. Male, female, cat, dog. If someone is saved because of a woman's preaching, they'll rejoice as loudly in heaven as if it were by a man.