Originally posted by wolfgang59Forget that story, I was busy looking at Prince Harry's new girlfriend. Smokin' hot! 😀
You dont know whether to laugh or cry ....
OK, OK, I did read the story. Really. And I'm completely unsympathetic to Lord Carey's various cases. He wants legal protection for discrimination against gays? Really?
I don't think these people should necessarily be arrested, but they deserve to get canned if they're not willing to do their job.
Originally posted by SwissGambitwhat about Prince Harry, he looks like Bert form Sesame street!
Forget that story, I was busy looking at Prince Harry's new girlfriend. Smokin' hot! 😀
OK, OK, I did read the story. Really. And I'm completely unsympathetic to Lord Carey's various cases. He wants legal protection for discrimination against gays? Really?
I don't think these people should necessarily be arrested, but they deserve to get canned if they're not willing to do their job.
Originally posted by SwissGambitThis is what religions always do... try to play the persecution card every time someone tries to stop
Forget that story, I was busy looking at Prince Harry's new girlfriend. Smokin' hot! 😀
OK, OK, I did read the story. Really. And I'm completely unsympathetic to Lord Carey's various cases. He wants legal protection for discrimination against gays? Really?
I don't think these people should necessarily be arrested, but they deserve to get canned if they're not willing to do their job.
them from discriminating against anyone else.
That Lord Carey has come out with this drivel surprises me not in the slightest.
And claiming that Christians are afraid of being arrested for their beliefs...
Total scaremongering Bull Testicles.
All that happened to any of these people is that they got fired for failing to follow the rules or laws they
were required to follow in their work place.
There is no suggestion that they should be arrested or criminally charged.
They are just a load of crybabies because people are refusing to let them impose their bigotry on anyone else.
Oh and that very much includes you Robbie.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieAt least I can explain that relationship in terms of chicks digging money and power. Here's one I can't explain at all.
what about Prince Harry, he looks like Bert form Sesame street!
Yes, they're married and having kids! This one pic gives me hope that someday I can get a girl totally out of my league. 😀
14 Apr 12
Originally posted by googlefudgeThank you Dr. Goebbels, I am sure the last time you tried to suppress the natural
Ah see you have that backwards.
The natural faculty of conscience is being imposed on you religious bigots.
Great isn't it.
faculty of conscience it ended up in untold carnage. Will I order more black shirts and
eagle crested banners?
Originally posted by SwissGambitLOL, if that was you or I the chances of staring straight ahead would be minimal!
At least I can explain that relationship in terms of chicks digging money and power. Here's one I can't explain at all.
Yes, they're married and having kids! This one pic gives me hope that someday I can get a girl totally out of my league. 😀
Originally posted by robbie carrobieOh and you bring up the 'Nazis' were atheists nonsense again which given the number of
Thank you Dr. Goebbels, I am sure the last time you tried to suppress the natural
faculty of conscience it ended up in untold carnage. Will I order more black shirts and
eagle crested banners?
times that's been shot down makes you... wait for it... a liar... again.
The Nazis were theists, they are also fascists and evil murdering [long list of expletives].
For someone who just started a thread about me insulting people you really have a lot
of nerve to follow that up by insinuating that atheists are Nazis.
All that is happening in the UK is that people are being prevented from imposing their religiously
inspired bigotry on others. And that theists are being made to follow the same rules and laws as
everyone else is.
Comparing that to fascism and the Nazis is idiotic, ignorant, and typical of the kind of stuff some theists
come out with to try to make out like they are being persecuted just because they are no longer being
allowed to discriminate against or persecute other people.
Secular morality is vastly superior to what passes for theistic morality and IS actually objective as opposed
to theistic morality which is subjective and built on foundations of imaginary sand as opposed to the
rock of reality that secular morals are built from.
So next time you want to complain about people 'insulting' you I would like you to remember your
attempts to brand all atheists as Nazi's. Particularly given that the Nazi's HATED atheists.
Those that live in glass houses...
-Removed-No don't be silly.
The wearing crosses bit is just not giving theists a special excuse for getting out of following
the same dress codes and uniforms that everyone else has to follow.
The bigotry I was referring to would be things like the guy in the article being fired for not
being willing to do his job and give sex counselling to same sex couples.
Or there was a case where a B&B refused entry to a gay couple who then (successfully) sued
Or the catholic adoption agencies that were not allowed to refuse to discriminate against gay couples.
That's the kind of bigotry and discrimination I am talking about that is being stamped out.
Originally posted by googlefudgethe post was not directed at atheists in general but you, nor was it an indictment that
Oh and you bring up the 'Nazis' were atheists nonsense again which given the number of
times that's been shot down makes you... wait for it... a liar... again.
The Nazis were theists, they are also fascists and evil murdering [long list of expletives].
For someone who just started a thread about me insulting people you really have a lot
of ne Particularly given that the Nazi's HATED atheists.
Those that live in glass houses...
all atheists are Nazis, but on your attempt to put spin on the report cited by the OP
(Dr. Goebbels after all was responsible for the ministry of propaganda) making your
assertions nothing more than the lies they purport to be, too bad for you that the
subtleties of the post evaded you! too bad for you that all you can do is through
your failure to comprehend the posters intent, jump to conclusions and assertions of
lying when nothing could be further from the truth, but hey, its a pattern that you
seem to be caught up in, is it really the best you can do, to project your failure to
comprehend the posters intent into the now obligatory, 'oh i fail to understand you so
ill simply call you a liar', you have absolutely no credibility here, you are deviod of
spirituality and are foul mouthed to boot, best treated like a snake, at the end
of a rather large pole.
I could discuss the implications of the post, that being persons being forced to be
coerced and accept a morality that is contrary to the dictates of the natural faculty
of conscience and their religious stance, but i see it would be a waste of time, for
every time you simply misunderstood the intent or failed to comprehend the
subtitles of a post, out come your vile and unfounded assertions and projection of
your ignorance onto others.
-Removed-That's a complicated question, to which the answer is 'it depends'.
The question here is not of the government banning such things. Which is a made up fantasy by
theists who want to play at being victimised.
The question here is of the employer having the right (or not) to enforce a dress code
or uniform on it's employees.
To which my response is to say that an employer does have the right to enforce a dress code
or uniform within reason. And I wouldn't accept any exemptions for religious reasons.
Or there are security issues.
You mention Sikhs turbans, I would talk about their Kirpan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirpan
I don't care what their religion says there are certain places (most places really) where I am not
happy for them to be wandering around carrying a knife.
And I certainly wouldn't permit the carrying of a knife into the secure areas in an airport or onto a
EDIT: And I note that you haven't mentioned any of the things i was actually talking about that constitute
actual bigotry and discrimination.