Thanks in part to RJ Hinds, there's plenty of creationist talk on this site - Evil-lution or not.
But what comes with creationism? - What does this group of Christians want, for education, schools, laws, society? Aside from a re teaching of biology.
And all the opponents on here - what do you fear would come after creationism was taught in schools, what is it a stepping stone too?
What do you see as the Creationist Agenda? I'd like to know what you think. S
13 Sep 13
Originally posted by e4chris
Thanks in part to RJ Hinds, there's plenty of creationist talk on this site - Evil-lution or not.
But what comes with creationism? - What does this group of Christians want, for education, schools, laws, society? Aside from a re teaching of biology.
And all the opponents on here - what do you fear would come after creationism was taught in scho ...[text shortened]... ng stone too?
What do you see as the Creationist Agenda, I'd like to know what you think. S
Are two sources.
A victorious Christian Right will outlaw abortion (treating it as murder), turn back the woman's movement, support only abstinence as a means of birth control and STD control, outlaw homosexuality, degrade K-12 public education in science, insert prayer into the curriculum, and also support Evangelical Christian schools and home schooling, by federal and state funding. Churches and other 501(c)(3) tax-exempt Christian organizations will openly engage in and contribute to political campaigns and lobby for legislative changes. Generally speaking, laissez faire capitalism will be supported or at least tolerated, and interventionist foreign policy will direct federal money to Christian missionary work, which will lead to political and military intervention when overzealous missionaries are persecuted by foreign governments who see them as a threat to their power.
The flip side is that congregations will become dominated by politics. Going to church will be the same as going to a combination political rally/local government meeting.
In short, all hell will break loose, which will trigger the End Times.
13 Sep 13
Originally posted by JS357Most of that sounds bad!
Are two sources.
A victorious Christian Right will outlaw abortion (treating it as murder), turn back the woman's movement, support only abstinence as a means of birth control and STD control, outlaw homosexuality, degrade K-12 public education in science, insert ...[text shortened]... l government meeting.
In short, all hell will break loose, which will trigger the End Times.
13 Sep 13
Originally posted by e4chrisIt's not controversial... It's just wrong.
it seems controversial to point out here but evolution was pretty / very evil science til 1945 - all bad things were justified with it. Maybe creationists just don't like that?
It's like claiming that the earth being a sphere is a controversial topic...
Just because some nut jobs think it's flat.
Evolution is not and has never been an 'evil' science, a point that has been
made over and over as various ignoramuses claim otherwise time and time again.
Originally posted by googlefudgeDo you think the creationists have an agenda, other then re-writing text books, does that concern you gf?
It's not controversial... It's just wrong.
It's like claiming that the earth being a sphere is a controversial topic...
Just because some nut jobs think it's flat.
Evolution is not and has never been an 'evil' science, a point that has been
made over and over as various ignoramuses claim otherwise time and time again.
Originally posted by e4chrisI want to clarify that IMO much of this bad stuff isn't so much a conscious "agenda" in the sense of a conspiracy, as it is a cluster of predictable outcomes of a takeover of US state and federal governments. It would also be tempered somewhat by incompetence, infighting, and corruption.
Most of that sounds bad!
Originally posted by e4chrisTeaching creationism in our schools will lead to a dumbing down of our youth which will lead to our economic downfall. Education, not bombs, is the way to ensure sustained economic growth for any nation. I think those who believe in creationism are terribly misguided religious nuts. Most Christians, especially those with more than an eighth grade education, believe in evolution and science.
Thanks in part to RJ Hinds, there's plenty of creationist talk on this site - Evil-lution or not.
But what comes with creationism? - What does this group of Christians want, for education, schools, laws, society? Aside from a re teaching of biology.
And all the opponents on here - what do you fear would come after creationism was taught in scho ...[text shortened]... ng stone too?
What do you see as the Creationist Agenda? I'd like to know what you think. S
Originally posted by PhrannyYes the question is "What do you see as the Creationist Agenda?"
Teaching creationism in our schools will lead to a dumbing down of our youth which will lead to our economic downfall. Education, not bombs, is the way to ensure sustained economic growth for any nation. I think those who believe in creationism are terribly misguided religious nuts. Most Christians, especially those with more than an eighth grade education, believe in evolution and science.
Originally posted by PhrannyWe want the schools to stop teaching evilution lies to the kids and start teaching the truth.
Teaching creationism in our schools will lead to a dumbing down of our youth which will lead to our economic downfall. Education, not bombs, is the way to ensure sustained economic growth for any nation. I think those who believe in creationism are terribly misguided religious nuts. Most Christians, especially those with more than an eighth grade education, believe in evolution and science.
The Instructor
Originally posted by RJHindsThat's for starts.
We want the schools to stop teaching evilution lies to the kids and start teaching the truth.
The Instructor
14 Sep 13
Originally posted by RJHindsMaybe RJ has a point. You'd think by now he would've evolved a brain.
We want the schools to stop teaching evilution lies to the kids and start teaching the truth.
The Instructor
Funny how he uses youtube to 'prove' his delusions.
Using youtube I can also prove:
Big Foot exists
Mermaids exist
the Loch Ness Monster exists
Vampires exist
Aliens exist
Werewolves exist
Fairies exist
UFO's exist
Ghosts exist
Zombies exist
etc. etc. etc.
I couldn't find any proof that RJHinds exists, however. The rumors of him being a cartoon may be true.