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Did the Holy Word of God?

Did the Holy Word of God?


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Did the Holy Word of God become sin?


Originally posted by KellyJay
Did the Holy Word of God become sin?
Another dud thread in which you show no interest? In the last couple weeks :

Ephesians 1 some thoughts on the first chapter
5 posts / 1 post from you

Galatians some thoughts on the 5th chapter
6 posts / 1 post from you

catch him in his words
4 posts / 1 post from you

Go get a hobby or something.


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Exactly. People who start these threads and then habitually disappear without commenting further should be banned from posting.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
Did the Holy Word of God become sin?
" Him who did not know sin He made sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." ( 2 Cor. 5:21)

Him is Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ knew no sin.

God made Him, Jesus Christ, Who knew no sin, to BE sin "on our behalf".

You know what God sees is what reality is and has to be.
Though it is hard for anyone to fully explain God made the sinless Son of God sin. So says the New Testament both in plain teaching and in typology.

Christ was made sin "IN ORDER" for something else to occur.
The AMAZING part. The astounding part - that the believers into Christ might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

"Him who did not know sin He made sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."

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The plain apostolic teaching says that Christ was made by God sin that the believers, in Him, might be made the righteousness of God.

This is beyond tremendous.
God looks at the believer in Jesus Christ as WHAT ? As His own righteousness - as the righteousness of God in Christ.

In union with Christ I who believed into Jesus Christ God sees right now as "the righteousness of God in Him".

This was secured at a great price. This was secured by God for me by the making of His Son sin under the curse and wrath of God on Calvary's cross.

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I wrote;

The plain apostolic teaching says that Christ was made by God sin that the believers, in Him, might be made the righteousness of God.

Or put another way "Jesus is Lord". Seriously.

Confessing that Jesus is Lord is permitting God to look at you as being in absolute union with Christ Who is the righteousness of God. And you being in Him are also the righteousness of God.

When you believe in Jesus as Lord and receive the Lord Jesus at least one part of your being become joined to the Lord. Your innermost being, your spirit becomes joined to the Lord. It is not wonder then that God sees the believer as Christ Himself in at least and to begin with one third of their being.

" But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit." (1 Cor. 6:17)

He who is joined to Christ by receiving Him as the Lord Jesus is made "one spirit' with the Holy Spirit Who is God. God sees this one, these ones, as the righteousness of God in Him, Him, the one Who was made sin on their behalf.


Originally posted by sonship
[b] " Him who did not know sin He made sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." ( 2 Cor. 5:21)

Him is Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ knew no sin.

God made Him, Jesus Christ, Who knew no sin, to BE sin "on our behalf".

You know what God sees is what reality is and has to be.
Though it is har ...[text shortened]... n He made sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." [/b] [/quote][/b]
So the One who knew no sin, became sin so we could live in Him, and He in us, Jesus
now being our righteousness.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
So the One who knew no sin, became sin so we could live in Him, and He in us, Jesus
now being our righteousness.
So the One who knew no sin, became sin so we could live in Him, and He in us, Jesus now being our righteousness.

Sooner or latter we will be just like Jesus Christ.
Sooner is better.

To start this process God places us on a certain position, a certain standing, a certain starting point, a certain way He absolutely sees us - we start by Him seeing Christ Himself as our righteousness.

This turn from the position to the disposition is in the book of Romans around 5:10

Here we see the launch pad out our judicial reconciliation to our dispositional salvation in the whole realm of His indwelling life. Watch.

" For if we, being enemies, were reconciled to God through the death of His Son. much more we will be saved in His life, having been reconciled, ..." (Rom. 5:10)

1.) The believer begins by being judicially justified because of Christ's death. The believer is no longer an enemy of God. He is no more an enemy of God than the Son of God is an enemy of God. God looks upon him totally through the eyes of seeing Christ. Christ is his justification. Christ has become to him his righteousness. Christ Himself, the Person is his righteousness. And in Christ he is made the righteousness of God.

2.) From this standing, from this platform there is something "much more" which must and WILL occur. We can postpone it for a time. But we cannot stop it. It is the whole process of being saved in the realm of the living Christ - saved "organically" in His life.

His life in us becomes a whole sphere in which thoroughly within and without we shall be saved.

From this turning point in Romans Paul turns from justification to sanctification.
He turns his attention from the standing in judicial justification to the being sanctified in the whole sphere of the indwelling divine life of Christ within the Christians. Much more we will be saved in His life.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
So the One who knew no sin, became sin so we could live in Him, and He in us, Jesus
now being our righteousness.
So the One who knew no sin, became sin so we could live in Him, and He in us, Jesus now being our righteousness.

Standing on this truth of being in Christ, and we being the righteousness of God in Christ, must be proclaimed to shut the mouth of the liar Satan, the accuser.

We can overcome the accuser by the redeeming blood of the Lamb.
We through His death and through our being in Christ are made the very righteousness of God in Him.

The mouth of Satan is shut.
And we overcome and begin to bring in the kingdom of God.

" Now has come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ,

For the accuser of our brothers has been cast down, who accuses them before our God day and night.

And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony , and they loved not their soul-life even unto death? (Rev. 12:10,11)

We confess our failures for sure.
But much more we stand upon God's word which becomes the word of our testimony.
We have been made in Christ the very righteousness of God.

There is no ground for Satan to accuse.
He wants to keep the Christians under condemnation.
He does not want them to see that in Christ they have become the righteousness of God.

And he certainly does not want us to live Christ.
But when we overcome to live Christ, the kingdom is coming in us,
And the kingdom will eventually turn the age when Christ obtains a critical mass of overcomers.

Live Christ and stand upon the divine facts that they become the word of our testimony. The blood of Jesus shuts the mouth of the Devil and we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ, that Christ who was made sin for us.


Originally posted by sonship
So the One who knew no sin, became sin so we could live in Him, and He in us, Jesus now being our righteousness.

Standing on this truth of being in Christ, and we being the righteousness of God in Christ, must be proclaimed to shut the mouth of the liar Satan, the accuser.

We can overcome the accuser by the redeeming blood of the Lam ...[text shortened]... l and we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ, that Christ who was made sin for us.
The thing is, again it is worth repeating that without Jesus Christ we are left in our sins
before God, Jesus' blood cleans us of sins, if we are not cleaned by God of our sins we
remain in them. If we remain in them, than when we stand before God on judgment day
the accounting for those sins remain. If any thinks they can live righteously without God
within, than they are fooling themselves by thinking they can make themselves good
enough for God, while God is trying to make them righteous instead.


Originally posted by KellyJay
The thing is, again it is worth repeating that without Jesus Christ we are left in our sins before God, Jesus' blood cleans us of sins, if we are not cleaned by God of our sins we remain in them. If we remain in them, than when we stand before God on judgment day the accounting for those sins remain. If any thinks they can live righteously without God withi ...[text shortened]... hey can make themselves good enough for God, while God is trying to make them righteous instead.
In other words, it doesn't matter if you "sin" ~ and your sins will go unpunished ~ because you just so happen to believe "Jesus' blood cleans" you "of sins", right? People with different religions from yours will be punished; you won't. Is that so?

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Originally posted by KellyJay
The thing is, again it is worth repeating that without Jesus Christ we are left in our sins before God, Jesus' blood cleans us of sins, if we are not cleaned by God of our sins we remain in them. If we remain in them, than when we stand before God on judgment day the accounting for those sins remain. If any thinks they can live righteously without God within, than they are fooling themselves by thinking they can make themselves good
enough for God, while God is trying to make them righteous instead.

It stands repeating many times.

You know, God went to such an extent to justify us. He went so far.
No human imagination could think up such a thing.

God obtained the called out ones, the ekklesia, the church with His own blood. This could not happen unless God became a man with blood to shed.

" ... shepherd the church of God, which He obtained with His own blood." (See Acts 20:28)

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Originally posted by sonship
No human imagination could think up such a thing.
Your superstitious beliefs rely very, very heavily on this assertion. To me, it smacks of human imagination through and through. That's my assertion. Unlike you, I do not make any claims about being 'immortal' or 'becoming more and more like a divine being' etc. etc. based on my perception/assertion.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
The thing is, again it is worth repeating that without Jesus Christ we are left in our sins
before God, Jesus' blood cleans us of sins, if we are not cleaned by God of our sins we
remain in them. If we remain in them, than when we stand before God on judgment day
the accounting for those sins remain. If any thinks they can live righteously without God
w ...[text shortened]... ey can make themselves good
enough for God, while God is trying to make them righteous instead.
Playing Christ and judging people again? Why not focus on your own Christian buddies and their false doctrines.

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