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01 Oct 04
14 Sep 17
4 edits

Originally posted by @divegeester
I've been read FMFs posts for a long time and he like all of us has his faults, but I can honestly say without a hint of bias, that I've never seen him flounder in the forum.

The only bottom being spanked around here is yours, and it's fat, pale and pimply. Quite disgusting in fact.
Without a hint of bias 😵

Everyone knows you fawn over his ass.

16 Feb 08
14 Sep 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Without a hint of bias 😵
You're just wrong.
You've probalby been wrong for years, most of your life in fact.
Face it.

01 Oct 04
14 Sep 17

Originally posted by @fmf
The ones where I said so.

It's as if you don’t read my posts.
So you can't say. No one is surprised.

01 Oct 04
14 Sep 17

Originally posted by @divegeester
Your questions aren't inconvenient, they are just boring.

There really are only two crimes here at RHP: cheating at chess and being boring in the forums.
Do you see yourself as the self appointed forum lawgiver?

01 Oct 04
14 Sep 17

Originally posted by @divegeester
You're just wrong.
You've probalby been wrong for years, most of your life in fact.
Face it.
Everyone knows you are bias towards FMF.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
15 Sep 17
4 edits

Originally posted by @fmf
In so far as these criticisms apply to me, I have to ask: what else exactly would you expect from ~ as you have called me more times than I can remember ~ a "follower of Satan"?

You have denounced me many times for being involved in "Satan's" rebellion and destined for eternal torture.

And now you are apparently accusing me of "badgering", [b]as well
?? Ha?

You seem to be really piling on the pressure with this latest shard of disapproval.[/b]
In so far as these criticisms apply to me, I have to ask: what else exactly would you expect from ~ as you have called me more times than I can remember ~ a "follower of Satan"?

That doesn't sound like me.
Can you quote ONE TIME when I unambiguously called you " FMF, follower of Satan" ? I mean in some sense unique to all the rest of fallen mankind in need of Christ's salvation.

Now you say "more times than I can remember". Please don't use that as an excuse not to prove it ONE time.

Sometimes FMF, you get so subjectively bothered that you imagine I said something to you. I don't want any obscure innuendo as proof.

Can you show me where I said "FMF, you follower of Satan you!" or some equivalent ?

You have denounced me many times for being involved in "Satan's" rebellion and destined for eternal torture.

1.) No, "eternal torture" favored expression of you and Divegeester.
2.) Since the fall of Adam everyone has been involved in the rebellion of Satan.
3.) Your subjectivity sees you are being "picked on" personally.

I am pretty sure that I have portrayed salvation to generally be a transfer of people out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of the Son.

"Giving thanks to the Father, ... Who delivered us out of the authority of darkness darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love." (Col. 1:12,13)

It is true that if I or you or anyone else refuses this transfer we will follow our leader the Devil to his miserable destiny. And if we follow Christ we will co-share His glorious destiny.

You are not being "picked on" above everyone else.

I think i have to dismiss your "recollection" of me saying something to you more times than you can remember. I suspect that "more times than I can remember" is heads up that you won't produce one sample - clear and unambiguously of what you allege I said to you.

And now you are apparently accusing me of "badgering", as well?? Ha?

That particular post was to Divegeester specifically.
You really do automatically self center yourself into practically everything going on here.

You seem to be really piling on the pressure with this latest shard of disapproval.

You're too subjective. thrusting yourself as the center of everything too often.

I have stopped doing much announcing to you the Gospel because it is clear that you are not interested. I got that. No problem. On sparse occasions I reply to a question from you, if I think it might benefit someone who is more opened to the Gospel.

An apologetic Christian apologist here.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
15 Sep 17

FMF wants to say I kind of single him out to pick on - HE above everyone else is a follower of Satan.

Folks, try to remember. I always leave the door open. anyone, no matter how vehemently opposed to the Gospel of Christ, might one day have a change of heart.

There is no one here including FMF that I have written off and absolutely hopeless in terms of one day believing into Christ for salvation.

Do I get hot under the collar like most people of Forums? Yes, sometimes I may reach a level of annoyance too.

I do not absolutely give up anyone as a hopeless "follower of Satan."
I know it takes time for people to see the revelation and the truth.

If I can believe in the Son of God, anyone else here can one day believe in the Son of God.

As for the "follower of Satan" thing. I'll wait to see if a specific quote is forthcoming.

I think there are two ways one could take such a rebuke as that.

1.) You can be pissed off for the rest of your life.
2.) You can be relieved and say " Well that does explain a lot. Time for a change into following Jesus."

You can be either miffed at being told by the Bible you are a deceived captive of the Devil. Or you can be RELEIVED and think - "Well, that would explain a lot of misery in my life."

I think how you react depends on your standpoint, your viewpoint.
If there were no HOPE of being anything else, then I too would be insulted maybe.
Knowing the good news of a change of leadership, I'd be relieved to know what the real situation was.


28 Oct 05
15 Sep 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @sonship
I think there are two ways one could take such a rebuke as that. 1.) You can be pissed off for the rest of your life. 2.) You can be relieved and say " Well that does explain a lot. Time for a change into following Jesus." You can be either miffed at being told by the Bible you are a deceived captive of the Devil. Or you can be RELEIVED and think - "Well, t ...[text shortened]... ur viewpoint. If there were no HOPE of being anything else, then I too would be insulted maybe.
You have got the wrong end of the stick, sonship. I don't feel "insulted". I don't feel "rebuked". I don't feel "pissed off". I don't feel "miffed". I don't feel "picked on". I don't have "misery in my life". I am not "captive". I am not "deceived". I am not "relieved" or 'not-relieved' by anything you say. You are totally misreading (or perhaps trying to spin) my engagement with you. These are emotions and perceptions that you have invented and attributed to me.

Personally, I am utterly unperturbed by your religious notions and the portentous nature of your mythology or any threats or punishments or "evil" things or "miserable destiny" stuff that you claim extend from it.


28 Oct 05
15 Sep 17

Originally posted by @sonship
Can you show me where I said "FMF, you follower of Satan you!" or some equivalent?
Well, I am not going to go searching for examples.

Instead, if you are hereby making it categorically clear that you do not ~ in accordance with your own religious beliefs ~ see me as being a follower of "Satan", that you do not claim "the Devil" is my leader, that you don't claim I am doing "Satan's" work, and you don't claim that I am a member or a follower of "Satan's rebellion", then, from my perspective, the dialogue between us has moved on.

And if the conversation has indeed moved on in this way, I will accept and respect this iteration of your views, and, in so doing, make whatever I perceived or remembered (or misremembered) you saying or meaning [regarding the connection between me and "Satan"], in the past, obsolete.

In other words, if I am wrong about what I thought you said or meant about me being a follower of "Satan", then so be it, assuming you are now making the above things clear. I would just take you at your word. And that would seem to me to be an end to it. Does that seem fair?

16 Feb 08
15 Sep 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @fmf
Well, I am not going to go searching for examples.

Instead, if you are hereby making it categorically clear that you do not ~ in accordance with your own religious beliefs ~ see me as being a follower of "Satan", that you do not claim "the Devil" is my leader, that you don't claim I am doing "Satan's" work, and you don't claim that I am a member or a follow ...[text shortened]... d just take you at your word. And that would seem to me to be an end to it. Does that seem fair?
Have you just got one of this lot to admit that you are NOT a follower of satan? 😲

01 Oct 04
15 Sep 17

Originally posted by @divegeester
Have you just got one of this lot to admit that you are NOT a follower of satan? 😲
When you say 'one of this lot' are you referring to Christians who actually believe what is written in the Bible or is it something else?

16 Feb 08
15 Sep 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
When you say 'one of this lot' are you referring to Christians who actually believe what is written in the Bible or is it something else?
I'm referring to the group of cliquey Christians here who like to band together behind a common belief, or set of beliefs in order to create an out-group of those (me) who disagree with them, and then throw the accusation that I'm a son of Satan or a child of Satan or a follower of Satan. Or some other heinous accusation.

16 Feb 08
15 Sep 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @sonship
FMF wants to say I kind of single him out to pick on - HE above everyone else is a follower of Satan.

Folks, try to remember. I always leave the door open. anyone, no matter how vehemently opposed to the Gospel of Christ, might one day have a change of heart.

There is no one here including FMF that I have written off and absolutely hopeless in terms o ...[text shortened]... ng the good news of a change of leadership, I'd be relieved to know what the real situation was.
The idea that someone is a follower of Satan for disagreeing with you on the internet is in my opinion, one of the crappest things I've ever seen written here. I feel you would benefit from taking a very long sabbatical and have several words with yourself.

16 Feb 08
15 Sep 17
2 edits

Originally posted by @dj2becker
When you say 'one of this lot' are you referring to Christians who actually believe what is written in the Bible or is it something else?
This idea that "believing what is actually written in the bible" somehow exonerates someone from being a complete and total massive bell-end on the internet, is hugely hillarious to me.

PS: never mind that they are probalby wrong about what they think about what they've read in the bible.

16 Feb 08
17 Sep 17

Originally posted by @fmf
Well, I am not going to go searching for examples.

Instead, if you are hereby making it categorically clear that you do not ~ in accordance with your own religious beliefs ~ see me as being a follower of "Satan", that you do not claim "the Devil" is my leader, that you don't claim I am doing "Satan's" work, and you don't claim that I am a member or a follow ...[text shortened]... d just take you at your word. And that would seem to me to be an end to it. Does that seem fair?
Sonship I realise that you took 36 hours away from the forum after FMF put this post to you, and that you probably don't want to address it and hoped it would be buried. But I think it's an interesting topic and pertentent pointed question aimed at you. So are you going to return to this thread and address it?