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Checkmate 2 U!

Checkmating you!

16 Dec 06
09 Mar 07

Look. I know beatlemania. Met him on here. Were good friends now, and I know he isn't running away. He truly doesn't have the time to fight with you guys. I do, however, but I'd appreciate it if you reinstated unanswered questions so I don't have to go digging through 7 pages of crap looking for them.


Playing with matches

08 Feb 05
09 Mar 07

Originally posted by Acemaster
Look. I know beatlemania. Met him on here. Were good friends now, and I know he isn't running away. He truly doesn't have the time to fight with you guys. I do, however, but I'd appreciate it if you reinstated unanswered questions so I don't have to go digging through 7 pages of crap looking for them.
Thats very generous of you, I may have to refrain from calling you Assmaster for awhile. Bottom of page six if you please....

Checkmate 2 U!

Checkmating you!

16 Dec 06
11 Mar 07

Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
1. Good answer with regards to why we no longer have to provide burnt offerings. However, not a good response as to why the change. Why did God send his son at that particular time? Why the vengeful and destructive nature in the Old Testament? If God is omnipotent, why would He not anticipate the need to forgive our sins up front? Why tempt us? ...[text shortened]... is is like using a flame thrower to get rid of a bug problem in your house.
I'd appreciate that!

1. We have to demonstrate faith and willingly dispose of our sins. Go will not allow sin in heaven.

2. If you sin, and die in it, then you brought it on yourself. What accident at birth do you mean?

Cancerous Bus Crash


06 Sep 04
11 Mar 07

Originally posted by Acemaster
Look. I know beatlemania. Met him on here. Were good friends now, and I know he isn't running away. He truly doesn't have the time to fight with you guys. I do, however, but I'd appreciate it if you reinstated unanswered questions so I don't have to go digging through 7 pages of crap looking for them.
1. That is incredibly confusing. I hadn't heard about Agnostics until I came here.
Hey, it's not my fault you're ignorant.

2. I read most of it. I think it says that this Austin guy didn't prove that it was. Just because this guy didn't prove it doesn't mean it's not true.
Can you prove that the Grand Canyon was formed by the Great Flood? Hell, I'll settle for evidence that the Great Flood happened as written (covering the tallest mountain by 10 cubits).

3. Radiocarbon Dating and all the other dating methods do not work. Their dates ranged between 8 million and 300 billion years.
Find a scientific source for a radioactive date of 300 billion years (it'd be difficult as the universe is only ~15 billion years old). And then show why radioactive dating is out by so many orders of magnitude.

4. You wouldn't need to have faith in anything but the history.
The history? You mean, that Jesus existed and was God's son and that the Earth was created 6000 years ago?

5. What does that have to do with it? I can say it was made of green chees that smells like limburger and tastes like provelone.
Humour me. It's an exercise in critical thought.

Checkmate 2 U!

Checkmating you!

16 Dec 06
12 Mar 07

Originally posted by XanthosNZ
[b]1. That is incredibly confusing. I hadn't heard about Agnostics until I came here.
Hey, it's not my fault you're ignorant.

2. I read most of it. I think it says that this Austin guy didn't prove that it was. Just because this guy didn't prove it doesn't mean it's not true.
Can you prove that the Grand Canyon was formed by the Gr ...[text shortened]... ger and tastes like provelone.[/b]
Humour me. It's an exercise in critical thought.[/b]
1. I'll agree on that. But I'm not ignorant.

2. I have to get off, but I'll get back to it.


Playing with matches

08 Feb 05
12 Mar 07

Originally posted by Acemaster
I'd appreciate that!

1. We have to demonstrate faith and willingly dispose of our sins. Go will not allow sin in heaven.

2. If you sin, and die in it, then you brought it on yourself. What accident at birth do you mean?
1. We have to demonstrate faith and willingly dispose of our sins. Go[d] will not allow sin in heaven.
Why? Why do we have to willingly dispose of our sins when we didn't have any to begin with? Why punish us uncessarily? Why the blood letting in the Old Testament and not the New? I understand the burnt offerings bit, but, what was with the raping and pilleging in the name of God? Why is that not acceptable post New Testament? Why the change? Why has God not asked me to smite the infidels recently? Why send Jesus to Earth at that particular time? Why not a thousand years earlier? Why not today? Why leave so much room for error that faith becomes doubt?

2. If you sin, and die in it, then you brought it on yourself. What accident at birth do you mean? Not accident 'at' birth, accident 'of' birth. If I'm born to a Hindu family in India, raised as a Hindu, educated in a Hindu school and otherwise exposed only minimally to Christianity, am I not likely to end up being a Hindu? As a Hindu, you would have me believe that God, who seems to have set me up, would have me burn in a lake of fire for all eternity? Seems fair doesn't it?

To reinforce this cocnern of mine, there are roughly a billion, soon to burn in Hell, Hindus (something like 900 MILLION of them live in INDIA). This puts Hinduism just after Athiesm, Christianity and Islam on the popularity scale... oh, and I believe that it is also the oldest religion on the Planet.. Earth that is.

So, are you still going to assert that God will destroy all worshippers of Ganesha, essentially, just becasue they happened to be raised in a particular part of the world? Are Hindus evil in some other way? Ganesha, btw, is a gentle diety, lord of beginings and remover of obstacles. Hell, he seems to be doing better than God these days as India is one of the worlds fastest growing economies and we, the Christian West, are floundering in a no win war and facing an economic recession.... hmmmmm, where's my elephant statue?

Cancerous Bus Crash


06 Sep 04
12 Mar 07

Originally posted by Acemaster
1. I'll agree on that. But I'm not ignorant.

2. I have to get off, but I'll get back to it.
ignorant: unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge

I'd call not knowing of agnosticism ignorant.

I'm A Mighty Pirateā„¢

PaTROLLING the forum

01 Dec 04
12 Mar 07

Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
This is a very good point, but can be explained by several 'Edens' existing throughout the world. Black Edens, Asian Edens, White, etc... The same story was played out in each as was God's plan.
God's will was to boot everyone out of all the Eden's in the same idiom? Doesn't really favour the ideals of free will!

Why aren't these other Edens or the idea of suddenly introducing pre-defined fate on man mentioned in the Bible. Also, all those who begat each other were all from Adam and Eve's loins. How come they don't tell us when some of the begat'ing started crossing over to other Edens?


Playing with matches

08 Feb 05
13 Mar 07

Originally posted by Daemon Sin
God's will was to boot everyone out of all the Eden's in the same idiom? Doesn't really favour the ideals of free will!

Why aren't these other Edens or the idea of suddenly introducing pre-defined fate on man mentioned in the Bible. Also, all those who begat each other were all from Adam and Eve's loins. How come they don't tell us when some of the begat'ing started crossing over to other Edens?
I'll type slow so those with limited cognative ablities can follow along.

Genesis 1: 27
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

Even if my hypothesis regarding multiple Edens is incorrect, the keyword, "them" clearly indicates more than one. Genesis is written in general terms such that we can easily deduct that Adam & Eve were not singular. 'Man' is refered to many times throughout Genesis and can easily be applied to the multiple derivative of the term.

As far as free will goes, assuming you've spent time with a woman, which may be a large assumption on a Chess site, you'll know that they are all a bunch of lunatics. Telling any of them not to touch something is a sure fire way to have said item touched, if not roughly handled.


Playing with matches

08 Feb 05
23 Mar 07

Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
[b]1. We have to demonstrate faith and willingly dispose of our sins. Go[d] will not allow sin in heaven.
Why? Why do we have to willingly dispose of our sins when we didn't have any to begin with? Why punish us uncessarily? Why the blood letting in the Old Testament and not the New? I understand the burnt offerings bit, but, what was with th ...[text shortened]... in a no win war and facing an economic recession.... hmmmmm, where's my elephant statue?[/b]
Antone going to address this issue?



27 Apr 05
23 Mar 07

Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I'll type slow so those with limited cognative ablities can follow along.

Genesis 1: 27
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

Even if my hypothesis regarding multiple Edens is incorrect, the keyword, "them" clearly indicates more than one. Gene ...[text shortened]... to touch something is a sure fire way to have said item touched, if not roughly handled.
Stretching, aren't we?

Cancerous Bus Crash


06 Sep 04
25 Mar 07

A list of questions for Acemaster who claims there is no scientific evidence in this thread (Remember Acemaster, assertions will not be accepted unless they can be backed up by facts and at least a passing reading of Thread 40560 is assumed):

- Is Evolution occuring at the current time? Has it been observed?
- If the Earth is 10,000 years old what causes multiple agreeing radioactive dating methods to give dates this figure by multiple orders of magnitude?
- How do you arrive as an age of the Earth (provide a source)?
- What causes Evolution to the a Theory?
- Do the techtonic plates move?
- What explains the difference in basic makeup between dinosaurs and current lizards if they are both the same creatures just at different scales (see page 1 for where you said this)?
- Draw a graph of the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere compared to time (over as much time as possible).
- Find a scientific result containing a radioactive date exceeding 15 billion years. Or find evidence that the ESTABLISHMENT is suppressing such results.
- Is convincing people of a Young Earth doing God's work?

That'll do for now but there will be follow-ups if the questions are answered as expected (I've seen all the arguments by now).

PS. Read the referenced thread, all 3000 posts.


30 Oct 05
27 Mar 07

Originally posted by Acemaster
I have to get off, but I'll get back to it.
I thought masturbation was a sin.

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
27 Mar 07

Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
Some questions I have about God, Spirituality and the bible:

1. Why the sudden change from vengeful in the Old Testament to the kinder and gentler personification of love in the New Testament? Why the second edition? Can we expect a third edition to correct the inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the first/second?

2. Why are there so many dife ...[text shortened]... ouble reconciling the physical world with what the bible tells me is truth.
I can answer most of these questions, perhaps all. After a quick glance, they are good questions, but they require in depth answers. I can only answer by giving you a website to peruse through. It will answer all of these questions logically, and biblicly. To answer all these questions properly would take me 3 days of typing and that is not going to happen. Lastly, if you are sincere, you will look up the answers here...

Warning: it will take a lot of reading on your part.

Cancerous Bus Crash


06 Sep 04
27 Mar 07

Originally posted by checkbaiter
I can answer most of these questions, perhaps all. After a quick glance, they are good questions, but they require in depth answers. I can only answer by giving you a website to peruse through. It will answer all of these questions logically, and biblicly. To answer all these questions properly would take me 3 days of typing and that is not going to happ ...[text shortened]...

Warning: it will take a lot of reading on your part.
Try finding a site that doesn't reference disproved statements as proof of Creationism.
uses Irreducible Complexity of the eye as an example of how we couldn't have evolved. Only Michael Behe still believes that and it's been shown (using computer models) that the eye can evolve through a process where every step is small enough but still shows a benefit over earlier designs.