How can YEC's ignore ALL the data of old Earth?

How can YEC's ignore ALL the data of old Earth?


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30 Sep 12
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by josephw
Matter evolved a conscientiousness?

Got an answer? I'm very curious.
Spend a few minutes on this, and let us know what you think.


31 May 12
11 Oct 14

"And one extremely important thing. The most important thing. No other religion provides a saviour. Someone that is able to save. "

Hinduism, Bodhisattva.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
12 Oct 14

Originally posted by josephw
What is evolution about? The material universe? Matter? Energy?

You're an atheist right? There is no spirit stuff to you. Just matter, right? So, if evolution is about the development of matter as it evolves from form to form, how did matter develop awareness of itself?

Seriously, what component of our being gives us God conscientiousness and self cons ...[text shortened]... e is made of matter?

Matter evolved a conscientiousness?

Got an answer? I'm very curious.
The best question put forth on THIS forum for sure. And of course we don't know the answer to that, maybe in a few hundred years of continuous scientific advancement or a thousand years, who knows. But in the meantime, the stock answer of the religious set is god did it. Personally, I can't out of hand just deny the possibility of some kind of deity but I sure can deny the existence of the bible god. Too many human attributes to come off as a real god, which tells me the whole kit and kaboodle was made up by mankind in a desperate bid to try to answer those very questions.

Christianity may help some folks deal with the unkind nature of life on Earth but that does not make it real. A tale told often enough becomes real, and that is a fact of human existence. It has happened literally millions of times and IMHO Christianity is just another one of those.

I think this obsession with religion obscures the search for real spiritualism in the world and the fighting between Islam, Hinduism and Christianity shows quite clearly to me the man made nature of ALL these religions, not one is really about spirituality, just giving that lip service but the real effect is to create political power centers that promotes religious strife and warfare and that seems to be the bottom line, political power.

I don't think a real god would have ever set up such a cruel situation as to allow such monstrous behavior to happen.

It tells me quite clearly, if there is some kind of deity out there, it is strictly hands off and is just at BEST just sitting back and having a great laugh at our spiritual ignorance.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
12 Oct 14

Originally posted by Paul Dirac II
Spend a few minutes on this, and let us know what you think.
"THE human brain is.., responsible for our every action, emotion and thought."

The article is like any of a hundred that I've read about evolution. It makes statements like the one above based on theoretical speculation and conjectural assumptions.

You should read it yourself. Line after line is presented the obvious facts of the existence of things interspersed with theoretical guesswork about their origin and development.

Evolution is science fiction pure and simple.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
12 Oct 14

Originally posted by josephw
[b]"THE human brain is.., responsible for our every action, emotion and thought."

The article is like any of a hundred that I've read about evolution. It makes statements like the one above based on theoretical speculation and conjectural assumptions.

You should read it yourself. Line after line is presented the obvious facts of the existence of th ...[text shortened]... l guesswork about their origin and development.

Evolution is science fiction pure and simple.[/b]
Science fiction is about ideas that at this point in time are impossible, like flying was in the year 1700 or submarines in 1800. Science on the other hand is about analyzing the world as we see it.

Just because you see a piece on evolution that you dislike intensely does not mean the science is fake.

The evidence has accumulated for nearly 2 centuries now and instead of creationists ideas getting stronger, only the CREATIONISTS are getting stronger, more desperate, more strident in their hatred of evolution, just look at people like Hinds who likes the word evolution and says it like he invented it.

If creationists had any scientific credibility they would have made their case decades ago and won accolades. Instead they take the stance that science is in a giant vast conspiracy of atheists bent on killing christianity.

Myself, I can't wait for the day there is no obsession with religion, that I personally have freedom FROM religion.

For instance, in my own family we feel the dark side of christianity.

I have a couple of granddaughters who live near Lancaster Pa. A very religious community.

My grandkids, now 13 and 9, just told their mom that they were asked what religion they were at school by the teacher. They both said none.

So now the other kids are ostracized BECAUSE they profess no religion.

If that isn't sick, I don't know what is. My son and his wife chose to live near Lancaster because it is rural, lakes and streams and such, a really beautiful land.

Now they are not so sure. They are going to have a talk with the teacher, who is clearly a proselyizing christian.

That teacher finds nothing wrong with putting out this view that if you are not christian you are the enemy or some such.

Is that how you want YOUR kids to be raised?

Evolution is in the same category.

Because some assshole SAID the Earth is 6000 years old, with not a single word of that in the bible, now it is written in stone to these creationists.

So naturally any mention of evolution is an attack on fundamentalism.

YEC's are growing smaller in numbers as the years go by and I for one will raise my middle finger in salute when the last one dies off and no more attacks on evolution happens.

The attack on evolution is not the only goal of YEC's. They want nothing less than the Islamification of Christianity to control every aspect of our lives, tell us who we can go to bed with, who we worship, if that is what we want, how we worship, how many times a week and so forth.

This is not religion. This goes WAY out of the realm of religion and right into the realm of politics, pure and simple.

Creationists want political power and will stoop to any means to get it.
The latest being the lawsuits brought to try to force creationism to be taught in a science classroom as if it were science, with it decidedly is NOT.

The judges see right through their vain efforts though and have denied them this legal issue.

Now they call it freedom of expression, where a teacher in a science class has the RIGHT to proseltyze as much as he or she wants.

THAT one is also doomed and all the other bogus frivolous legal attacks on a science proven over and over again.

Creationists stoop to out right lies, bending science, weaponizing science in a political push having nothing to do with religion and EVERYTHING to do with gaining political power to get their sick agenda's through congress so they can have a little Christian IRAN here in the US.

Creationists are part of the problem not part of ANY solution.

All you YEC's should get together and buy an Island, preferably close to Antarctica and start your own repressive regime of like minded close minded individuals.


30 Sep 12
12 Oct 14

Originally posted by josephw
Evolution is science fiction pure and simple.
"Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof."
-- Ashley Montagu, anthropologist

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Oct 14

Originally posted by sonhouse
Science fiction is about ideas that at this point in time are impossible, like flying was in the year 1700 or submarines in 1800. Science on the other hand is about analyzing the world as we see it.

Just because you see a piece on evolution that you dislike intensely does not mean the science is fake.

The evidence has accumulated for nearly 2 centur ...[text shortened]... lose to Antarctica and start your own repressive regime of like minded close minded individuals.
You don't seem to understand that evolution and guessing how many years the Earth has been here is not science, but speculation. That is your big problem as to why you don't understand why YECs ignore data of an old Earth while accepting the data for a young Earth that agrees with the Holy Bible.

31 Aug 06
13 Oct 14

Originally posted by josephw
What is evolution about? The material universe? Matter? Energy?
That covers all of science, I'd say. Evolution specifically is about accumulated changes in life producing new species over time. Imagination is simply a by-product of a specific type of brain. It's useful to us when we plan ahead and to avoid potentially dangerous situations. It can also wreak havoc with our minds and lead us astray. Whenever reality doesn't appear to match what we imagine is true (even if we've believed that this imagined truth is fact), we should step back and think it through, and if we can't support the belief we hold with reality, we drop it like yesterday's underwear. That's science. That's evolutionary theory.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
13 Oct 14

Originally posted by C Hess
That covers all of science, I'd say. Evolution specifically is about accumulated changes in life producing new species over time. Imagination is simply a by-product of a specific type of brain. It's useful to us when we plan ahead and to avoid potentially dangerous situations. It can also wreak havoc with our minds and lead us astray. Whenever reality doesn't ...[text shortened]... with reality, we drop it like yesterday's underwear. That's science. That's evolutionary theory.
Evolution theory is a lie because it only partially agrees with fact. That is the way the devil works to deceive by mixing truth with error to make the lie seem credible.

31 Aug 06
13 Oct 14

Originally posted by RJHinds
Evolution theory is a lie because it only partially agrees with fact.
If that was true you creationists should have no problem presenting the evidence that contradict evolution, instead of having to make stuff up (like your claim that even though mutations occur, through some unseen and unknown limitation in life that you can't explain, they stop just short of new species evolving).

31 Aug 06
13 Oct 14

Originally posted by RJHinds
That is the way the devil works to deceive by mixing truth with error to make the lie seem credible.
I can only surmise that creationism must be the devil's work then.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
13 Oct 14

Originally posted by C Hess
I can only surmise that creationism must be the devil's work then.
Have you figured out the magic trick yet, of everything from nothing?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
13 Oct 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
Have you figured out the magic trick yet, of everything from nothing?
There you go again, bitching about how science can't at this time answer the big questions. And that would be because science is only a few hundred years old. Come back in another few hundred years and see what they say then. We should be out of science kindergarten by then.

31 Aug 06
13 Oct 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
Have you figured out the magic trick yet, of everything from nothing?
You forget. It's your god who does that kind of magic. 😛

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
13 Oct 14
2 edits

Originally posted by sonhouse
There you go again, bitching about how science can't at this time answer the big questions. And that would be because science is only a few hundred years old. Come back in another few hundred years and see what they say then. We should be out of science kindergarten by then.
Evolutionists have been claiming they would find the evidence ever sense Darwin proposed this theory. But there is still no evidence and in a thousand years there will still be no evidence because it ain't true. Dogs will never evolve into horses or cats or any other kind of animal. But perhaps a man may devolve into a monkey in a few hundred years.