We have all heard it at school in the science class… In the begining there was nothing… and from that nothing came a big bang, caused by no one coming from nowhere… It created all the mass of the universe completely by chance [according to Einstein's Theory]…
The mass then contracted and automatically formed all the planets and set them into motion, all orbiting around the sun [all by an impossibly unlikely coincidence!] Then some chemicals appeared from nowhere and mixed themselves together [once again all by themselves, another impossible and unlikely coincidence...] And, lo and behold, [for the first and perhaps only time ] Life was created by chance from matter!!!”
So there you have it… The universe according to science… We accept it of course because they have brainwashed us practically from birth… But it’s complete nonsense.
A thoughtful man cannot accept such hopeful ramblings of men desperate to paint God out of the picture at any cost… Science can’t prove any of it. They can’t demonstrate it in their labs… The whole thing is totally unscientific even by their own standards. And there are very few scientists who are prepared to defend the big bang theory now… I have tested it with scientists on the internet. When I confront them they say, “Well the Big Bang theory has lots of problems, but of all the theories it’s the best one we have…”
Of course the Big Bang theory is not the best theory they have to explain the creation of the universe. But science does not want to even consider the only other very obvious theory of creation…
The theory that states there is intelligence behind the creation of the universe. It’s a completely reasonable assumption to make. If we look at a very nice new building in the city and I tell you it was created by a “big bang” last night, would you believe me? No. [unless you are crazy of course]. Because the building is there we know there were engineers, buliders, plumbers, electricions, etc… We may not see them, but we know they were there. The “big bang” explanation of the creation of the building is completely unreasonable…
We sometimes experience a “big-bang” in one of our big cities (there was a big one a few years ago in Oklahoma City). But we have never seen these “big bangs” produce anything constructive or create order. They destroy, and create disorder. Quite the opposite to what the original “big bang” is claimed to have done. And when we have one of these “big bangs” in a city what is the immediate question? Everybody asks “Who planted the bomb?” and “Why did they do it?” This would seem to be the natural response. Of course the scientists could get on the television and tell people that “Nobody planted the bomb — the explosion happened all by itself.” but who would believe them?
Now science is supposed to be a process of observation and experiment. They have conjectured this “Big-Bang” theory — now let them do some experiments and prove it. They can make a “Small-Bang” with some dynamite, or even a little atomic bomb… Let them create something substantial with a “small-bang”. If the universe can be created with a “Big-Bang” then surely they can create a small town, or failing that, at least a building with a “Small-Bang”. Unless science can prove the Big Bang theory by experiments why preach it? And why not consier the most logical alternative explaination of the creation of the universe, that there is an intelligent force behind the creation?
The motivation of the scientists in preaching the Big Bang theory is NOT science, it is NOT a search for the truth. The purpose of the BBT is to construct a philosophy allowing people to live debauched hedonistic lives confident that, “There is no God, there is no life after death, the universe was created by chance. I am just a combination of chemicals and when the body is finished I’m finished — so let me party to the max now!” This is no better than the life of the animals. Science is attempting to eradicate the one thing which separates us from the animals — our ability to understand and question the spiritual, more subtle aspects of our existence.
Science attempts to explain everything in terms of chemicals but no one has ever been able to show (and no one will ever be able to show) consciousness can be created by mixing some chemicals… It’s blind faith. The brainwashed general public are prepared to believe such nonsense when presented by the scientists ONLY because it allows a godless world-view. A mindset that enables me to do anything that “feels good” without considering the consequences. If these theories had to be rigorously tested according to the scientific method no sane man could possibly accept them.
There is no observation and there are no experiments. Just mental speculation and some vague notions which have been formulated into a quite detailed religious dogma by the “scientific” community.
And they can’t prove anything, they can’t logically explain it. It all comes down to blind faith…
Interestingly....this is a cut and past from the Internet and I back it up 100%....and is there anyone else joining the clan of the truthful.
Originally posted by DasaBeing a creationist I tend to discount the Big Bang, but I don't think you are
We have all heard it at school in the science class… In the begining there was nothing… and from that nothing came a big bang, caused by no one coming from nowhere… It created all the mass of the universe completely by chance [according to Einstein's Theory]…
The mass then contracted and automatically formed all the planets and set them into motion, all orbi ...[text shortened]... he Internet and I back it up 100%....and is there anyone else joining the clan of the truthful.
describing it as I have heard it described.
Originally posted by DasaOne of the most astonishing characteristics of scientists is that some of them are plain, old-fashioned bigots. Their zeal has a fanatical, egocentric quality characterized by disdain and intolerance for anyone or any value not associated with a special area of intellectual activity.
We have all heard it at school in the science class… In the begining there was nothing… and from that nothing came a big bang, caused by no one coming from nowhere… It created all the mass of the universe completely by chance [according to Einstein's Theory]…
The mass then contracted and automatically formed all the planets and set them into motion, all orbi ...[text shortened]... he Internet and I back it up 100%....and is there anyone else joining the clan of the truthful.
Philip H. Abelson, "Bigotry in Science," Science, Vol. 144, April 24, 1964, p. 373.
Originally posted by DasaThe purpose of the BBT is to construct a philosophy allowing people to live debauched hedonistic lives - Dasa
We have all heard it at school in the science class… In the begining there was nothing… and from that nothing came a big bang, caused by no one coming from nowhere… It created all the mass of the universe completely by chance [according to Einstein's Theory]…
The mass then contracted and automatically formed all the planets and set them into motion, all orbi ...[text shortened]... he Internet and I back it up 100%....and is there anyone else joining the clan of the truthful.
I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning; consequently assumed it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption....The philosopher who finds no meaning in the world is not concerned exclusively with a problem in pure metaphysics; he is also concerned to prove there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do. For myself, as no doubt for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system and liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom.
Aldous Huxley
Originally posted by robbie carrobieAgreed.....
The purpose of the BBT is to construct a philosophy allowing people to live debauched hedonistic lives - Dasa
I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning; consequently assumed it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption....The philosopher who finds no meaning in the world is not conce ...[text shortened]... ity. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom.
Aldous Huxley
Originally posted by DasaMy point being I hate when people take what I say, boil it down to something
Yes..... science will explain it in more complicated way, but it has been simplified here to express what they are really saying.
they find they can attack, but in doing so have twisted my words into something
I did not say or intend.
Me and and a mate perused the contents of a creationist "science textbook" a while back that he received as a joke present from his parents after a trip to america...we laughed our f'kin heads off. One can only assume Dasa, and other zealots round here read the dumbed down and god biased versions of these books.
It was very coloruful though! ๐
Originally posted by KellyJayI am not referring anything to yourself .....but to that area of science that knowingly present false theories.
My point being I hate when people take what I say, boil it down to something
they find they can attack, but in doing so have twisted my words into something
I did not say or intend.
Originally posted by AgergI have simply stated the actual truth of what science is subscribing to.
Me and and a mate perused the contents of a creationist "science book" a while back that he received as a joke present from his parents...we laughed our f'kin heads off. One can only assume Dasa, and other zealots round here read the dumbed down and god biased versions of these books.
It was very coloruful though! ๐
If you take way all the fancy words then all that is left is their fabrications.
I also dont subscribe to the Christian creationists who have also fabricated their stories.
But I subscribe to the only authority on the subject of creation ....Vedanta.
Originally posted by DasaYou seem to be of the opinion that the science that gives rise to the technology you take for granted, and the science which undermines the teachings of your holy book fall into two non-overlapping categories - this is not true, they are connected. Science is not concerned with gods or the supernatural - it just follows, as a consequence of what fits with the available data, that what you and other fundies believe is garbage. Moreover, if scientific inquiry had stopped at the writings inside the Vedanta or any other "book of truth" we'd be living in the stone age.
I have simply stated the actual truth of what science is subscribing to.
If you take way all the fancy words then all that is left is their fabrications.
I also dont subscribe to the Christian creationists who have also fabricated their stories.
But I subscribe to the only authority on the subject of creation ....Vedanta.
Originally posted by AgergI scribble patterns on mine, next to my phone; along with recording phone numbers on it.
Me and and a mate perused the contents of a creationist "science textbook" a while back that he received as a joke present from his parents after a trip to america...we laughed our f'kin heads off. One can only assume Dasa, and other zealots round here read the dumbed down and god biased versions of these books.
It was very coloruful though! ๐
Recyclable paper is a must, in these 'modern' ages.
I was gonna scribble a beard on the man on page 4. Alas, he already had one, as a scientific Gillette razor hadn't been invented, along with dishonest words, in those old days. ๐
Originally posted by mikelomHeh...no prizes for guessing who the bearded man on page 4 was I assume! ;]
I scribble patterns on mine, next to my phone; along with recording phone numbers on it.
Recyclable paper is a must, in these 'modern' ages.
I was gonna scribble a beard on the man on page 4. Alas, he already had one, as a scientific Gillette razor hadn't been invented, along with dishonest words, in those old days. ๐
Originally posted by KellyJayWell that's because the BB and its subsequent reasoning is woefully not true, so they explain it in such a way for the average Joe/Blo....so that it actually sounds somewhat reasonable.
I didn't say you were refering anything to me, but as I pointed out I have not
seen anyone who actually believes in the Big Bang describe it that way.
According to Oscams Razor, I present the truth of the BB in its simplified form without the bells and whistles, and the scientific explanation which is defeated by the reasoning of Oscams Razor ......is only complicating a simple understanding.