If it's proven there's no god

If it's proven there's no god


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26 Aug 07
18 Apr 15

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Some things never change. Have a nice afternoon.

I will find the source of your logical fallacy, I am not buying your argument, NO WAY.


26 Aug 07
18 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
What does this have to do with homosexual acts being immoral in and of themselves?
It proves that not all sexual practices contain inherent risks as you have assumed. Now i too need to go. Have a pleasant afternoon.


28 Oct 05
18 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
It proves that not all sexual practices contain inherent risks as you have assumed.
Of course they do.

You asked me this:

...[If] you have remained chaste with a single partner from virginity how does that carry the same risk as a promiscuous homosexual man who has had multiple partners. Are you seriously telling us that the risks are the same?

And I answered: Of course they are not the same. Indeed, if someone has remained chaste with a single partner from virginity it does not carry the same risk as a heterosexual man - or woman - who has had multiple partners. This does not make heterosexual sex immoral.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Apr 15
2 edits

I believe we can conclude from all this that sin is the cause of death just as God said in the Holy Bible. Therefore, sin and death is not proof there's no God. 😏

HalleluYah !!! Prasie the LORD! Holy! Holy! Holy!

16 Jan 07
18 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
It proves that not all sexual practices contain inherent risks as you have assumed. Now i too need to go. Have a pleasant afternoon.
robbie could you please define what you mean by 'homosexual sex'. you refer to it as being a cause of high levels of hiv in the uk. are you including all sexual acts between men? because thats how you word it.


26 Aug 07
18 Apr 15
2 edits

ha! as I suspected, the false analogy, deductively valid but unsound.

homosexual behaviour is dangerous and therefore morally objectionable
Driving a car is dangerous
Driving a car therefore is also morally objectionable.

Why is it a fallacious argument? because driving a car is different in both nature and degree than to engaging in homosexual behaviour to such an extent as to warrant the comparison invalid.



26 Aug 07
18 Apr 15
2 edits

Originally posted by stellspalfie
robbie could you please define what you mean by 'homosexual sex'. you refer to it as being a cause of high levels of hiv in the uk. are you including all sexual acts between men? because thats how you word it.
The fact is that we have now the highest ever recorded figures for HIV among homosexual men in the UK. I don't care how they contracted it, its irrelevant. What is relevant is that they have wilfully and knowingly engaged in behaviour that is dangerous and thus morally reprehensible.

16 Jan 07
18 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The fact is that we have now the highest ever recorded figures for HIV among homosexual men in the UK. I don't care how they contracted it, its irrelevant. What is relevant is that they have wilfully and knowingly engaged in behaviour that is dangerous and thus morally reprehensible.
how do you feel about two gay virgins having sex for the first time....im not a scientist but i reckon there is about 0% chance of catching HIV?


26 Aug 07
18 Apr 15

Originally posted by stellspalfie
how do you feel about two gay virgins having sex for the first time....im not a scientist but i reckon there is about 0% chance of catching HIV?
So do I but I am concerned with those who make up the highest ever recorded figures for HIV among gay men in the UK.

16 Jan 07
18 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
So do I but I am concerned with those who make up the highest ever recorded figures for HIV among gay men in the UK.
you sound like nigel farage...blah blah highest immigration blah blah.....the question was - how do you feel about two gay virgins having sex for the first time? do you think it is dangerous?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Apr 15
3 edits

Originally posted by stellspalfie
you sound like nigel farage...blah blah highest immigration blah blah.....the question was - how do you feel about two gay virgins having sex for the first time? do you think it is dangerous?
The question is not simple one! I could say I believe driving 25 mph is
dangerous, but there are times it is not, I can say driving 80 mph is
dangerous, but there are times it is not. So does that mean I should be
able to drive at whatever speed I want whenever I want to, no! If we look
at just conditions, or just how many others are on or near the road would
that change whatever speed limit I want to drive at, or would it always
be right or wrong according to the law?

If it is the law than being able to do it because I want to is no longer a
good measure towards I should be allowed to, or if I can define a few
ways it is safer than others that too isn't a good measure towards should
I be allowed too, it is the law that matters.

Now you can look at the law and choose to obey it or not, and for some
times get away with it, that is until someone who actually enforces the law
nails you for breaking, than you pay a price no matter how safe you were,
or how you were not hurting others at the time of your crime.

If you reject that God created man and woman and gave us laws/rules to
live by than that is on you. You can as you can speed down any road do
whatever you will, until you are called in by someone who enforces the
law. Then you'll pay the price.

If you reject God I get why you don't care what His laws say, you are not
part of His Kingdom, and unless you turn towards Him as Lord you never
will be.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
19 Apr 15
2 edits

Originally posted by stellspalfie
you sound like nigel farage...blah blah highest immigration blah blah.....the question was - how do you feel about two gay virgins having sex for the first time? do you think it is dangerous?
It's exposure to HIV that is dangerous. Sex is dangerous, if it exposes the person to diseases. It has nothing to do with being gay or not. Homosexuality is not the cause of AIDS/HIV. 😏

The Near Genius


26 Aug 07
19 Apr 15


26 Aug 07
19 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by stellspalfie
how do you feel about two gay virgins having sex for the first time....im not a scientist but i reckon there is about 0% chance of catching HIV?
I don't feel anything, do you think i should drink more shandy and see if that has any effect? The fact of the matter is that homosexual sex in itself contains inherent health risks because it contravenes the natural physiology of the human body. So to answer your question, yes its potentially dangerous. Now I understand that no amount of empirical evidence can dissuade such a loon of epic proportions from his mindset (formed of the shifting sands of secular liberalism and political correctness) but I provide it anyway.



North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
19 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I don't feel anything, do you think i should drink more shandy and see if that has any effect? The fact of the matter is that homosexual sex in itself contains inherent health risks because it contravenes the natural physiology of the human body. So to answer your question, yes its potentially dangerous. Now I understand that no amount of empirica ...[text shortened]... tp://www.catholiceducation.org/en/marriage-and-family/sexuality/the-health-risks-of-gay-sex.html
When you say homosexual do you mean 'anal sex'?