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To understand Christianity you have to go way back to the early days of the world, and see what was happening at the time.

Way back when people thought you would fall of the edge of the earth if you sailed that far, people believed in witches, devils, werewolves, and angry vengeful Gods that lived in the clouds.

Out of this superstitious pot of fears , the Bible was fabricated to have religious power over the masses.

When the “man” Jesus appeared after travelling for twenty years, he brought with him superior knowledge of God and spiritual living, from Vedic influence, but the false authority of the pseudo religious leaders at the time, were threatened by his true spiritual knowledge.

After the Roman leaders were petitioned to stop Jesus preaching to the people, he was finally dragged off and killed.

His body was buried somewhere and today no one actually knows where, but let it be known that his material body, like everyone’s body, has decomposed and would not be recognized even if the grave turned up somewhere, because it would be dust.

The soul in the body of Jesus, has most probably gone back to the spiritual world, I have no doubt.

Three or four hundred years later there was an ever growing community of people, who were attracted to the stories of the ‘man” Jesus.

These stories have been circulated from camp fire to campfire for hundreds of years, and they have been exaggerated and fabricated, as stories do.

As the stories became more and more miraculous, the more people began to become attracted, and as they did, the community of fans grew…

Finally the swell of interest became so great, that the ruling class decided to make this “man’ Jesus into a God…..and give the people what they wanted, a Saviour..

This way they would have power over the people, by way of controlling them by the hand of God., through the “man” Jesus.

So they gathered all the writings they could find, and the best story tellers from all parts of the country, and they consulted their political advisors and Jewish sympathisers, and proceeded to write the greatest fraud ever perpetrated.

To perpetrate this fraud convincingly, they had to embellish all the miraculous stories, to the point of saying his death was a cosmic plan for his spilt blood to have power to take away the sins of all persons for all time………and this is how they covered up his unjust murder.

The stories which were fanciful fabrications by enthusiastic theatrical people, were now put in print to convince the world that this new literature the Bible, was the true and unquestionable word, and deeds of God.

Having no opposition to this new unprecedented compilation, was a writers dream, and no miracle or shaky teaching was refused.

They had an already waiting, enthusiastic congregation, willing to accept anything and everything, the Savour of the world they shall deliver, and the more fanciful the better.

The story tellers didn’t hold back either, and the people were given talking serpents, original sin to chain them to the church, Arks with the equivalent of hundred thousand zoo’s of animals, blood to make sins vanish, one life to make people surrender to the church immediately, dead people being brought back to life, every disease imaginable being cured, the parting of the Red Sea, 6 day creations, the allowance for people to kill animals so they can continue to eat flesh, the belief that the soul can be destroyed to put fear into the people, the punishment of flames in hell to put fear in the people, the teaching that non believers are no longer loved but condemned by God, the belief that the dead Christians in the grave would all come back to life, when Jesus returns for them in the future, (still waiting), the belief that the “man” Jesus got up and walked way after he had been dead for three days,…..and the biggest story of all time, that the “man” Jesus was God Creator of heaven and earth.

So now we find that over about seventeen hundred years, all the superstitious insincere people of the world, accepted the teachings from this new Bible without question, and if you did question you were a heathen or a witch and burned at the stake by the loving Christian authorities.

The false teachings of this fabricated Bible, is so engrained into peoples consciousness, that they cannot reject them, even though it is utter nonsense to their minds and intelligence., and they think if they question the clearly obvious errors in its writings, that they will be displeasing Jesus.

But they do not know, that much of what Jesus did preach has been filtered out, so as to support the superstitious false Jewish Old Testament….remember that the Jewish authorities rejected the superior knowledge of Jesus, so why would they continue to include that higher knowledge in the Bible, it would make the Old Testament wrong.

Sadly much of the superior knowledge of Jesus is missing from the Bible, and now we have a Bible which is actually misdirecting people away from true spiritual living, and not raising their consciousness to the transcendental platform, which is absolutely necessary to develop authentic love of God.

Because people are accepting the “man’ Jesus, as God, this causes extreme havoc in their spiritual grounding, and they only end up having severe feelings of infatuation in a figment of their imagination. ….and this is why many fall away from the path in later years.

Really, you could sum up Christianity as......a religion that has degraded itself to cater to the needs of animal killers and intoxicators, and presents false knowledge that will not raise the consciousness to the highest platform, necessary to return back home to Godhead.

My comments are presented with no malice intended to any person, but I support truth and champion truth.

Always have and alway will.

This is becoming too long….more later.

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Why would a person who is following Christianity or Islam or Judaism, reject additional spiritual knowledge?

If you are on your spiritual path, you would appreciate immensely any spiritual knowledge that happened along.....right.

Well if you reject higher knowledge what is that saying about you....you must question motives, sincerity, agendas and so on....right.

Any authentic spiritual knowledge can be embraced, because spiritual knowledge is infinite and you cannot say " I have enough spiritual knowledge, can you?

A religious person cannot reject truth, it would work against him and would declare him insincere......it would be anti productive to the spiritual quest.


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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Way back when people thought you would fall of the edge of the earth if you sailed that far, people believed in witches, devils, werewolves, and angry vengeful Gods that lived in the clouds.
Some people still do believe those things. There was never a time in the past when everybody did.
Of course your beliefs are far more ridiculous.

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Originally posted by twhitehead
Some people still do believe those things. There was never a time in the past when everybody did.
Of course your beliefs are far more ridiculous.
You are also a creature of myth and superstition, accepting that the cosmos with all its complexity just popped into existence without any intelligent directive, and gave you all your creature comforts for your personal pleasure......absurd and dishonest.

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the Bible was fabricated to have religious power over the masses.

Can you tell me why these "fabricators" did not remove these words attributed to Jesus from the Bible then ?

" And He said to them, The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who have authority over them are called benefactors.

But you shall not be so; but let the greatest among you become like the youngest, and the one who leads like the one who serves ... But I am in your midst as the one serves." (See Luke 22:25-27)

Jesus taught that the greatest among His followers was not the one bossing people around, but the one who serves others in humility and love. These words have inspired thousands of Christians down through the centries.

"And the greatest among you shall be your servant. And he who will exalt himself shall be humbled, and he who will humble himself shall be exalted." (Matt. 23:11,12)

These words have inspired many people not to highly regard governing power over his fellow, but to serve God and man in humility and love. Why would your "fabricators" not edit out such inspiration from the Bible ?

Concerning religious authorities Jesus spoke this also:

"And they love the place of honor at the dinners and the chief seats in the synagogues and the salutations in the market places and to be called by men, Rabbi.

But you, do not be called Rabbi, for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers.

And do not call [anyone] on earth your father, for One is your Father, He who is in the heavens.

Neither be called instructors, because One is your Instructor, the Christ." (Matt. 23:6-10)

Doesn't it seem to you that the "fabricators" should not have included such words from Jesus if they wanted reason to create a powerful religious hierarchy ?

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Originally posted by jaywill
the Bible was fabricated to have religious power over the masses.

Can you tell me why these "fabricators" did not remove these words attributed to Jesus from the Bible then ?

" And He said to them, The kings of the Gentiles lord it over th ...[text shortened]... from [b]Jesus if they wanted reason to create a powerful religious hierarchy ?[/b]

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Good comeback.

Probably the only valid comeback you have.

What a serpent you are.

You say you champion truth, and yet earlier in the same post, you spew lie after lie.

Enough, already. Just stop it.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
That was a wise reply Vish.

Proverbs 17:28 - "Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is counted wise; When he shuts his lips, he is counted prudent."

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You silly people....I just had a computer problem, and everyone starts speculating and attacking (typical)

Now where were we, oh yes...

I just finished explaining that the Bible has been fabricated to turn the man Jesus into a God, and you start saying but Jesus said this, and Jesus said that, and quoting the stories from the Bible......cant you see the problem with that?

There are so many missing writings that are not in the Bible...why?

Its not Jesus speaking, its the story tellers.

And the proof it is the story tellers doing all the speaking, is that they made so many errors.

Can you not see the errors.

I have pointed out many, but there is much more.

Cant you see that animal killing is an error.

Cant you see that we have more than one life but thousands, and who among us could ever develop pure love of God in one short life time?

No one.

Here I am repeating myself again.

Why do you hold on to your errors.

What is the pay off to do that?

Why are you dishonest and hold on to error and reject truth?

You say that blood takes away sins....but everyone is still sinning and they cant stop.

Forget the silly blood, and just stop sining, its that simple.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
You silly people....I just had a computer problem, and everyone starts speculating and attacking (typical)

Now where were we, oh yes...

I just finished explaining that the Bible has been fabricated to turn the man Jesus into a God, and you start saying but Jesus said this, and Jesus said that, and quoting the stories from the Bible......cant you se ...[text shortened]... ll sinning and they cant stop.

Forget the silly blood, and just stop sining, its that simple.
Are you willing to risk your eternity on your own opinion?

I say to you repent and turn to jesus.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
You silly people....I just had a computer problem, and everyone starts speculating and attacking (typical)

Now where were we, oh yes...

I just finished explaining that the Bible has been fabricated to turn the man Jesus into a God, and you start saying but Jesus said this, and Jesus said that, and quoting the stories from the Bible......cant you se ...[text shortened]... ll sinning and they cant stop.

Forget the silly blood, and just stop sining, its that simple.
I hear ya.

I really dont care what these others think of me, but I bow to you, Vishva.
Now accept my bow . Dont be silly about it.

Oh, and keep your posts a bit shorter, you'd be surprised how many people skim past long posts.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
[b]Are you willing to risk your eternity on your own opinion?
are you?

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It is a religion that has become hollow through all the cultural and personal contexts used to present it. Good messages, ultimately lost through all the superficialities that christians tend to cling to and beat each other over the head with. We see people justifying their crimes against humanity with ambiguous references to scripture.

Vish has a good point. There's compassion, good spiritual and social attitudes to be learned from the bible. It's just all bastardized over petty quarrels. Instead of focusing on helping each other and progress, there's emphasis on going to hell because you grew up in a culture that didn't recognize some man who had nothing to do with your immediate life as savior. This man did have some good words, but it seems like the church would rather talk about the formalities of drinking wine to represent his blood. Or how the expensive statue out front is holy. Or the color of god's beard. Or how the sinner next door deserves to get talked about and outcasted instead of focusing on our personal redemption- working on our own spirituality.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
Are you willing to risk your eternity on your own opinion?

I say to you repent and turn to jesus.
Seems to me a god who's willing to throw away his creation into an eternity of suffering would also be as cynical to sway you the wrong way. What if Jesus is just this guy's trap to point you in the wrong way?

Be more like Christ, quit preaching fire and brimstone and focus more on our spiritual progress.

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