Motivation of Atheists and Christ Deniers?

Motivation of Atheists and Christ Deniers?


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31 May 12
21 Mar 23
1 edit

@kellyjay said
Nonsense, knowing there is an author to a book doesn't stop me from reading it, knowing who the author is may cause me to desire to read the book! Seeing the majestic majesty of creation is more inspiring to me than thinking nothing to see here but blind chance, and indifference.
"Majestic majesty?" You look at the world through rose colored glasses. We are living in an explosion, expanding at near light speed into dissipated nothingness. Under every blade of grass in the meadow and bush in the forest, some animal or insect is dismembering some other animal or insect and devouring it alive. The universe is full of unimaginable violence and utter indifference to suffering and pain. An Almighty Creator Entity who is totally good and benevolent, such as you believe in, would have made the universe to run on sunlight and water, like plants, so living things would not have to kill other living things to survive.


31 May 12
21 Mar 23

@fmf said
It was one of his go-to questions when he was posting in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 using various different screen names. Exactly the same questions and exactly the same inability to process the answers and move on to a less pedestrian topic.
Ah, a recidivist.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Mar 23

@moonbus said
"Majestic majesty?" You look at the world through rose colored glasses. We are living in an explosion, expanding at near light speed into dissipated nothingness. Under every blade of grass in the meadow and bush in the forest, some animal or insect is dismembering some other animal or insect and devouring it alive. The universe is full of unimaginable violence and utter indif ...[text shortened]... ght and water, like plants, so living things would not have to kill other living things to survive.
You know how it should have been done instead of how it is, what a wise person you think you are.


28 Oct 05
21 Mar 23

@kellyjay said
You know how it should have been done instead of how it is, what a wise person you think you are.
What is your approach when you encounter people who are wiser than you and they make the effort to engage you?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Mar 23

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Take, for example, what we now know (with some certainty) about how we evolved as a species. Your clinging to an archaic book has definitely held you back as an individual, stunted your intellectual growth.
Held back, again, if there is no destination how could anyone be held back, if there is no specific place to go to how can you be led astray down a wrong path? Evolution without an end goal simply changes over time, in any direction. You think the survival of the fittest is the way to go, wipe out the weak maybe to ensure the strong have more resources, is that what you are suggesting? So the things in that book you dislike that restrict human behavior like not murdering, stealing, robbing, and lying are all hindrances from your perfect world? Without restraints upon human behavior there is no progress, only lawlessness, and can you point to any place where lawlessness is anyone can feel or even be safe?


28 Oct 05
21 Mar 23

@kellyjay said
Without restraints upon human behavior there is no progress, only lawlessness, and can you point to any place where lawlessness is anyone can feel or even be safe?
Who is arguing in favour of no "restraints on human behaviour"?


28 Oct 05
21 Mar 23

@kellyjay said
Evolution without an end goal simply changes over time, in any direction. You think the survival of the fittest is the way to go, wipe out the weak maybe to ensure the strong have more resources, is that what you are suggesting?
"Wipe out" whom? Unsuccessful ways of organising society mean they do not prosper and are overshadowed or replaced. As for "the weak" in our societies, as civilization advances and evolves, successful societies are the ones who are able to protect them.

14 Mar 15
21 Mar 23

@kellyjay said
Held back, again, if there is no destination how could anyone be held back, if there is no specific place to go to how can you be led astray down a wrong path? Evolution without an end goal simply changes over time, in any direction. You think the survival of the fittest is the way to go, wipe out the weak maybe to ensure the strong have more resources, is that what you are ...[text shortened]... ly lawlessness, and can you point to any place where lawlessness is anyone can feel or even be safe?
Taking your particular destination off the table doesn't mean the universe is suddenly directionless and without meaning. It has been here long before your religion and will be here long after.

As for humanity, who knows what the future has in store for us. Perhaps we will colonize other planets, perhaps will live forever as androids.

And here's a revelation for you. Even without your religious book I have managed to live a life without murdering anybody. If a book alone is restraining you from doing so, heaven help us all.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Mar 23

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Taking your particular destination off the table doesn't mean the universe is suddenly directionless and without meaning. It has been here long before your religion and will be here long after.

As for humanity, who knows what the future has in store for us. Perhaps we will colonize other planets, perhaps will live forever as androids.

And here's a revelation fo ...[text shortened]... fe without murdering anybody. If a book alone is restraining you from doing so, heaven help us all.
Every path leads somewhere, but if there is no particular path that is needed how could any path be any more right or any more wrong than another? Being led down a wrong path suggests there is a right to be on, which is what you are implying, I imply it too, but I have a destination in mind for cause, you have a cause without a destination in mind.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Mar 23

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Taking your particular destination off the table doesn't mean the universe is suddenly directionless and without meaning. It has been here long before your religion and will be here long after.

As for humanity, who knows what the future has in store for us. Perhaps we will colonize other planets, perhaps will live forever as androids.

And here's a revelation fo ...[text shortened]... fe without murdering anybody. If a book alone is restraining you from doing so, heaven help us all.
In case you don't read the news, murder, stealing, and other things of that nature are still going on it's part of human nature, or do you deny that too?


28 Oct 05
21 Mar 23

@kellyjay said
Every path leads somewhere, but if there is no particular path that is needed how could any path be any more right or any more wrong than another?
If you believe that your "path" is "more right" than, say, mine or Ghost of a Duke's, then that's a matter for you.


28 Oct 05
21 Mar 23

@kellyjay said
In case you don't read the news, murder, stealing, and other things of that nature are still going on it's part of human nature, or do you deny that too?
What impact do your religious beliefs have on "murder, stealing, and other things of that nature"? Remember, despite your ostentatious religiosity, you claim that you are "just as evil as a rapist".


31 May 12
21 Mar 23

@fmf said
Who is arguing in favour of no "restraints on human behaviour"?
Not I.


31 May 12
21 Mar 23

@ghost-of-a-duke said
A universe without God isn't without meaning and wonder.

It really isn't.
It is for KellyJay, and that's what he can't get past.


31 May 12
21 Mar 23

@kellyjay said
There is always a point to be made in any discussion where there is disagreement, the desire to prove we are right is clearly seen when we argue or discuss any topic. God who is the prime reality alters our thoughts about all things due to who He is, or who we think He is, even His denial colors the universe differently with everything in it just as much as His acceptance does.
For you, yes, to deny God's reality would color everything you see, feel, think, hear, believe, etc.--but only because you cannot imagine yourself NOT believing in God.

For someone who lacks this belief, it does not color anything at all. No more so than lacking a belief in elves or kobolds or lizard people or Zeus or fairies colors anything in my life.