The worlds 'most accurate English translation', (independently assessed by associate professor Jason BeDhun) has undergone its latest revision. Begun sometime in 2005 this refining process took eight years and a team of volunteer researchers to accomplish and we thank them for their hard work! We are reminded of the words of the psalmist, that Gods word is like refined Gold and its with pleasure and excitement that we announce this latest development. For those interested you can pick up a free copy at your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs witnesses or from anyone of Jehovahs witnesses engaged in the public ministry. May the peace of our God be with you.
'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my roadway' - Psalm 119:105
Originally posted by robbie carrobieRefined gold? What's the difference between 'refining' and 'adulterating'? And why would we need a more accurate English translation in the first place? Oh, wait, it's because of that whole Tower of Babel thing isn't it?
The worlds 'most accurate English translation', (independently assessed by associate professor Jason BeDhun) has undergone its latest revision. Begun sometime in 2005 this refining process took eight years and a team of volunteer researchers to accomplish and we thank them for their hard work! We are reminded of the words of the psalmist, that Gods w ...[text shortened]... r God be with you.
'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my roadway' - Psalm 119:105
Originally posted by MISTER CHESSNo he cannot prove or disprove anything, he's simply a Witness hater and a troll, best not to feed him.
Prove or disprove your assertion that "Jehova" is not a correct translation of the name for God.
I am not a Jehova's Witness btw, not even religious. I'm mainly just curious and have read a bit of the bible.
Originally posted by MISTER CHESSGod uses many different names in the bible...
Prove or disprove your assertion that "Jehova" is not a correct translation of the name for God.
I am not a Jehova's Witness btw, not even religious. I'm mainly just curious and have read a bit of the bible.
Originally posted by checkbaiterAre these "names" in context or are most of them words that refer to god like "him," "her" or "they?"
God uses many different names in the bible...