25 Apr 19
I wonder if I did a Google search on Hans Kung how long it would take me to find somebody writing up a negative report on him. Which would be sure Internet warning that of Hans Kung one should beware.
Let's check.
Ooops, sorry brother Kung. some unhappiness out there with you.
SPIEGEL: Professor Küng, will you go to heaven?
Küng: I certainly hope so.
SPIEGEL: Some would say you're going to hell because you are a heretic in the eyes of the church.
Küng: I'm not a heretic, but a critical reform theologian who, unlike many of his critics, uses the gospel instead of medieval theology, liturgy and church law as his benchmark.
Move over Witness, Hans is in the Christian dog house too.
@sonship saidThe second coming of Christ is going to be the same as the first. Religion is going to be condemned and cast aside. The individuals who live according to the commandments of Christ, those He will accept.
I wonder if I did a Google search on Hans Kung how long it would take me to find somebody writing up a negative report on him. Which would be sure Internet warning that of Hans Kung one should beware.
Let's check.
Ooops, sorry brother Kung. some unhappiness out there with you.
[quote] SPIEGEL: Professor Küng, will you go to heaven?
Küng: ...[text shortened]... -death-and-church-reform-a-938501.html
Move over Witness, Hans is in the Christian dog house too.
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. (Matthew 5:3-9 KJV)
25 Apr 19
@sonship saidLet me see if I understand you correctly here, sonship.
Küng: I'm not a heretic, but a critical reform theologian who, unlike many of his critics, uses the gospel instead of medieval theology, liturgy and church law as his benchmark.
Move over Witness, Hans is in the Christian dog house too.
You seem to say in this post that if the "general church" accepts you and finds nothing wrong, then that is proof of correctness and doctrines that are acceptable?
Am I right in this assessment?
I would propose that if something or someone is endorsed by the "general church" , it would be enough reason to be extremely wary.
Thank you very much for this quote by Hans Küng. I could not describe my own position any better.
@wolfgang59 saidThank you Wolfgang.
The world focuses too much on differences.
We should focus on our shared values.
If I have any purpose in spending time to post on this forum, it is merely to encourage this precise sentiment.
If we search for, and promote, a common world ethic wherever we go, it would go a long way to healing conflict between us and the "Other".
25 Apr 19
@rajk999 saidAgreed.
The second coming of Christ is going to be the same as the first. Religion is going to be condemned and cast aside. The individuals who live according to the commandments of Christ, those He will accept.
Even those who live according to these commandments without necessarily attributing them to Christ.
Remember how he said to those who thought they were so holy: "Depart from me, I never knew you", and to those who did not even realise they were doing it for him " Come in to my Father's glory"!
What a surprise!
@sonship saidOmni-pouting™
I wonder if I did a Google search on Hans Kung how long it would take me to find somebody writing up a negative report on him. Which would be sure Internet warning that of Hans Kung one should beware.
Let's check.
Ooops, sorry brother Kung. some unhappiness out there with you.
[quote] SPIEGEL: Professor Küng, will you go to heaven?
Küng: ...[text shortened]... -death-and-church-reform-a-938501.html
Move over Witness, Hans is in the Christian dog house too.
Let me see if I understand you correctly here, sonship.
You seem to say in this post that if the "general church" accepts you and finds nothing wrong, then that is proof of correctness and doctrines that are acceptable?
Am I right in this assessment?
Na. Just to show you how easy it is to blow a whistle of alarm.
"Watch out for [named Christian teacher] !"
Warning. Warning, bad press, bad feelings, rumors.
I actually know nothing about Hans Kung except he had an impressive list of books attributed to him. ( I have seen the name before as a prominent person of opinions).
I would propose that if something or someone is endorsed by the "general church" , it would be enough reason to be extremely wary.
Thank you very much for this quote by Hans Küng. I could not describe my own position any better.
No problem.
Now, here's one contemporary Christian theologian which I think has no bad religious press:
@caljust saidIn all of the teachings of Christ I can see nowhere that he asked people to do good works and attribute their actions to Him. That is a fabrication of the church designed to promote the idea that only those who profess faith in Christ can have eternal life in the Kingdom of God. The church is all about exclusion based on professions with the mouth. Whereas Christ was all about exclusion based on good works.
Even those who live according to these commandments without necessarily attributing them to Christ.
Remember how he said to those who thought they were so holy: "Depart from me, I never knew you", and to those who did not even realise they were doing it for him " Come in to my Father's glory"!
What a surprise!
@rajk999 saidI would agree with this statement, except the fact that I don't believe that Jesus majored on "exclusion based on good works".
In all of the teachings of Christ I can see nowhere that he asked people to do good works and attribute their actions to Him. That is a fabrication of the church designed to promote the idea that only those who profess faith in Christ can have eternal life in the Kingdom of God. The church is all about exclusion based on professions with the mouth. Whereas Christ was all about exclusion based on good works.
He was perhaps the most inclusive person of his time, which caused a huge reaction amongst the religious elite. Indeed, his most damning words ( being exclusive, if you like) were addressed to this group, who thought they were better than the rest.
Jesus' "gospel in a nutshell" was to "love your neighbour as yourself". According to him, that was the complete fulfillment of the Law.
The Dalai Lama recently said: "My religion is kindness". If kindness is loving your neighbour, then we already have here a significant common denominator between Buddhism and Christianity.
And, yes, it is based on good works.
Be kind to yourself and others, and you have two major religions in your pocket.