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Revelation Doctrine

Revelation Doctrine


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According to Revelation, when the end of time approaches, the sky will roll up like a scroll. This tells me that at one point or another, the universe in it's vast darkness will be visible from Earth. Men will run to rocks and mountains and say fall on us and hide us from God, ect. ect.

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Also, a giant star will be thrown into the Sea and all the rivers and lakes will be turned to blood like the plagues described when pharoah refused to let the Isrealites out of Egypt. So, at one point or another, all unrepentent sinners will be forced to drink blood, according to Revelation. Oh yeah, the name of the star will be, is , and was Wormwood. I say will be, is, and was in past, present, and future tense because that is how God works. What is happening now already happened and will happen again. God is timeless, so he speaks to all three. That is why the Bible and Revelation especially is so difficult to decipher.

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Originally posted by royaltystatement
Also, a giant star will be thrown into the Sea and all the rivers and lakes will be turned to blood like the plagues described when pharoah refused to let the Isrealites out of Egypt. So, at one point or another, all unrepentent sinners will be forced to drink blood, according to Revelation. Oh yeah, the name of the star will be, is , and was Wormwo ...[text shortened]... peaks to all three. That is why the Bible and Revelation especially is so difficult to decipher.
What about the whore of Babylon? What can you tell us about that?

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She who rides on top of the dragon will be destroyed by the dragon(the devil;Satan) The whore of Babylon will be this new religious system formed when all the righteous are raptured from Earth. This adultress has been in existance since the Earth was created. It was by her that many of the saints were killed. So, when she is destroyed, she will be drunk with the blood of the saints. In her hands she holds the cup of fornications and adulteries which she has used to decieve the nations of the Earth. By drinking from her cup, you also accept the cup of wine poured out as the wrath of God.

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Originally posted by royaltystatement
She who rides on top of the dragon will be destroyed by the dragon(the devil;Satan) The whore of Babylon will be this new religious system formed when all the righteous are raptured from Earth. This adultress has been in existance since the Earth was created. It was by her that many of the saints were killed. So, when she is destroyed, she will be d ...[text shortened]... Earth. By drinking from her cup, you also accept the cup of wine poured out as the wrath of God.
Has she been in any Dutch porn?

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Originally posted by kirksey957
Has she been in any Dutch porn?
She is in all the porn that exists, existed, and will exist.

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Originally posted by royaltystatement
She is in all the porn that exists, existed, and will exist.
I will certainly be studying Revelations in a whole new light then.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
I will certainly be studying Revelations in a whole new light then.
Do so

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Originally posted by royaltystatement
Do so
Would you advise exploring some porn so as to have some exposure about this as to know what to avoid?

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Originally posted by royaltystatement
This adultress has been in existance since the Earth was created.
She was created before Adam? I thought Eve was the first woman.

What need for an adultress before man exists?

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What does porn do? Entice you to have sex. That's really what the internet was created for. A world wide refrence, and sex just happens to be included. If you want to explore porn go right ahead. But there's nothing new in it. Different people yeah, but there doing the same thing and it only lasts about an hour, max. Personally, I think sex is way overrated. Men hardly feel anything in it. I mean, I ONCE sinned that way, and I don't see what the big fuss about it is. Sex is boring to me, and I was good at it the one time I did it. But being with God and Jesus is more rewarding than having sex with a female. Especially if you aren't even trying to have a kid. It's just pointless.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
She was created before Adam? I thought Eve was the first woman.

What need for an adultress before man exists?
Mystery Babylon wasn't a woman like Eve. She is the mother of all fornications and adulteries and wickedness. Where wickedness is, she was there. If you understand the Bible, you realize that God refers to most of his creation as women. Mother Earth, Wisdom, and even the Christian Church is the Bride of Jesus Christ.

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Royalty, you must be one of the most delusional characters to have ever graced this esteemed forum.

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Originally posted by royaltystatement
What does porn do? Entice you to have sex. That's really what the internet was created for. A world wide refrence, and sex just happens to be included. If you want to explore porn go right ahead. But there's nothing new in it. Different people yeah, but there doing the same thing and it only lasts about an hour, max. Personally, I think sex is way o ...[text shortened]... sex with a female. Especially if you aren't even trying to have a kid. It's just pointless.
Well, I will say this. Most things in life require some practice. Whether it is riding a bike, swimming or sex you have to get back in there and see if there is something you're missing. Take chess for example. You would never encourage anyone to play one game and judge their opinion about it from that one game would you?

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Originally posted by kirksey957
Well, I will say this. Most things in life require some practice. Whether it is riding a bike, swimming or sex you have to get back in there and see if there is something you're missing. Take chess for example. You would never encourage anyone to play one game and judge their opinion about it from that one game would you?
just out of curiosity, are you now encoraging Royalty' here, to get back in the gene pool?

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