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Sans Dieu Rien

Sans Dieu Rien


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Sans Dieu Rien




Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Sans Dieu Rien


Well there would be no need for a Spirituality Forum and no atheists or theists either. Life would be boring.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
Well there would be no need for a Spirituality Forum and no atheists or theists either. Life would be boring.
There is no god, and yet we still have a spirituality forum, and life is far from boring.

Also, who says a god is required for spirituality?


Originally posted by googlefudge
There is no god, and yet we still have a spirituality forum, and life is far from boring.

Also, who says a god is required for spirituality?
There is a GOD and that is the reason for this forum. You dont believe, 99% do 🙂

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Sans Dieu Rien


Do you get charged by the letter or do you just like being cryptic?

Why should we discuss things for you where you proffer no opinion or outline of the topic?

Please elaborate on what you mean, what you are getting at, some context, your views...

Anything that would make this more than just a random phrase plucked out of nothingness
without context or meaning.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
There is a GOD and that is the reason for this forum. You dont believe, 99% do 🙂
99% do not believe in a deity or deities.
Not even close.

And moreover those that do believe, don't all believe in the same deities.

And even if 99% did believe, that is not evidence for god, simply the gullibility of humankind.

There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest that any deity exists, and even less
to suggest yours does.

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Originally posted by googlefudge
99% do not believe in a deity or deities.
Not even close.

And moreover those that do believe, don't all believe in the same deities.

And even if 99% did believe, that is not evidence for god, simply the gullibility of humankind.

There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest that any deity exists, and even less
to suggest yours does.
There is much evidence for the existence of God. God is the one declared
to be the creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the one that gave
life to all living things that He made. I have pointed out the
cases for Intelligent Design on another thread. The DNA code put in
the living cell is information, which requires an intelligence to produce
it and understand it. That intelligence must be from the mind of God.

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Originally posted by googlefudge

Do you get charged by the letter or do you just like being cryptic?

Why should we discuss things for you where you proffer no opinion or outline of the topic?

Please elaborate on what you mean, what you are getting at, some context, your views...

Anything that would make this more than just a random phrase plucked out of nothingness
without context or meaning.
Context as requested...

User 377285


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Originally posted by Rajk999
There is a GOD and that is the reason for this forum. You dont believe, 99% do 🙂
"99% do"

Yeah right? Do you really believe that? Surely you are pulling our legs

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Context as requested...

User 377285

Sigh, you really don't like typing stuff do you.

Sans Dieu Rien, ........ without god, nothing.

If god doesn't exist, and has never existed, then this is wrong. period.

If god does exist, then it may or may not be wrong. Depending entirely on the nature of god.

So, prove to me god exists and what god's nature is, and we have a discussion.

BTW taking a leaf out of Matt Dillahunty's play book,


I ask that you pray to your god and ask what you need to do/say to convince me that your god exists
And is worth worshipping.

If your god exists and answers it should be the easiest conversion in history.

Till then...

1 edit

Originally posted by googlefudge
Sigh, you really don't like typing stuff do you.

Sans Dieu Rien, ........ without god, nothing.

If god doesn't exist, and has never existed, then this is wrong. period.

If god does exist, then it may or may not be wrong. Depending entirely on the nature of god.

So, prove to me god exists and what god's nature is, and we have a discuss your god exists and answers it should be the easiest conversion in history.

Till then...
The proof of God is all around you but you refuse to open your eyes.
There is no reason anyone should have to prove the existence of God
to you. What benefit does anyone else get from that? If you really
want proof that will satisfy you, it is up to you to search for it. If on
the other hand, you want to continue to deny the existence of God
and convince others to deny God too, then you can continue as you
are and search for any little thing you can find that you think that
makes you arguments stronger. Maybe you will get some joy out
of convincing others not to believe in God. I see nothing more you
can gain from your course of action. All I can say is enjoy yourself
for I do not intend to try to convince you of anything from this moment
on. Maybe someone else will be foolish enough to take up this cause
you request.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Sans Dieu Rien


In your opinion, is God metaphysically necessary? And if you think so, why do you think so?


Originally posted by googlefudge
99% do not believe in a deity or deities.
Not even close.

And moreover those that do believe, don't all believe in the same deities.

And even if 99% did believe, that is not evidence for god, simply the gullibility of humankind.

There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest that any deity exists, and even less
to suggest yours does.
I don't discuss whether or not God exists, so you win.

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Originally posted by RJHinds

The proof of God is all around you but you refuse to open your eyes.
There is no reason anyone should have to prove the existence of God
to you. What benefit does anyone else get from that? If you really
want proof that will satisfy you, it is up to you to search for it. If on
the other hand, you want to continue to deny the existence of God
an co ...[text shortened]... this moment
on. Maybe someone else will be foolish enough to take up this cause
you request.
“There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,'

and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way'"

-C.S. Lewis.

RJ, you accurately elaborate Lewis' point of view, which he arrived at having started as a staunch unbeliever.


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Originally posted by RJHinds
The proof of God is all around you but you refuse to open your eyes.
There is no reason anyone should have to prove the existence of God
to you. What benefit does anyone else get from that? If you really
want proof that will satisfy you, it is up to you to search for it. If on
the other hand, you want to continue to deny the existence of God
and con ...[text shortened]... this moment
on. Maybe someone else will be foolish enough to take up this cause
you request.
If you are going go around saying that some particular conception of God is instantiated (exists), then be prepared for others to ask for reasons that justify such a statement. It is similar to the idea of "put up or shut up".

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