The Agenda

The Agenda


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26 Dec 14
29 Aug 19


I don't think your ideas are unreasonable, but I still feel that God and/or Jesus desires some sort of personal relationship, or connection with each of us.

That is what's missing from your collective posts.


28 Oct 05
29 Aug 19

@chaney3 said

I don't think your ideas are unreasonable, but I still feel that God and/or Jesus desires some sort of personal relationship, or connection with each of us.

That is what's missing from your collective posts.
Jesus is stone dead and has been for 2,000 years. The notion of having a "personal relationship" with him is, to me, far-fetched psychobabble. I have no reason to believe that a creator being has communicated with humanity in the way that 'revealed' religions contend.

You, on the other hand, are a superstitious person and you have a long posting record that demonstrates that you have a need to shirk personal responsibility and blame others for problems you have. It's no wonder you find there to be something "missing" from my perspective.


26 Dec 14
29 Aug 19

@fmf said
Jesus is stone dead and has been for 2,000 years. The notion of having a "personal relationship" with him is, to me, far-fetched psychobabble. I have no reason to believe that a creator being has communicated with humanity in the way that 'revealed' religions contend.

You, on the other hand, are a superstitious person and you have a long posting record that demonstrates that ...[text shortened]... for problems you have. It's no wonder you find there to be something "missing" from my perspective.
There was nothing in my post that warranted a childish tirade from you.
Carry on.

Note: it's highly noticable that all of your rants are never addressed by dive. You are attacking his 'savior' and his belief system, yet he never responds to you, when he does to every other poster here. This alliance at all costs is bad for this forum.

Note 2: dive will obviously ignore all of your posts about fairy tales of Christianity, and instead find an excuse to attack me.

You two are bad for the spiritualty forum.


26 Dec 14
29 Aug 19

@fmf said
Jesus is stone dead and has been for 2,000 years. The notion of having a "personal relationship" with him is, to me, far-fetched psychobabble. I have no reason to believe that a creator being has communicated with humanity in the way that 'revealed' religions contend.

You, on the other hand, are a superstitious person and you have a long posting record that demonstrates that ...[text shortened]... for problems you have. It's no wonder you find there to be something "missing" from my perspective.
By the way, you believed all of the "far fetched psychobabble" for most of your life.

You are a two faced

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16 Feb 08
29 Aug 19

@chaney3 said
Note 2: dive will obviously ignore all of your posts about fairy tales of Christianity, and instead find an excuse to attack me.
FMF and I have been discussing spirituality and specifically Christianity away from this website for several years now. We are both fully aware of the others beliefs and attitudes relating to the reality of Jesus Christ, the impact of religious belief generally and the potentially deleterious effects that over-absorbing of man-made dogma can have on an individual.

If FMF thinks my god is a fairy-tail character then that’s ok with me, it’s his choice. He’s ok with me believing what I believe, bearing in mind that I don’t believe god burns people alive for not believing in him.


28 Oct 05
29 Aug 19

@chaney3 said
There was nothing in my post that warranted a childish tirade from you.
It was not a "childish tirade". You will be subject to the kind of joined-up analysis that you deserve and bring upon yourself with what you post.


28 Oct 05
29 Aug 19

@chaney3 said
it's highly noticable that all of your rants are never addressed by dive. You are attacking his 'savior' and his belief system, yet he never responds to you, when he does to every other poster here.
I don't attack his "saviour" and his "belief system". Indeed, as I often say, if his "belief system" and his belief in Jesus gives him purpose in life, solace and support, and if it offers him a moral framework, then it's fine by me. You are very naive if you constantly think that the expression of dissenting views and different perspectives constitutes - on a debate and discussion forum - can simply be dismissed as"rants" and "attacks".


28 Oct 05
29 Aug 19

@chaney3 said
By the way, you believed all of the "far fetched psychobabble" for most of your life.

You are a two faced
Losing one's faith and then talking about one's beliefs in the wake of ~ or in the light of ~ that change does not make a person a hypocrite.

You don't seem to know what the word "hypocrite" means.


28 Oct 05
29 Aug 19

@chaney3 said
You two are bad for the spiritualty forum.
Thanks for your advice.


28 Oct 05
29 Aug 19

@chaney3 said
dive will obviously ignore all of your posts about fairy tales of Christianity, and instead find an excuse to attack me.
What does divegeester need to say to me, or indeed, what do I need to say to him on these matters, that hasn't already been delved into and discussed in countless hours of conversations ~ every moment of which has been of far greater value and more spiritually rich than those I have spent conversing with you? If it were not for the fact that others, apart from you, read what I post, I would not waste a single word on you.


28 Oct 05
29 Aug 19

@divegeester said
FMF’s ok with me believing what I believe, bearing in mind that I don’t believe god burns people alive for not believing in him.
You'd hear plenty from me if you were a duckspeaking peddler of the ludicrous torturer god ideology.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
29 Aug 19

@fmf said
Jesus is stone dead and has been for 2,000 years.
You should hope so, or else your house of cards will surely collapse.

Just sayin'.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
29 Aug 19

@fmf said
What does divegeester need to say to me, or indeed, what do I need to say to him on these matters, that hasn't already been delved into and discussed in countless hours of conversations ~ every moment of which has been of far greater value and more spiritually rich than those I have spent conversing with you? If it were not for the fact that others, apart from you, read what I post, I would not waste a single word on you.
I guess that settles it.



04 Apr 04
29 Aug 19

@fmf said
Christianity is nothing if it's not a code for living and a template for a way to interact with other humans in a morally sound way.

"Belief in Jesus" could mean a range of things, including belief in - or obedience to - His teachings, and living one's life that way, in accordance with Jesus' wishes, wittingly or unwittingly.

If Christianity is only about having to specif ...[text shortened]... thing than that. I think it is about how to live one's life rather than believing in magical things.
Funny thing, is that this post by FMF, a nonChristian has more truth in it and covers the many aspects of bible teachings far more comprehensively than the nonsensical rantings of faith only Christians.

In the Kingdom of God, there will be some
- of faith only
- with both faith and works [the elect of God, who will rule with Christ]
- with a death bed repentance [like the thief on the cross]
- with works only
- from east, west, north and south who lived according the Matt 5 teachings
- others of good works who helped the poor and needy per Matt 25

Excluded from the Kingdom of God are all those who defile themselves and continue with a life of sin and evil regardless of their professions of faith. These will be destroyed.

Paul had this to say:

... the righteous judgment of God; Who will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: For there is no respect of persons with God. (Romans 2:5-11 KJV)


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
29 Aug 19

@divegeester said
FMF and I have been discussing spirituality and specifically Christianity away from this website for several years now. We are both fully aware of the others beliefs and attitudes relating to the reality of Jesus Christ, the impact of religious belief generally and the potentially deleterious effects that over-absorbing of man-made dogma can have on an individual.

If ...[text shortened]... hat I believe, bearing in mind that I don’t believe god burns people alive for not believing in him.
"...I don’t believe god burns people alive for not believing in him".

God doesn't "burn people alive" "for not believing in Him".

That perception is a mischaracterization of what God's Word says relative to the eternal state of those that reject Him. Your understanding is biased by the ignorance of those that promote that conceptualization of the truth of the matter.

Annihilation is not taught by the scriptures. Try to prove it is.