Predictions that the end of the world is coming is closer than we think.
Clues in the Bible tells us that before the end comes we will experience wars and hear rumours of wars, poverty, earthquakes and much more. The world has become a total indulgence and we (mandkind) are left to ourselfs. There is no self-discipline. It's total mess. People are corrupt, voilent and have become homosexuals, child abusers, selfish and immoral. This evidence is backed up by our news all over the world and this is the perfect opportunity for a ... well... a world ruler.
This world ruler will offer peace, freedom and order. Let's give it a name - The Anti-Christ (Well that is what the Christians call it)
The question that I have to atheists, evolutionists and other religions today, and I would like you to imagine this actually happened, is would you believe in Christianity if the rapture has taken place today?
If so, why? If not, why?
I'd like to say that there will be nothing for me to say if I am part of the rapture LOL. I also belief that our era has a good chance to actually experience this phenomenon.
But! If I missed it, I think the fear of being so close and missing it and being a poor example of a Christian will make me want to kill myself.
This is my honest answer.
Originally posted by Nicksten😲 🙄 People...have become homosexuals 🙄 😲
Predictions that the end of the world is coming is closer than we think.
Clues in the Bible tells us that before the end comes we will experience wars and hear rumours of wars, poverty, earthquakes and much more. The world has become a total indulgence and we (mandkind) are left to ourselfs. There is no self-discipline. It's total mess. People are corru g a poor example of a Christian will make me want to kill myself.
This is my honest answer.
Originally posted by NickstenIf this is the year that starts it then we could ad 7 years from the start date.
Predictions that the end of the world is coming is closer than we think.
Clues in the Bible tells us that before the end comes we will experience wars and hear rumours of wars, poverty, earthquakes and much more. The world has become a total indulgence and we (mandkind) are left to ourselfs. There is no self-discipline. It's total mess. People are corru ...[text shortened]... g a poor example of a Christian will make me want to kill myself.
This is my honest answer.
Originally posted by NickstenThe question that I have to atheists, evolutionists and other religions today, and I would like you to imagine this actually happened, is would you believe in Christianity if the rapture has taken place today?
Predictions that the end of the world is coming is closer than we think.
Clues in the Bible tells us that before the end comes we will experience wars and hear rumours of wars, poverty, earthquakes and much more. The world has become a total indulgence and we (mandkind) are left to ourselfs. There is no self-discipline. It's total mess. People are corru ...[text shortened]... g a poor example of a Christian will make me want to kill myself.
This is my honest answer.
If so, why? If not, why?
I have to say as a non-theist, I don't know what would if anything cause me to believe, or disbelieve, that the rapture was happening. I'm not sure it is something I would decide, it might not be a rational moment for me. In other words, I can't think of a "why" or "why not." But my non-theism is based on introspecting and finding no belief in deity. I'm not even sure why the belief is not there.
Originally posted by NickstenBoy .. you must live in a really bad place. Life in this part of the world is just great.
Predictions that the end of the world is coming is closer than we think.
Clues in the Bible tells us that before the end comes we will experience wars and hear rumours of wars, poverty, earthquakes and much more. The world has become a total indulgence and we (mandkind) are left to ourselfs. There is no self-discipline. It's total mess. People are corru ...[text shortened]... g a poor example of a Christian will make me want to kill myself.
This is my honest answer.
Originally posted by NickstenIs there anything that you can do personally in your own life to bring a little more light into the corner of the world that you live in?
Predictions that the end of the world is coming is closer than we think.
Clues in the Bible tells us that before the end comes we will experience wars and hear rumours of wars, poverty, earthquakes and much more. The world has become a total indulgence and we (mandkind) are left to ourselfs. There is no self-discipline. It's total mess. People are corru g a poor example of a Christian will make me want to kill myself.
This is my honest answer.
Originally posted by NickstenClues in the Bible tells us that before the end comes we will experience wars and hear rumours of wars, poverty, earthquakes and much more.
Predictions that the end of the world is coming is closer than we think.
Clues in the Bible tells us that before the end comes we will experience wars and hear rumours of wars, poverty, earthquakes and much more. The world has become a total indulgence and we (mandkind) are left to ourselfs. There is no self-discipline. It's total mess. People are corru ...[text shortened]... g a poor example of a Christian will make me want to kill myself.
This is my honest answer.
Haven't wars, rumors of wars, poverty, earthquakes and such been around for a while? I am wondering why your reading of these clues leads you to believe that the end is so near. Does the "and much more" part include more specific and tantalizing clues. Like, does the good book say something like "The end shall come nigh the iPhone 4s release!" or something?
Originally posted by MelanerpesNo, he has just given up. And he is too self-loathing and ashamed of humanity. He would rather the magical sky fairy come to his rescue and extract him from his surroundings on earth.
Is there anything that you can do personally in your own life to bring a little more light into the corner of the world that you live in?
Originally posted by LemonJelloActually the worst time in the recent history of mankind is the period spanning the two world wars. These last 20 years has been tame by comparison.
[b]Clues in the Bible tells us that before the end comes we will experience wars and hear rumours of wars, poverty, earthquakes and much more.
Haven't wars, rumors of wars, poverty, earthquakes and such been around for a while? I am wondering why your reading of these clues leads you to believe that the end is so near. Does the "and much more" pa ...[text shortened]... good book say something like "The end shall come nigh the iPhone 4s release!" or something?[/b]
Originally posted by NickstenEver since the Vedas were given to mankind - the end of the world was announced.
Predictions that the end of the world is coming is closer than we think.
Clues in the Bible tells us that before the end comes we will experience wars and hear rumours of wars, poverty, earthquakes and much more. The world has become a total indulgence and we (mandkind) are left to ourselfs. There is no self-discipline. It's total mess. People are corru ...[text shortened]... g a poor example of a Christian will make me want to kill myself.
This is my honest answer.
This cosmos goes through cycles of manifestation and unmanifestion for eternity.
It has been annihilated before and will happen again.........and it will then be re-created again.
No problem................we are all eternal.
Originally posted by DasaThanks Dasa. Though I don't believe in reincarnation, do you really believe God likes this to happen over and over again? Will there be an end when nothing is re-created according to you?
Ever since the Vedas were given to mankind - the end of the world was announced.
This cosmos goes through cycles of manifestation and unmanifestion for eternity.
It has been annihilated before and will happen again.........and it will then be re-created again.
No problem................we are all eternal.
Originally posted by LemonJelloLook your iPhone sucks. Get a Samsung Galaxy - any thing that has a linux platform is always better.
[b]Clues in the Bible tells us that before the end comes we will experience wars and hear rumours of wars, poverty, earthquakes and much more.
Haven't wars, rumors of wars, poverty, earthquakes and such been around for a while? I am wondering why your reading of these clues leads you to believe that the end is so near. Does the "and much more" pa ...[text shortened]... good book say something like "The end shall come nigh the iPhone 4s release!" or something?[/b]
Originally posted by JS357Well if imagined correctly, millions of people would have vanished and surely the news would be full of this. This does proof the rapture has taken place, thus this must cross your mind wouldn't it?
[b]The question that I have to atheists, evolutionists and other religions today, and I would like you to imagine this actually happened, is would you believe in Christianity if the rapture has taken place today?
If so, why? If not, why?
I have to say as a non-theist, I don't know what would if anything cause me to believe, or disbelieve, that the r ...[text shortened]... ospecting and finding no belief in deity. I'm not even sure why the belief is not there.[/b]