Originally posted by trev33I'm guessing he wasn't, but he could have been - look at those abs! But I'm also guessing the societies around at the time, except maybe the Greeks, wouldn't have been so impressed if he was. Who knows? Maybe we'd all be Muslims as a result.
would it make a difference if he was?
Originally posted by trev33Ask robbie...
you're trying to say there's no thought police in the bible?
Jesus dismissed parts of the bible, he speaks well of love, he doesn't say anything about gay love, he hangs out with boys in dresses (according to 'The Last Supper' of Michelangelo), so he is a good candidate of being gay if you ask me.
Originally posted by trev33It would only make a difference to the homophobes of which their are plenty on this site. Prepare to witness an onslaught of the irrational.
would it make a difference if he was?
From: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Homophobia
Main Entry: ho·mo·pho·bia
Function: noun
Date: 1969
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
Originally posted by galveston75First things first, nobody can say with 100% degree of certainty he wasn't gay. It would be slightly ironic if he was considering all the hatred directed towards homosexuals in the Bible..
Don't play with words as it makes you look foolish. Jesus was not gay and other then ones who have no common sense, everyone knows he was not gay.
"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."
Leviticus 20:13
Fabs isn't playing with words, just pointing out the view that JW's hold with regards to homosexuality. Practising homosexuals are sinners, non practising homosexuals are not, it's the act not who they are, so we're frequently told.
So if Jesus was gay, but was never expressed his love in a physical way, would that be ok? According to the doctrine of the JW's, and many other Christian groups i imagine, it would.