"Which Bible Person are You?"
100% Pure Entertainment. Twelve simple questions with four multiple choice answers provided (except for Question 12. for which there's obviously two) and then you'll receive your profile. No typing; just click the box you select. And take it again as often as you like for confirmation. Please let us know which bible person your answers to this quiz suggest you are...
Question 1-12:
1. When you wake up in the morning, you’re likely to think about?
2. If someone throws a rock at you, you’re more likely to...?
3. Which of these do you value most?
4. If you had a family, the number of children you’d have is...?
5. Which personality trait repels you the most?
6. If you could, you’d live... (topographic location)?
7. A place you’d like to visit?
8. You can only keep one domestic animal, pick one?
9. Your new friend serves you food you’re not too sure about...?
10. How do you feel in a large group of people?
11. All things work for...?
12. I am (gender)?
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyAre you inviting us to discuss you and this description you have posted about yourself?
Mine moments ago: "You’re a fiercely loyal man. Willing to put everything on the line to follow your heart and after the truth. You’re fearless to declare what you believe. You are the center, the rock, for many people in your life. You Are Peter!"
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyDo you want us to discuss the description you have posted about yourself? Were you seeking attention with it?
"Please let us know which bible person your answers to this quiz suggest you are..." (OP) then discussion is optional.
For instance, you posted these "findings", ostensibly a "profile" of yourself...
"You’re a fiercely loyal man. Willing to put everything on the line to follow your heart and after the truth.
It's like a parody of your actual Spirituality Forum persona. For instance, people who are genuinely "after the truth" do not declare themselves to be immune to "human criticism" as you have.
And the lengths you go to avoid genuine discussion or to avoid contributing anything original to discussions [eve those you yourself have started] certainly does not smack of someone who is "Willing to put everything on the line" for the truth".
If this is the best your questionnaire can do, it sounds like a thousand other vacuous, stroke-your-ego "surveys" on the internet.
Originally posted by divegeester"100% Pure Entertainment..." (OP) Jonah was quite a stubborn, stiff necked guy who insisted on going in the opposite direction of God's geographic will for his life at the point of time in the account of him being swallowed up by a large fish. Can you imagine the stench of the creature's digestive fluids in which Jonah was sitting out his self inflicted ordeal.
I don't put any credence in this sort of thing. If anything I'm Jonah.
Originally posted by moonbusOr that, quite surprisingly, you lack the sense of playful whimsy and social flexibility to momentarily segue from serious philosophical/scientific inquiry and debate to an online 'party game' in a friendly forum. Consider giving it try for laughs.
I had to answer "none of the above" to most of the questions, as none of the four options fit. I guess that means I don't fit into the biblical scheme of personality types.
Originally posted by wolfgang59"Jacob – Father of the 12 Tribes of Israel Profile of Jacob, Third in Line in God’s Covenant:
better go buy myself a ladder
btw: Places to visit? I've been to Egypt, Rome & Athens so I had to answer Syria.
Jacob was one of the great patriarchs of the Old Testament, but at times he was also a schemer, liar, and manipulator..."
Also: http://www.biblegateway.com/resources/dictionary-of-bible-themes/5095-Jacob-life-character
Suggestion: Try it again with your favorite between "Egypt, Rome & Athens..." in lieu of "Syria".