Who or what isGod? :S

Who or what isGod? :S


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30 Jul 07
01 Aug 07

Wh is God has he ever been known by some one in this world or is he just a figure of imagination. 😕


05 Jan 04
01 Aug 07
1 edit

Originally posted by Mysterious Dome
Wh is God has he ever been known by some one in this world or is he just a figure of imagination. 😕
Figure of Imagination



01 Aug 07
02 Aug 07

To me God is an omnipotent being who gave his only son to die for our sins because he cares for souls more then we do

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
02 Aug 07

Originally posted by Dudefromabove
To me God is an omnipotent being who gave his only son to die for our sins because he cares for souls more then we do
If god cares so much about souls, then why didn't he just create souls in heaven? Why did he go to all the trouble of creating fallible humans to put those souls into, so that they could "sin" and need salvation when they die, so their souls can go to heaven? That seems like a great amount of wasted labor.


01 Aug 07
02 Aug 07

God created us in his image, the soul came from when God breathed life in to Adam in Genesis 2 7-8 God created men and women because he wanted to not as a waste of labour, and as to the fact of sin Humans werent created to sin it wasnt until the temptation of Eve at the hands of the serpent that humans began to sin and its been a down hill slide ever since

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
03 Aug 07

Originally posted by Dudefromabove
God created us in his image, the soul came from when God breathed life in to Adam in Genesis 2 7-8 God created men and women because he wanted to not as a waste of labour, and as to the fact of sin Humans werent created to sin it wasnt until the temptation of Eve at the hands of the serpent that humans began to sin and its been a down hill slide ever since
Why do people take something they cant understand and create a long and complicated story around it until they no longer realize that they don't understand it?

You haven't answered the question at all. You are simply trying to hide your ignorance.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
03 Aug 07

Originally posted by twhitehead
Why do people take something they cant understand and create a long and complicated story around it until they no longer realize that they don't understand it?

You haven't answered the question at all. You are simply trying to hide your ignorance.
Like before the beginning of the universe maybe?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
03 Aug 07

Originally posted by KellyJay
Like before the beginning of the universe maybe?
Please elaborate as I cant figure out what you are saying.


02 Jan 06
03 Aug 07

Originally posted by rwingett
If god cares so much about souls, then why didn't he just create souls in heaven? Why did he go to all the trouble of creating fallible humans to put those souls into, so that they could "sin" and need salvation when they die, so their souls can go to heaven? That seems like a great amount of wasted labor.
You mean like Lucifer?



20 Oct 06
03 Aug 07

Originally posted by whodey
You mean like Lucifer?
No, he is asking you a simple question, actually 2.

1. Why did God create imperfect beings who are capable of sinning and need salvation.

2. Now that His son has died for us and we are forgiven, when we all go back up there and all the unbelievers go to hell, what prevents us from sinning again and starting the whole thing all over again?


02 Aug 06
03 Aug 07

Originally posted by Mysterious Dome
Wh is God has he ever been known by some one in this world or is he just a figure of imagination. 😕
The obstacle between a man's experience of God and the man is this:

The REAL record of REAL sins which have formed REAL offenses and REAL transgressions between the man and God.

(man is male or female).

What has made God not real, not accessible, not experiencial, and not known to a person is her sins.

God has made provision for the removal of this curtain of separation. God has long ago provided an answer to the removal of this REAL barrier between us and Himself. That answer is Jesus Christ and His redemptive work to die and rise again for us.

God has provided Christ Himself to be our righteousness before God. Once the guilt of the sins committed is dealt with through contact with Christ there is no problem to substantiating subjectively the reality of God.

This is not an attempt to explain the whole plan of salvation in one brief post. This is a short word to impress you that the barrier between man and the subjective tasting of God Himself is the sins of man. Christ is the answer for the removal of this obstacle to actually and substantially experience God.


01 Aug 07
03 Aug 07

Is it ignorance to have faith in something that you cannot see? if so then arent we all ignorant in the way the universe works and that we really are breathing in tiny molecules

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
03 Aug 07

Originally posted by twhitehead
Please elaborate as I cant figure out what you are saying.
"Why do people take something they cant understand and create a long and complicated story around it until they no longer realize that they don't understand it? "

I was simply agreeing with you.


02 Aug 06
04 Aug 07

Some of our sins are due to the fact that we are so hungry for life. We seek after enjoyment and miss the real enjoyment of God Himself.

This is what God told the Isrealites:

"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living water, to hew out for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns which hold no water." (Jeremiah 2:13)

God says that He is the fountain of living water to quench man's thirst. But man has forsaken this fountain and replaced Him with broken cisterns which leak the water out. They have sought for fulfillment and enjoyment in broken pleasures which are leaky and unable to satisfy.

Coming to God is coming to the enjoyment of life.


02 Jan 06
05 Aug 07
1 edit

Originally posted by Varqa
No, he is asking you a simple question, actually 2.

1. Why did God create imperfect beings who are capable of sinning and need salvation.

2. Now that His son has died for us and we are forgiven, when we all go back up there and all the unbelievers go to hell, what prevents us from sinning again and starting the whole thing all over again?
Who says that we were created imperfect? My definition of imperfect is being created in sin. I do not believe that to be the case. If, however, your definition of being created imperfect is having the potential to sin then the whole thing makes no sense because God would then be seen as imperfect since he created imperfect beings.

You see, this is why faith is a vital compotent to our relationship with God if there be a God. We are not God, therefore, we do not see and know everything as he does. We then need to rely on him at times when the pieces of the puzzle do not seem to fit such as, "Why can't we partake of the fruit"? There will always be similar questions because we do not have and will never have the capacity to know all the answers. We then have the option of deferring to what God says or go our own way. The way I see it, the only way around the potential to choose sin is to either take away our free will completly and/or create beings identical to himself who know all the answers as he does.

In terms of it all happening again, had you ever considered that this is the proving ground for gathering up those who have learned to walk by faith so that it does not happen again? For example, if God has told us to accept his Son for salvation and we decide it makes no sense and then decide to go our own way perhaps this is a way of dividing the wheat from the tares?