11 Mar 05
Originally posted by RBHILLPlease provide the corresponding passages.
No, because the Bible says he was doomed to hell.
Was Judas not the very first person to be forgiven by Jesus? Did Judas not play an intrical role in the whole thing? What if he had not betrayed Christ? Did Christ not himself tell him he expected him to do it?
Originally posted by RBHILLWhere does it say that Judas is the son of perdition?
John 17:12 While I was with them, I kept them in thy name, which thou hast given me; I have guarded them, and none of them is lost but the son of perdition, that the scripture might be fulfilled.
Thanks for the Bible passage.
Originally posted by NyxieJudas committed suicide. He is most assuredly in hell, though of course Jesus forgave Him. But Jesus forgives all of us. We have to accept it.
I believe he was forgiven by Jesus, and in the end realized what he had done. He in his heart believed in Jesus upon his death.
Now : what say you?
Originally posted by DarfiusOK, so if Judas accepted forgiveness.....this is where I'm confused because you say Jesus forgave all of our sins "past, present , and future" so what difference would it make if Judas accepted forgiveness as they were forgiven anyway. I guess another thing I hear you saying is that suicide damns somebody to hell.
Jesus forgave all of our sins--past, present, future--when He died on that cross. It is up to us to accept the forgiveness. Judas clearly did not, since if he had, he would have let God lead his life, not him.
Originally posted by Nyxie
I believe he was forgiven by Jesus, and in the end realized what he had done. He in his heart believed in Jesus upon his death.
Now : what say you?
I say you said this very nicely, but it is speculation.
There are no definite references in the Gospel for assuming one or the other.
Originally posted by kirksey957He's asserted that before although he has failed to provide a Biblical passage that explicitly condemns suicide. Passages that condemn "murder" and then an argument from Darfius that suicide is "self-murder" don't count.
OK, so if Judas accepted forgiveness.....this is where I'm confused because you say Jesus forgave all of our sins "past, present , and future" so what difference would it make if Judas accepted forgiveness as they were forgiven anyway. I guess another thing I hear you saying is that suicide damns somebody to hell.
Originally posted by kirksey957Kirk: " ...... this is where I'm confused because you say Jesus forgave all of our sins "past, present , and future" so what difference would it make if Judas accepted forgiveness as they were forgiven anyway."
OK, so if Judas accepted forgiveness.....this is where I'm confused because you say Jesus forgave all of our sins "past, present , and future" so what difference would it make if Judas accepted forgiveness as they were forgiven anyway. I guess another thing I hear you saying is that suicide damns somebody to hell.
..... are you being humurous again or are you really confused. I make a bet on the latter ...... are you for real ?