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Go take a look and tell me what you think?

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Originally posted by RBHILL
Go take a look and tell me what you think?
I think it's an awful representation of Christianity. "The question you should be asking is, 'Am I good enough to go to heaven?'"

Additionally, the name Ray Comfort is a rather discomforting name.

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Annoying sound effects!

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Originally posted by RBHILL
Go take a look and tell me what you think?
I think it's a pile of crap.

Even worse than Growing Pains.

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I watched the one on evolution a couple months ago. Hilarious! Who knew a banana was evidence of intelligent design. Yeah, according to a guest on the show, the banana can be compared to a pop can in design and function. Since a pop can was designed, obviously so too was a banana. What made it particularly funny was that the banana used was the market standard, human controlled, genetically modified sort.


Really, it's a great laugh if you have the stomach for about an hour of rapid fire vacuous apologetics.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
Go take a look and tell me what you think?
When I took the 'Ten Commandments Quiz' it informed me that I angered God when I sinned.

Doesn't that mean I have control over God?

Previously in the quiz, it said that every time I get angry at my brother, I murder him in my
heart. How come God gets angry then? Isn't He sinning (according to this site)?


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Originally posted by Nemesio
When I took the 'Ten Commandments Quiz' it informed me that I angered God when I sinned.

Doesn't that mean I have control over God?

Previously in the quiz, it said that every time I get angry at my brother, I murder him in my
heart. How come God gets angry then? Isn't He sinning (according to this site)?

God can not sin.

The site is to show you that you need God to forgive you for breaking his laws.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
God can not sin.

The site is to show you that you need God to forgive you for breaking his laws.
The site indicates that I can make God angry.

Does this give me control over God, since I can make Him do something?

The Bible describes anger as a sin. Do you believe God gets angry?


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Originally posted by Nemesio
The site indicates that I can make God angry.

Does this give me control over God, since I can make Him do something?

The Bible describes anger as a sin. Do you believe God gets angry?

You should look at the Love test under tools and also 100 question and objections which is also under tools.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
You should look at the Love test under tools and also 100 question and objections which is also under tools.
I assume you answered 'Yes, I can control God,' and 'Yes, God sins when He gets angry.'


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Originally posted by Nemesio
I assume you answered 'Yes, I can control God,' and 'Yes, God sins when He gets angry.'

You are breaking the second commandment by creating your own God to suit yourself as he explained in the second one.

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Having a mistaken idea of God is not idolatry. Idolatry is when you carve a fifty foot gold statue of Baal Hammon, and bow before it... And by your logic, if God actually is a pretty laid back, decent old chap with a beard, then he would be forced to break his rule of not generally condemning people to hell, and send you off to the fire and brimstone for creating a false idol with whom you feel more comfortable.

And does this ring a bell:

"This is my last post for the year. I am going to ask for my posting to be taken from me so I can't post"?

I suppose it was from a thread accusing you of failing to live up to promises, but you could have waited a little bit longer...

But does this ring a bell, from said web sight (The Ninth traditionally is "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife", but your strange heretical sect has changed that, and changing the Ten Commandments is surely breaking the Eleventh!)

"9. You shall not lie.

Have you ever told a lie? then you are a liar. how many murders do you have to commit to be a murderer? One. If you have told even one lie, that makes you a liar. The Bible warns that all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire (Rev:21.8). You may not think deceitfulness is a serious sin, but God does."

Oh dear. It appears that you are done for. Hard luck. You might as well keep posting, and enjoy it, as it has earned you eternal damnation. Harsh, but fair.

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Looking at that site I thought "hey this is pretty stupid" and laughed at it, but then I had a really scary thought....people actually belive this stuff. People, with their own minds CHOOSE to believe this. Its not just scary, its dangerous and deluded. If the word god was replaced by anything else we would have no problem throwing theese people into an institution, but no. Because this is "God", the proof of whoose existence is mostly based on a 2000 year old document mostly written by people were not there, some people live their lives based on it.

Quoting the site "Everytime you have lied, didnt you know it was wrong?". Why yes when people tell their kids that Santa exists, they know that deep in their evil hearts that the happines that this gives their children is just as terrible as raping babies. He can't even be a god who overlooks this, because that would be my image of god, and that is idolatry. Crap, utter crap at a level I can't explain. If every person who believed this complete bull was shot tommorow the world would be an immesurably better place instantaneously. Harsh, I know, but for f**ks sake the people who write and/or believe this stuff just look and listen to what you are saying.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
You are breaking the second commandment by creating your own God to suit yourself as he explained in the second one.
Actually, I'm not creating any god. I'm asking if you think the
god presented on that site is actually God.

The site said 'when you sin, you make God angry.'

This statement entails two aspects of God that I think are bizarre:

1) I can control God because I can make Him angry;
2) The Bible explicitly states that anger is a sin, so if God gets angry
He is sinning when He does so.

These are obviously problematic.

How do you explain them?

I explain them by saying that the site is wrong -- it has created a
false god to scare people into their perverse religion, preying upon
their paranoia.

What's your take on it?


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Originally posted by RBHILL
You are breaking the second commandment by creating your own God to suit yourself as he explained in the second one.
It seems you understand much more about certain Biblical things than our resident quizzmaster.

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