This is a sad day for me to have to write that I am reconsidering my RHP
membership. The words "Red Hot Pawn" used to be a clever play on words, now you might as well write "Porn" openly and drop the joke.
When I joined about a year ago, I was mostly attracted to the Debates Forum. There were some good discussions going on.
One of the best at the time was pradtf's thread on the "Peek inside an Atheist's Head". It was an intelligent and reasoned discourse. Although of the opposite opinion, I participated enthusiastically, and we had about
half a dozen pages of wholesome discussion.
I have enjoyed even the political (e.g.: should the US get out of Iraq?) and some of the religious topics, and there have been good contributions from all sides.
However, at present the debates forum has plunged to a new low with Br Edwin's "Incest" thread, and slimy fern's exhibitionistic promotion of not only incest but child molestation.
This is were I get off board. I couldn't get the pictures which that slimy creature conjured up, out of my mind.
I like a good debate as much as the next guy. But pornographic filth should be left to those sites that cater for sexual perverts and sex offenders, goodness knows there are enough sites for all of them.
This is a plea for RHP to show that it tries to maintain at least the
minimum standards that civilized society supports and encourages.
In sadness,
Originally posted by CalJustYou should reconsider revoking your membership, CalJust. Have you tried simply ignore the threads which those users start?
This is a sad day for me to have to write that I am reconsidering my RHP
membership. The words "Red Hot Pawn" used to be a clever play on words, now you might as well write "Porn" openly and drop the joke.
When I joined about a year ago, I was mostly attracted to the Debates Forum. There were some good discussions going on.
One of the best at the ...[text shortened]... east the
minimum standards that civilized society supports and encourages.
In sadness,
Or perhaps you are trying to get people behind you to ban certain users from the forums?
You can't expect everybody to follow these rules of civility. Sometimes you gotta turn a blind eye to certain things. It's the nature of these public forums.
Originally posted by darvlayHave you tried simply ignore the threads which those users start?
Yes, I do. But sometimes a thread looks interesting, and I open it in all innocence and then get covered in filth.
Or perhaps you are trying to get people behind you to ban certain users from the forums?
Most definitely, YES. There must be others who feel like I do. Why must we deprive ourselves of the positive aspects of RHP just because some low life doesn't adhere to the openly stated objectives and standards set by the site managers?
You can't expect everybody to follow these rules of civility. Sometimes you gotta turn a blind eye to certain things. It's the nature of these public forums.
That is my whole point, and you seem to have missed it entirely.
There ARE many other public forums where people can exhibitionistically wallow in an orgy of smut. Why must they bring it here? The fact that RHP openly state that they discourage that sort of thing, and that "postings are subject to moderation" attracted me to the site.
I'm all for the "consenting adults" bit, but some of these kids are still in puberty, just trying to shock others with their crudeness. I can do without that.
Originally posted by CalJustI complained about those posts too. I even said if they did not take
[b]Have you tried simply ignore the threads which those users start?
Yes, I do. But sometimes a thread looks interesting, and I open it in all innocence and then get covered in filth.
Or perhaps you are trying to get people behind you to ban certain users from the forums?
Most definitely, YES. There must be others who feel like I do. Why ...[text shortened]... still in puberty, just trying to shock others with their crudeness. I can do without that.
care of that smut I was gone. They did take care of it, and there
is nothing more than that, that they can do. No one can stop some
pervert from flashing on the street, and no one is going to be able
to stop the posters here from posting that junk, unless they go to
a full-blown monitored forum where every post is subject to review
before it is posted for everyone else to read. I would say don't let
the perverted ruin this place by driving away good people. I'm sure
that some get some satisfaction over trying to shock other people
by being crude. The earth is full of all kinds of people some that
care about others, some that enjoy causing some level of stress or
pain in others too. Enjoy the good, point out the bad, and strive
to keep this place enjoyable. It is a nice site, I hate to see it ruined
by some twisted pervert trying to create a some unpleasantness on
the boards.
In ferny's defense, his father, according to him, was a 45 year old lawyer, yet a criminal pedophiliac, who took in a poor 15 year old girl, most likely on the streets, and literally bought her through marriage and used her as a sex tool, and that's how poor ferny got born and 7 other siblings. He of course resents his young mother, women, and liberals in general, but it is in fact is his "hard working conservative father" was the one who was being the true jackass, and his mother was a victim just as much as ferny was, now is. It's pretty obvious his rich pop, who is a rotten human being no matter how much money he made I may add or how many gifts he bought ferny as a child, brainwashed ferny into what he is today.
I'd like to pretend this SICK stuff doesn't go on in ones lives, but it does, and it reminds us in the political world how much work there is left to do, the topic is appropriate for this forum IMHO, although it's uncomfortable for sure.
Now that ferny basicly admited to this kinda childhood, and if it is true, I really have no choice, in my good liberal concious, to tolerate his behaviour, and hope he gets help one day, but he probably doesn't want it, so all we can do is really tolerate the dude. If he disturbs you that much, and yes, he is disturbing, you can just ignore his posts, but it's not entirely his fault he ended up like this, so just tolerate and remember he was victimized very young, and ignore his posts if you must.
Silver Fern is not even a subscriber. I think if he's turning paying customers away from the Site by his posting in the forums, his forum priveleges should be revoked. Or depending on the level of crudeness or higher the "filth trajectory index", perhaps ban him from the site? Makes sense doesn't it? Why isn't Russ doing anything about this?
Originally posted by mateuloseI'd be willing to be all of us could put bad and nasty things that have
In ferny's defense, his father, according to him, was a 45 year old lawyer, yet a criminal pedophiliac, who took in a poor 15 year old girl, most likely on the streets, and literally bought her through marriage and used her as a sex tool, and that's how poor ferny got born and 7 other siblings. He of course resents his young mother, women, and liberals i ...[text shortened]... s, so just tolerate and remember he was victimized very young, and ignore his posts if you must.
happened to us on the forums. There are times and places to share
such things, but on a public board isn't one of them in the graphic
detail that was displayed.
Originally posted by KellyJayAgreed, but then again, I doubt he made much friends growing up in such an environment, so he really has nobody he can express this about. A part of me is worried about banning him however, I mean seriously, hear me out. While banning him from RHP may give us peace in a forum, I would rather someone of his terrible background/ personna be busy playing chess, then say raping women/children, and him being busy by playing chess may actually help heal him somewhat, although slowly.
I'd be willing to be all of us could put bad and nasty things that have
happened to us on the forums. There are times and places to share
such things, but on a public board isn't one of them in the graphic
detail that was displayed.
By cuting the kid lose, and giving him nothing to do, we must admit, he is one walking time-bomb, and I'm worried he may become a danger to whatever society he currently lives in if he's not busy wasting time here. I cannot in good concious cut off the "fern bomb", just so we can have convenience in a chess forum, knowing quite well he may harm an innocent in real life somewhere if he isn't bashing/bothering us across a computer screen.
I've worked with phycologists before, and they would probably give a similar accessment. If I knew who the dude was and where he lived, I would simply call the police immediately and this problem would be solved, since we can't do that, we are probably saving a life somewhere in the future by puting up with fern, unfortunenately, I see no other way, if you have another idea, plz suggest it.
Sorry guys, but I think we have to do this, for the sake of the children in whatever neighbourhood this sick wacko lives in. . .
Originally posted by CalJustThere is no reason to mention my name. I had nothing to do with the off the hook duscussion I just started a reqular question. I didant write "hey everyone, please take this duscussion over the edge".
[b]Have you tried simply ignore the threads which those users start?
Yes, I do. But sometimes a thread looks interesting, and I open it in all innocence and then get covered in filth.
Or perhaps you are trying to get people behind you to ban certain users from the forums?
Most definitely, YES. There must be others who feel like I do. Why ...[text shortened]... still in puberty, just trying to shock others with their crudeness. I can do without that.
if you go into a site and not like what you read come out. the sexual refrences are sometimes childish, funny, rude, and offencive, but i am not influenced by these, so either i argue the point or find a site i wish to join in. as this thread has done. But think that there are a lot of people here interested in sex, faith, politics, etc and no subject to mind should be banned but only poor word skills, as this shows the writer up. (not spelling mistakes)
Originally posted by KellyJayHi Kelly,
I would say don't let the perverted ruin this place by driving away good people. The earth is full of all kinds of people some that
care about others, some that enjoy causing some level of stress or
pain in others too. Enjoy the good, point out the bad, and strive
to keep this place enjoyable. It is a nice site, I hate to see it ruined
by some twisted pervert trying to create a some unpleasantness on
the boards.
For once I am totally in agreement with you. And, hey, I've enjoyed our discussions.
To mateulose: Thanks for the background. I imagined as much. The problem is that abused kids become abusers and the cycle continues: the sins of the fathers..... But you're right, we should not drive him away but accept him. However, this does not mean we should condone his behaviour. Maybe he DOES pick up something positive from his co-players.
To stoker: Yes, sex, faith, politics are all valid points for debate - what else is there to talk about? 😀 !
My plea is just to let's keep the debate constructive, not abusive or degenerating into trash, which wastes everybody's time. I also agree that we should not focus too much on spelling, but unfortunately when it is as crazy as Br Edwin's (are you listening?) it takes a super-human effort not to comment on it!
In peace
the great and terrible thing about the internet is that people can say anything they want with a sense of impunity.
I, being an adult and aware of the horrors of the world accept that there are those who will disagree with me about the really important things in the world, like capialism being a bad thing, all faiths being outdated and detremental to progress (remember this is my opinion and all you God bothers have to forgive me for having it).
the forums should be about the freedom of all people to express whatever they want, it is the responsibility of the people to make the people aware that they find the posts distasteful or inflammatory.
i know that it is going to an extreme but facism starts with the first civil liberty that is given up, not the last.
Originally posted by kcamsMaybe this would be a good subject for a new thread: at what stage does any rule become an infringement of civil liberty? What constitutes freedom?
the forums should be about the freedom of all people to express whatever they want, it is the responsibility of the people to make the people aware that they find the posts distasteful or inflammatory.
i know that it is going to an extreme but facism starts with the first civil liberty that is given up, not the last.
Perhaps you can post a statement substantiating your last sentence, and I will take the opposite viewpoint.
This is a challenge.... 😏
Originally posted by CalJustAnd what about the fact it was nothing to do with me. Yet you still mentioned my name.
Hi Kelly,
For once I am totally in agreement with you. And, hey, I've enjoyed our discussions.
To [b]mateulose: Thanks for the background. I imagined as much. The problem is that abused kids become abusers and the cycle continues: the sins of the fathers..... But you're right, we should not drive him away but accept him. However, this does not me ...[text shortened]... s[/b] (are you listening?) it takes a super-human effort not to comment on it!
In peace