I just watched a documentary on the History channel about the alliance between Hitler and and Islamic groups in the Middle East in the late 1930 to early 1940's. Apparently both hated the Jews and both agreed they should be destroyed. The other interest they shared was to destroy the British due to the fact that Britan occupied much of the Middle East during that time and of coarse they also stood in Hitlers way. The Arabs were getting weapons and supplies from the Nazi's to fight the British and instigated uprisings with their help. The Arabs began with uprisings in Israel against the UK during WWll and extended them to Iraq in the hopes of driving out the British and uniting the Arab world. Had they been successful the UK would have lost control of the region and lost their oil supply as a result which would have been a horrible result for their war effort. The documentary also stated they had a secret agreement with Hitler to unite the Arab world as an independent Arab region had the Nazi's won the war. Apparently Hitler even had a trained Islamic gaurd at his side during the last days of the war. The kicker was that one of the war criminals that was at large was an Arab spiritual leader in the Middle East who was deemed "untouchable" due to his oil connections in that region. As a result, he did not stand trial with the rest of Hitlers hinchmen. Has anyone else seen this on the History channel or heard about such facts?
Originally posted by whodeyI saw a discovery channel documentary on Hitler and the other book he wrote, part two of Mein Kampf. In that book, he wrote if he succeeded in his war the next step would have been to attack the rest of the world. He had total domination on his mind, and that would have included the middle east you can be sure.
I just watched a documentary on the History channel about the alliance between Hitler and and Islamic groups in the Middle East in the late 1930 to early 1940's. Apparently both hated the Jews and both agreed they should be destroyed. The other interest they shared was to destroy the British due to the fact that Britan occupied much of the Middle East durin ...[text shortened]... lers hinchmen. Has anyone else seen this on the History channel or heard about such facts?
Originally posted by sonhouseYour last sentence sounds very much like a reference to the aspirations of Islamic fanatics too.
I saw a discovery channel documentary on Hitler and the other book he wrote, part two of Mein Kampf. In that book, he wrote if he succeeded in his war the next step would have been to attack the rest of the world. He had total domination on his mind, and that would have included the middle east you can be sure.
Originally posted by whodeyOf course, in WWI the English got the Arabs to fight on their side by promising them a pan-Arabic state then reneged on the deal and divided the Middle East with the French. It is not surprising that people in occupied lands would accept help from outsiders; the Afghans did during the 1980's for example. Your conclusion that this is because "Islamic groups hated the Jews" and "wanted them destroyed" is typical propaganda and nonsense.
I just watched a documentary on the History channel about the alliance between Hitler and and Islamic groups in the Middle East in the late 1930 to early 1940's. Apparently both hated the Jews and both agreed they should be destroyed. The other interest they shared was to destroy the British due to the fact that Britan occupied much of the Middle East durin lers hinchmen. Has anyone else seen this on the History channel or heard about such facts?
Originally posted by whodeyWell, people tend to ally against common enemies. The Finns allied with the Nazis against the Russians, while the Iraqis sided with the Nazis against the English. Nobody has a problem with Vodacom today...
I just watched a documentary on the History channel about the alliance between Hitler and and Islamic groups in the Middle East in the late 1930 to early 1940's. Apparently both hated the Jews and both agreed they should be destroyed. The other interest they shared was to destroy the British due to the fact that Britan occupied much of the Middle East durin ...[text shortened]... lers hinchmen. Has anyone else seen this on the History channel or heard about such facts?
In WW1, the Arabs sided with the English against the Turks in exchange for promises of independence. The English didn't keep their promises. Could that have had something to do with the political situation in WW2?
Originally posted by no1marauderSo would you say that Islamic groups don't hate the Jews or want them destroyed? Because if you would then you are a very naive and deluded individual.
Of course, in WWI the English got the Arabs to fight on their side by promising them a pan-Arabic state then reneged on the deal and divided the Middle East with the French. It is not surprising that people in occupied lands would accept help from outsiders; the Afghans did during the 1980's for example. Your conclusion that this is because "Islamic groups hated the Jews" and "wanted them destroyed" is typical propaganda and nonsense.
Originally posted by whodeyYes, it's true and a hazy understanding of that history is sometimes thrown up as justification for unswerving US support of whatever Israel decides to do.
I just watched a documentary on the History channel about the alliance between Hitler and and Islamic groups in the Middle East in the late 1930 to early 1940's. Apparently both hated the Jews and both agreed they should be destroyed. The other interest they shared was to destroy the British due to the fact that Britan occupied much of the Middle East durin ...[text shortened]... lers hinchmen. Has anyone else seen this on the History channel or heard about such facts?
Any people being treated as a colony tend to revolt eventually (remember 1776?)
Furthermore, the British were permitting Jewish immigration to Palestine which was changing the demographics of the area. The Arabs saw they would eventually be outvoted in what they asserted was their own country (isn't that something Europeans complain about -- 'hordes' of Turkish and Pakistani immigrants? Isn't that something Americians complain about -- 'hordes' of Mexican immigrants?)
It's true that the Palestinian Arabs aligned with Hitler to try to prevent this, and that was a bad choice. Italy, Austria, Hungary, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Japan also chose that alignment. Do NONE of those peoples deserve justice now or in the future? Are you willing to punish whole nations in perpetuity because of the misguided leadership of the past?
The Palestinians of today have legitimate greivances which are mostly unaddressed. Until America begins to press for justice for the Palestinians, there will be no peace in the Middle East -- that's for sure.