Russ censored my lying fauci thread without cause

Russ censored my lying fauci thread without cause


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Read a book!

23 Sep 06
08 Jul 20

Kazet never lies. And he has more class than you.


31 May 12
08 Jul 20

@shavixmir said
The Daily Caller published an op-ed by anti-immigrant white nationalist Peter Brimelow defending Rep. Steve King’s (R-IA) racist remark that “we can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

For example.
What? He's against adoption?


04 Feb 05
08 Jul 20

@metal-brain said
That is like saying car seats for children save lots of lives so don't complain that they are not as safe as they could be.

I do have reasonable data to suggest it. I already posted it for someone else on this thread. Pay better attention.

Do you think vaccine makers should continue to to be given immunity from lawsuits when vaccines hurt people? If yes, explain why.
"That is like saying car seats for children save lots of lives so don't complain that they are not as safe as they could be."
Depends how you complain. If you complain generally that they are unsafe (even though they are) people would get the impression you think they don't work. If you have specific complaints about those car seats, mention them and mention which brands are responsible.

"I do have reasonable data to suggest it. I already posted it for someone else on this thread. Pay better attention."
And maybe someone would actually click it . You would have to do some persuasion, given your reputation.

"Do you think vaccine makers should continue to to be given immunity from lawsuits when vaccines hurt people? If yes, explain why."
The easy answer is no, they shouldn't be given immunity from lawsuits. The more complex answer is "no, but they should get some protection from anti-vaxxers trying to sue for reasons ranging from son got a running nose to son got hit by a meteor because he got vaccinated".
It;'s a complex topic that i am not an expert in and an entirely different topic.


07 Dec 05
08 Jul 20

@handyandy said
Kazet never lies. And he has more class than you.
I proved he lied. Defending a liar by lying as you are proves you have no class.


07 Dec 05
08 Jul 20

@zahlanzi said
"That is like saying car seats for children save lots of lives so don't complain that they are not as safe as they could be."
Depends how you complain. If you complain generally that they are unsafe (even though they are) people would get the impression you think they don't work. If you have specific complaints about those car seats, mention them and mention which brands ar ...[text shortened]... got vaccinated".
It;'s a complex topic that i am not an expert in and an entirely different topic.
So you are excusing not reading the evidence because of an alleged reputation that is obviously made up BS by you?

You obviously fear the evidence I posted. Is avoiding a true debate the only way you can save face?

Once again, do you think vaccine makers should continue to be immune from lawsuits when their vaccines hurt people?
Answer the question. Do you fear answering that as well?

Grow some testicles for once in your life and stop avoiding relevant questions like the plague.


07 Dec 05
08 Jul 20

@shavixmir said
The Daily Caller published an op-ed by anti-immigrant white nationalist Peter Brimelow defending Rep. Steve King’s (R-IA) racist remark that “we can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

For example.


04 Feb 05
08 Jul 20

@metal-brain said
So you are excusing not reading the evidence because of an alleged reputation that is obviously made up BS by you?

You obviously fear the evidence I posted. Is avoiding a true debate the only way you can save face?

Once again, do you think vaccine makers should continue to be immune from lawsuits when their vaccines hurt people?
Answer the question. Do you fear an ...[text shortened]...

Grow some testicles for once in your life and stop avoiding relevant questions like the plague.
"So you are excusing not reading the evidence because of an alleged reputation that is obviously made up BS by you?"
Suuure, buddy, i just woke up one day and decided i don't like Metal-brain. It must be my fault i don't immediately click everything you post. It can't possibly be your history of posts here on this site.

"You obviously fear the evidence I posted. Is avoiding a true debate the only way you can save face? "
I am not in the mood. Because of my past experience with you. I can live with the possibility of missing out on a great piece of knowledge that would change my life forever simply because, coming from something you posted, that possibility is low. I like my chances.

As for "losing face", darling, that would imply i have any respect for you whatsoever that i would fear losing face to you.

"Once again, do you think vaccine makers should continue to be immune from lawsuits when their vaccines hurt people?"
Already answered it. Read more carefuly.

"Grow some testicles for once in your life and stop avoiding relevant questions like the plague."
Nice 😀 You sure told me.


07 Dec 05
08 Jul 20
1 edit

The reason I am kicking these ignorant people all over the place is because I watched the video of RFK jr and paid attention to it. That gives me an advantage.


If others watched it they would not get embarrassed so badly because they would know what to expect. RFK jr already made all the point I have been making lately. If they still refuse to watch it themselves I will be happy to keep kicking them around like a football and continue to bruise the egos of the uninformed.

They seem extremely frustrated, don't they? ..and it is their own fault. Nobody forced them to ignore RFK jr. That was their foolish choice.


31 May 12
08 Jul 20

@metal-brain said
The reason I am kicking these ignorant people all over the place is because I watched the video of RFK jr and paid attention to it. That gives me an advantage.

If others watched it they would not get embarrassed so badly because they would know what to e ...[text shortened]... ey? ..and it is their own fault. Nobody forced them to ignore RFK jr. That was their foolish choice.
Don't believe everything you see on youtube. Youtube is great if you want to find a clip of a Monty Python sketch or a bit from Dr. Strangelove, but it has no editorial credibility in matters of scientific fact because it has no editorial accountability.

RFK jr. is propagating misinformation on vaccinations.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
08 Jul 20

@handyandy said
Kazet never lies. And he has more class than you.
kazet got his post pulled. Go back and look.



27 Oct 08
08 Jul 20

@earl-of-trumps said
kazet tried to paint me the same way, I reported him, the post was pulled. Thanks, Russ!
You linked to an article on a white supremacist website. Even if you do not support white supremacy, and the article itself may not have discussed white supremacist views, you must understand that promoting white supremacist websites does not paint you in a beneficial light, and it warrants an apology from your end. In my view it is also against the terms of contributing to this forum, although the forum's moderators may of course be of the opinion that promoting white supremacist websites should be allowed, and it is certainly their right to come to that determination.



27 Oct 08
08 Jul 20

@moonbus said
What? He's against adoption?
Steve King (who recently lost his primary and will soon be leaving Congress, in a Pyrrhic victory for anti-racism activists) is a proponent of the "white genocide" conspiracy theory.


04 Feb 05
08 Jul 20

@kazetnagorra said
You linked to an article on a white supremacist website. Even if you do not support white supremacy, and the article itself may not have discussed white supremacist views, you must understand that promoting white supremacist websites does not paint you in a beneficial light, and it warrants an apology from your end. In my view it is also against the terms of contributing ...[text shortened]... premacist websites should be allowed, and it is certainly their right to come to that determination.
"although the forum's moderators may of course be of the opinion that promoting white supremacist websites should be allowed,"
assuming, ofc, that they spent more than 1 minute looking over that post

What did you do exactly? Did you call him a naughty word?


04 Feb 05
08 Jul 20

@kazetnagorra said
Steve King (who recently lost his primary and will soon be leaving Congress, in a Pyrrhic victory for anti-racism activists) is a proponent of the "white genocide" conspiracy theory.
plus he thinks most of humanity's accomplishments (throughout history) were done by white people.



27 Oct 08
08 Jul 20

@zahlanzi said
"although the forum's moderators may of course be of the opinion that promoting white supremacist websites should be allowed,"
assuming, ofc, that they spent more than 1 minute looking over that post

What did you do exactly? Did you call him a naughty word?
No, I said that EoT was defending a certain group of people after he defended that group of people. I have to say it's more of a self-own to regard an accurate description of one's own views as a "personal attack," but I am happy to comply with forum rules prohibiting describing implications of people's positions in such a way.