Who were the original game mod team? I will be supporting them, but I've sorta forgotten and am unsure...I know Gatecrasher was among them, !~TONY~! and David Tebb was it? I'm unsure. 😞
Originally posted by Bad wolf Who were the original game mod team? I will be supporting them, but I've sorta forgotten and am unsure...I know Gatecrasher was among them, !~TONY~! and David Tebb was it? I'm unsure. 😞
Originally posted by Bad wolf Who were the original game mod team? I will be supporting them, but I've sorta forgotten and am unsure...I know Gatecrasher was among them, !~TONY~! and David Tebb was it? I'm unsure. 😞
Haha!! Okay okay. I shoulda have just left alone hey. I saw it and posted about the thing with Claudi leaving but before I pressed post I thought better of my message and sent that..