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Shooting tragedy

Shooting tragedy


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I'm a gun advocate. Perhaps more than that I'm an advocate of personal freedom. Having said this, I'm also an advocate personal responsibility. I expect people to be held accountable for their actions and/or inactions. This is part of how I would expect a free society to work. However, with today's shocking murder of children I can't help but wonder if there are just too many people too stupid and too crazy to have anything more than cursory rights and freedoms. As a father I can only imagine the heart rending urge to protect your child and the soul crushing loss to find out that your child had been murdered. My first instinct is to go home and give my daughter a long hug, but, I feel that something else must be done. These murder sprees are symptoms of deep rooted societal problems that need to be addressed. Simply banning guns isn't the answer.

My thoughts and sympathies go out to the families of those affected by this senseless slaughter of innocents.


I agree with you & a thumbs up to you, well said!~


Well said sir

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate

I'm a gun advocate. Perhaps more than that I'm an advocate of personal freedom. Having said this, I'm also an advocate personal resposibility. I expect people to be held accountable for their actions and/or inactions. This is part of how I would expect a free society to work. However, with today's shocking murder of children I can't help but wo pathies go out to the families of those affected by this senseless slaughter of innocents.
My nomination for general forum thread of the year! Capital Punishment's the only effective and proven long term

solution, as true now as thousands of years ago. We, truly, are living in the twilight of commonsense. Thanks.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
My nomination for general forum thread of the year! Capital Punishment's the only effective and proven long term

solution, as true now as thousands of years ago. We, truly, are living in the twilight of commonsense. Thanks.
While I've long been a proponent of capital punishment, it clearly isn't enough of a deterrent. I don't think these kinds of killers start their day thinking they are going to survive it. This goes beyond just murder to glory. To making a mark.

While I loathe the dystopian ideal of a totalitarian invasive uber state, I do think you should have to pass a psychological/intelligence test to own a deadly weapon. Will this stop gun violence? Clearly not. Furthermore, it is a disturbing reality that a simple yet devastatingly effective bomb could be made using what most people have under their kitchen sink or in their garage.

I can't help but think that improvements in education, social programs, employment and mental health care would play a very significant role in reducing the occurance of such violent outbursts. I would point to the disparity between the incidence of violent acts in different countries to support this. Humans are humans and driven by similar motivations regardless of where they live. I think social triggerss feed this kind of violence more than we would like to admit. I wonder how many of these marginalized psychopaths yearn to be noticed and to register on somebody's radar. Ill equipped to deal with the personal/emotional/mental challenges they face, if nobody helps them or stops them, they'll go out with a bang. An indelible skid mark on the society that has ignored them.


If someone else had a gun, the violence would have ended sooner.

I just heard the first responders are getting counsel. ow


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Capital Punishment's the only effective and proven long term

Proven? Bull crap!


Originally posted by apathist
If someone else had a gun, the violence would have ended sooner.

I just heard the first responders are getting counsel. ow
Yeah ... the six year olds should have been packed with a .45

... take away the guns and there will be far less shootings. THAT is the only way to go.

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
While I've long been a proponent of capital punishment, it clearly isn't enough of a deterrent. I don't think these kinds of killers start their day thinking they are going to survive it. This goes beyond just murder to glory. To making a mark.

While I loathe the dystopian ideal of a totalitarian invasive uber state, I do think you should have to p hem, they'll go out with a bang. An indelible skid mark on the society that has ignored them.
Intelligence and psychological profiles, correctly interpreted in context, seem an imperative. Believe the education must begin long, long before the day of the event. Preferably not too very long after poddy training. Awareness of consequences beginning at an impressionable age goes a long way toward cultivating sound decisions for life. Energy and competitive drive need outlets for both genders. Parents too preoccupied with their more immediate priorities neglect their children's unspoken needs. Achievements in Boy/Girl Scouts, intramural sports, community projects and academic excellence go a long way toward building high self esteem and leadership potential which antidotes the need for peer and gang approval. Net of it is that the disintigration of the family, incest, divorce, the crazy tempo of life in the fast lane of our times leave all too many children helpless against the society forces arrayed against them.


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Intelligence and psychological profiles, correctly interpreted in context, seem an imperative. Believe the education must begin long, long before the day of the event. Preferably not too very long after poddy training. Awareness of consequences beginning at an impressionable age goes a long way toward cultivating sound decisions for life. Energy and com ...[text shortened]... times leave all too many children helpless against the society forces arrayed against them.
A wall of words that doesn't mean anything AS USUAL from you.

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Originally posted by Kegge
Yeah ... the six year olds should have been packed with a .45

... take away the guns and there will be far less shootings. THAT is the only way to go.
Eliminate guns and you'll still see humans killing humans. We've become quiet good at it over 50,000 years of practice.


Originally posted by Kegge
Yeah ... the six year olds should have been packed with a .45

Hard to believe you are willfully that stupid. There are lots of responsible adults at any school, and this story has more than a handful dead now, and all unarmed.

... take away the guns and there will be far less shootings. THAT is the only way to go.

That explains why no murders occurred before gunpowder, and why killers never learned about knives and molotov cocktails.

Outlaw guns, and only outlaws will have guns. If even one teacher at that school carried.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby...Parents too preoccupied with their more immediate priorities neglect their children's unspoken needs. ...
I hold the unpopular opinion that the raising of kids is too important to leave up to the random parents. It should take the village.

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^ And that would end 90% of home-schooling and 100% of religious indoctrination.

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