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I suspected some players are not honest!
After I've got last chess magazine from US chess federation I've read the article about chess cheating. The players use chess software to play chess in Internet. There are few methods how to determine those players.
I checked my opponents. And it is unbelievable! Some of them use chess software to play with me!
For example Edmont Dantes didn't lose around first 100 games. It is impossible by this article. Grand Master has ~40 loses per 100 games. Only Kasparov has less than 40 loses per 100 games.
This situation is not good.
I want to ask developers og this site. Can you make this check on your site? One of the method that could be used: Check all moves by chess engines (Tiger, Junior, ...) If somebody makes the same move like a computer more than half of moves he should get the lose.

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what do you want to say. If I play my little sister 100 times, I am pretty sure I win all 100 of them. Does that make me a cheater. Your 40% loss is only applicable when you play against top players, not against players who don't know the game. And about Edmond Dantes. The guy is absolutely not a cheater. He is an Italian master and he is also a referee in important matches. Don't accuse people when you don't know if they cheat or not. Only with evidence you can make those accusations.
Have you looked at the player tables. There are maybe one or two in the top 20 who lose 40% of their games, so they are all cheaters according to you. I don't think so. Maybe there are some in the top, that I don't know, but I don't know who that might be. I know at least one person who is in top 20 but not a cheater 😉.
All I want to say, is be careful with accusing people.

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I've had a big rant on this subject a few times... and no matter how you turn it, you will NEVER be able to point out a cheater.

Best and only thing you can do, is take note of who YOU feel is cheating, and not play them.

There simply is NO way to lure them out for sure.

The way you should turn is to go "what does it give them to cheat their way to a 2000 rating?"... NOTHING, nothing at all. This is an internet based chess place, the rating here is worth a doodle.. Hillarious no? they've spent their time acquiring a rating useless to them, wasting their own time... they don't even get pleasure from it... its like blowing bubbles.

So if someone wants to cheat on me.. who cares.. I enjoy playing chess, so what if 1/10 games is playing chessmaster or tiger chess at level 9. Doesn't matter.



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Does consulting some chess articles and books to get an idea of how to play some games constitute cheating? I know, the top poster talks about using chess engines to generate moves, but the topic arises here and there on the Internet, and using games database and books on openings could be seen as cheating too...

What do you think? Is it cheating, if someone uses books and databases to figure out what theory and current play says about some opening?

p.s.: sorry for the "engrish"...

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I am not sure of this, but didn't we agree on this site to a couple of things, like that you cannot use a computer or ask help from another person in a game, but that you may use books and databases, but I am not for sure for the last part. But learning those games or openings by heart is allowed, and that would bring you almost as far as using the books or databases. It will only take some time, but then again, I am not for sure about this, but if we are allowed to use books and databases on this site, then it is not cheating I think.

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to find out if a person is cheating....i find playing a fast live game is very good for determining that......thats why i think that russ should bring in a setting where you have 2 minutes to make a move...a so called "live game setting"...that would be cool....but at the end of the day peeps.....there is another world beyond chess that needs your attention alot more than being bothered whether someone cheats or not.
It is just a bunch of silly numbers and will not help you live any longer or anything if they are higher. If the person cheats it makes them more of a loser than actually losing a game in the first place,but you cannot put that loss in numbers though...it only exists within the heart of the person that is cheating and the opponent that has noticed.
The are just numbers!!!! Don't worry about it.

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Originally posted by purclecow
[b]to find out if a person is cheating....i find playing a fast live game is very good for determining that
Not sure if I agree with that .... How many player's error rate goes up the shorter the time control is ?? Mine sure does, and I'm on my own either way.
Characteristics of correspondance type play, ( inc this web site ) include players playing at higher then their otb level, and at masters level, a very high level of play.

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I agree in a way with Zoe, live real-time play does certainly find cheats real easy, I play a lot of real-time chess at playchess.com and you can notice after a couple of hours playing how many cheats are found out.
But to change RHP into a live chess is not the answer, the charm of this site is the correspondence and freewill to play at own pace, if itt turned into a live chess site then I would be in a quandary. I like my live chess at playchess.com and have established myself there, I play here at a nice steady pace to relax. Take that away from me and I would have to look elsewhere for a correspondance site. I am in no need for 2 real-time chess sites.
Cheating I am afraid to say is something we have to live with, I learnt this the hard way by being a victim of some cheating scum, and feeling a little bit helpless to prevent it but I have accepted that on sites like this there is no escaping it, if you want live chess go elsewhere like I do, if you like playing chess the way it is played at RHP then great stay, but just accept that there is cheaters out there.


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Originally posted by sergen1976
I suspected some players are not honest!
After I've got last chess magazine from US chess federation I've read the article about chess cheating. The players use chess software to play chess in Internet. There are few methods how to determine those players.
I checked my opponents. And it is unbelievable! Some of them use chess software to play with me! ...[text shortened]... If somebody makes the same move like a computer more than half of moves he should get the lose.
I guess it's not fair to point this now that Edmond left the site,why didn't you say that when you played him?
However he's a great player and his win/loss stat probably is determined by the lack of valid opponents,except the very first positions of player tables.
This article is weak because if i play 100 times a much lower opponent and I win 70,that doesn't make me a cheater .....................

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Originally posted by eyeqpc
I agree in a way with Zoe, live real-time play does certainly find cheats real easy, I play a lot of real-time chess at playchess.com and you can notice after a couple of hours playing how many cheats are found out.
But to change RHP into a live chess is not the answer, the charm of this site is the correspondence and freewill to play at own pace, if itt tur ...[text shortened]... it is played at RHP then great stay, but just accept that there is cheaters out there.

i would not want a real time chess site fully either especially for clan games...but i would want a setting that allows you to play a live game....an addition to the move timeout but in hours instead of days.
Unfortunately i cannot play on such sites as you due to my laptop being a mac and usually i have to download rubbish that never works.....this site is so far the best that i have found to work with my pooter.

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Originally posted by purclecow
i would not want a real time chess site fully either especially for clan games...but i would want a setting that allows you to play a live game....an addition to the move timeout but in hours instead of days.
Unfortunately i cannot play on such sites as you due to my laptop being a mac and usually i have to download rubbish that never works.....this site is so far the best that i have found to work with my pooter.
Agreed Zoe, if you ever want a quick game (a one sitter) give me a shout once I got rid of a few clan games, I probably will be able to spare an hour or 2 to accomodate this.



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As for books and databases, click on the link at the bottom of your screen entitled 'Terms of Service.' There you'll find your answer.
As for Dantes and cheating accusations, anyone who thinks a good win-loss record is proof of cheating is being foolish. If that is what the Chess Life article actually says, its author is irresponsible and ignorant, at best. I suspect, however, that the article has been misunderstood to some degree.

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Originally posted by sergen1976
Only Kasparov has less than 40 loses per 100 games.

hahahaHAHAHA !!!!!

this is a good joke ! 😀

as for edmond dantes - i just wish i was one of the lucky people fortunate enough to have been taught a lesson by him.

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Originally posted by sergen1976
By the way. Why Edmon Dantes lost the last games? His rating is around 1500 now. He has more than 2000 rating before.
I am sure he stoped to use the chess engines after he took first place in player table. Don't lie me that he is a mas ...[text shortened]... tle sister... I don't sure there is a lot of little sisters here.
every game that dantes lost was by timeout.
there are thousands of players capable of a performance like dantes gave, please don't scare them away - the rest of us want to play them.

tejo's little sister? i bet she is only a pathetic 1800 player 😉

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