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What defence is the best to d4

What defence is the best to d4

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I'm wondering What to do against d4 and please no Queens gambit lines.

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1....f5 for the Dutch defence
It's often compared King's Indian in the way black often fienchettos on g7 and starts a Kingside attack. The only difference is that the move f5 has already been played (not needing to make that move later) but its a little risky. If you enjoy the exciting games of the sicilian this opening is for you

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3.Nc3 (probably I think) then...d6 looking to take back some of the initiative.

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Originally posted by jonzzzz
I'm wondering What to do against d4 and please no Queens gambit lines.
It's not really a matter of 'best', more about what lines give you the sort of positions you're happy with.

My preference is

1 d4 Nf6
2 c4 e6
3 Nc3 Bb4 (Nimzo-Indian) - though I also often transpose into a QGD with 3...d5
3 Nf3 b6 (Queen's Indian)

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If you plan to win as black you must create an immediate imbalance. The Nimzo-Indian Defense, Benoni, and Volga Gambit all do this.

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Originally posted by mtthw
It's not really a matter of 'best', more about what lines give you the sort of positions you're happy with.

My preference is

1 d4 Nf6
2 c4 e6
3 Nc3 Bb4 (Nimzo-Indian) - though I also often transpose into a QGD with 3...d5
3 Nf3 b6 (Queen's Indian)
That's my choice as well.

Thematically, the two openings (NID and QID) have similar aims (prevent White playing e4). The only thing is that you'll have to get used to the whole idea of prophylaxis.

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Originally posted by jonzzzz
I'm wondering What to do against d4 and please no Queens gambit lines.
kings indian, i think is the best, i usually have good results even against higher players, it was fischers favorite response to d4, i believe

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Au contraire to the no gambit rule - QGA, then strike back with e5 before White can muster his knights.

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I really hate the KID, the main lines I see are so dull - I never used to see it before I hit 1700, and after that it's pretty much all I see as a response to d4 at my level. Nothing wrong with it, of course, it's popular for a reason, but I can't help but heave a sigh whenever it appears.

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Originally posted by Sicilian Smaug
That's suprising, I play e4 so don't get to see what people at our level on this site play against d4, I prefer to play the Nimzo against it myself and thought that would be more common than the King's Indian.
I don't know, maybe I'm playing the wrong people...! To be honest, I can understand why, it looks so solid and intuitive, but I've learned to dislike it nearly as much as the Four Knights. I'm quite impressed with Rizzitano's advice on the QGA, it probably isn't sound against strong players but it creates a nice imbalance and often leads to isolani for White.

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It's certainly strong enough against strong players dude. I think Karpov played the QGA against Leko in their very recent match. Hahaha...people have been playing the QGA forever with decent results.

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I personally prefer the benko.The plan is simple (and effective). I have tried QGA with very poor results. I have also played QGD with slightly better (but still poor) results. The nimzo was my choice when I first got into tournament chess and with it I played lots of endgames - an area at that point where I was better than my contenmporaries; I still play it when I'm not confident in my benko..

Edit: Most important is probably what type of game your best at playing.

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