Simple math, ancient Egypt:

Simple math, ancient Egypt:


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
27 Oct 17

Originally posted by @moonbus
We stand on the shoulders of giants.
And that helps to see the next hill of physics.


31 May 12
27 Oct 17

Originally posted by @eladar
Your need for others to conform to your belief system is disturbing.
Read your own posts: you're the one who gets disturbed and starts calling people fools and weak-minded and brainwashed and worse things when they don't confirm to your belief system.


31 May 12
27 Oct 17

Originally posted by @sonhouse
And that helps to see the next hill of physics.
What do you reckon the next hill is? Dark energy?

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
27 Oct 17

Originally posted by @eladar
I agree, belief in abiogenesis is on par with believing in God.

No, it isn't. God belief has no basis in reality. Thor doesn't have a magic hammer. But life did start from fundamentals.


12 Jul 08
27 Oct 17

Originally posted by @moonbus
Read your own posts: you're the one who gets disturbed and starts calling people fools and weak-minded and brainwashed and worse things when they don't confirm to your belief system.
I do not require others accept my beliefs. I do require that my beliefs are equally accepted as theirs since all beliefs are just beliefs.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
27 Oct 17

Originally posted by @moonbus
What do you reckon the next hill is? Dark energy?
They are still working on what is the missing mass, forget dark energy🙂
My guess is finding extreme trickiness in quantum mechanics. It was just shown that a delayed choice made after a photon is in flight still alters the photon, which is really weird. It says an action at a past time infleunces a particle (photon in this case) in the future. They let fly a photon and have a random effect chose a slit experiment and the result is delayed because the photon has left its source and is en route to the slit so it would not have known which condition will be displayed. Yet it does anyway🙂


12 Jul 08
27 Oct 17

Originally posted by @apathist
No, it isn't. God belief has no basis in reality. Thor doesn't have a magic hammer. But life did start from fundamentals.
Tell me about the magical stuff from which life sprang.

Where is it? In Thor's hammer?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
27 Oct 17

Originally posted by @eladar
I do not require others accept my beliefs. I do require that my beliefs are equally accepted as theirs since all beliefs are just beliefs.
Nobody is saying abiogenesis is proven. The scientific view is it has a higher probability than a god stick. We don't know how life started, it could have been an elf flying through the universe with sperm and eggs and seeds dropping them onto some kind of fertile ground.
It could have been a meteor from another planet with life on it getting wacked off that planet and loaded with bacteria that could withstand the cold and vacuum and radiation of space and splat it comes down to a non-living Earth and they spread out and started up life here, which begs the question how did life start on the parent planet but people throw around these kind of ideas.

Right now, your goddidit theory is good as any other till we prove how it really happened.

So may the best theory win.

I don't see why you can't just accept the universe for what it actually looks like, that is, 14 billion years old and expanding like a bat out of hell and our entire solar system coming from the death of stars where we represent the second or third generation of stars leading to the periodic table we know now where your god just started all that off inserting the physics it knew would end up with life and probably life everywhere in the universe it is given a half decent chance of surviving and thriving.

We may yet find life on some of the moons of Saturn or Jupiter where there seems to be more water in deep underground oceans there than there is water on all of Earth. Where the is water, some minerals and an energy source, there may be life.

We may find such in another 30 or 40 years. News at 11 of course. Nobody would deny you your right to your religion. We just think it low on the probability scale. But what we have is not belief, it is evidence based. If we find evidence for a flying elf sowing the seeds of life in the universe, so be it. If it turns out after a thousand years of searching that life indeed came from a god waving a wand, then so be it.

But so far it is not a belief, it is perhaps wishful thinking or what seems more probable but that is not belief. If we for instance, find a 200 million year old fossil of a parakeet, evolution goes out the window but so far......


12 Jul 08
27 Oct 17

Originally posted by @sonhouse
Nobody is saying abiogenesis is proven. The scientific view is it has a higher probability than a god stick. We don't know how life started, it could have been an elf flying through the universe with sperm and eggs and seeds dropping them onto some kind of fertile ground.
It could have been a meteor from another planet with life on it getting wacked off ...[text shortened]... find a 200 million year old fossil of a parakeet, evolution goes out the window but so far......
No one says it has been proven, but people have said that it happened.

Check and mate.


06 Mar 12
27 Oct 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @eladar
I do require that my beliefs are equally accepted as theirs since all beliefs are just beliefs.
So you 'require' other people to 'accept' your baseless irrational beliefs over their scientifically evidence-based beliefs. Sorry, the answer is no, we won't. You just cannot handle freedom of thought, can you.


12 Jul 08
27 Oct 17

Originally posted by @humy
So you 'require' other people to 'accept' your baseless irrational beliefs over their scientifically evidence-based beliefs. Sorry, the answer is no, we won't. You just cannot handle freedom of thought, can you.
No, I require others to quit pretending their beliefs are anything other than beliefs on par with all other beliefs.


31 May 12
28 Oct 17

Originally posted by @sonhouse
They are still working on what is the missing mass, forget dark energy🙂
My guess is finding extreme trickiness in quantum mechanics. It was just shown that a delayed choice made after a photon is in flight still alters the photon, which is really weird. It says an action at a past time infleunces a particle (photon in this case) in the future. They let ...[text shortened]... nyway🙂
This tends to support string theory, that quanta of energy are not like separate independent particles, but are still 'connected' with the other 'end.'


31 May 12
28 Oct 17

Originally posted by @eladar
No, I require others to quit pretending their beliefs are anything other than beliefs on par with all other beliefs.
According to your own definition, that we can know only what we actually see happening now, you can't even know who your parents are/were, because you didn't actually see whose sperm fertilized which woman's ovum. Beliefs are not all equal, and some of yours, especially the ones about what is knowable, are completely untenable.

Your frog-in-the-well belief about what is knowable constantly leads you to project your own ignorance onto others. And then you get nasty when others point it out to you.

It might be better for you to take a break from the Science Forum for while. It obviously upsets you. Go back to college, a real college, one not beholden to an ideological agenda, take a course in epistemology, and then come back to the Science Forum.


06 Mar 12
28 Oct 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @eladar
No, I require others to quit pretending their beliefs are anything other than beliefs on par with all other beliefs.
then what you 'require' is other people to believe your lies about their beliefs. Sorry, cannot do.


12 Jul 08
28 Oct 17

Originally posted by @sonhouse
You think science is a single person thing? It is most decidedly not. It is ALWAYS a group effort. Relativity did not come about on its own, it followed the work of other geniuses. There are not enough geniuses around to singlehandedly change the world every time.
Your arrogance is astounding.

You think I do not accept science because I reject your beliefs rooted in some aspects of science.

You will see tour error soon enough. You will also see that you support the government teaching the children to believe the same. It is very sad.