7 Questions

7 Questions


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Nov 06
1 edit

Originally posted by ahosyney
Islam don't need me to talk about it. If you really care about the truth you should read about Islam taking out you daughter's story from you mind. Because I know you cann't think that your daughter may be wrong so I think you will not be able to do so. But all what I can say that most of what you said about Islam is not true. I don't know if you want me to talk about it. It seems to me that you already made your decision.
Tell me where muslims have given up the practice of apostasy?
Tell me where women in muslim countries are free to live how they please?
Tell me how in christian countries women are not second class citizens.
Tell me what is the godliness of muslims using military force to convert the native populations in africa to islam?
Tell me why as we speak Hamas is calling for a world wide intifada against christian nations because of an attack on them by a Jewish state. How is this approaching godliness? I saw the video's of the women stoned to death for adultery. Are we to assume those video's are fakes? How is the killing of a woman for adultery an approach to godliness? This is not the kind of rule a fair god would set up and is therefore the result of men wishing to control every aspect of a woman's life. How can you argue otherwise? Why are women not allowed to drive in Saudi? Did god stick a finger from the sky and say
"Verily I say unto you, if women are allowed to drive, they shall never be included in my fold in heaven"? I think not. I think it's a simple case of women being controlled by men and brazenly at that.
Tell me why Bahaula was banned from Iran in the 19th century and why he set up the headquarters of his religion in Haifa Israel.


03 Sep 06
08 Nov 06
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
Tell me where muslims have given up the practice of apostasy?
Tell me where women in muslim countries are free to live how they please?
Tell me how in christian countries women are not second class citizens.
Tell me what is the godliness of muslims using military force to convert the native populations in africa to islam?
Tell me why as we speak Hamas an in the 19th century and why he set up the headquarters of his religion in Haifa Israel.
Let me ask you some questions before I answer you:

What do you think GOD created us for?

do you think GOD will want you worship something else?

do you think GOD will be happy if you kill, steel, or do adultery?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Nov 06

Originally posted by ahosyney
Let me ask you some questions before I answer you:

What do you think GOD created us for?

do you think GOD will want you worship something else?

do you think GOD will be happy if you kill, steel, or do adultery?
Is that how it's going to go? I ask a question which goes unanswered and instead you ask another? We can go on asking each other questions all day long. In my opinion, considering the hell on earth caused by evil men like whats-his-name in germany a few decades ago and many others willing to take his place, that this GOD you seek has left us all alone in a vast uncaring universe. It doesn't matter to me whether there is a god or not, the result is people killing other people in its name. That cannot come from a god, otherwise it would have made us more compatible with each other and given us a large dose of compassion, something sorely lacking in the world today and don't even THINK muslims are superior in this respect. They are as bloodthirsty as any Ghingis Khan warrier. All you have to do is look at the reaction to the Danish cartoonist who supposedly depicted Allah and then people died as a result of Imam's simply calling out to supposedly civilized muslims to kill, and so not actually possessing a mind, having been already programmed to kill, they did. Or am I just making that up, it's really a false charge?


03 Sep 06
08 Nov 06
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
Is that how it's going to go? I ask a question which goes unanswered and instead you ask another? We can go on asking each other questions all day long. In my opinion, considering the hell on earth caused by evil men like whats-his-name in germany a few decades ago and many others willing to take his place, that this GOD you seek has left us all alone in a eady programmed to kill, they did. Or am I just making that up, it's really a false charge?
The reason I asked the question is I wanted to know If it will be useful to answer your questions or not. But now it appears to me that it will not make a difference to answer them. You already made up your mind and will not accept what I will say...

I didn't say you made anything up. The problem is you listen much to the media.

So I will just pray for all of us to reach the truth.

Thank you for your time.



02 Mar 04
08 Nov 06
1 edit

Originally posted by ahosyney
Beliving[sic] in [Jesus] is enough to go to the heaven.
The biggest Christian denominations worldwide (the Catholic and Orthodox Churches -- which account for a good 70% odd of all Christians) do not hold to that belief.


03 Sep 06
08 Nov 06

Originally posted by lucifershammer
The biggest Christian denominations worldwide (the Catholic and Orthodox Churches -- which account for a good 70% odd of all Christians) do not hold to that belief.
Can I ask you what they do belive?



02 Mar 04
08 Nov 06

Originally posted by ahosyney
Can I ask you what they do belive?
They believe that faith must be backed by good deeds.


03 Sep 06
08 Nov 06

Originally posted by lucifershammer
They believe that faith must be backed by good deeds.
So can you explain the concept of salvation for me... I think I don't understand it then.



02 Mar 04
08 Nov 06
1 edit

Originally posted by ahosyney
So can you explain the concept of salvation for me... I think I don't understand it then.
Elsewhere vistesd has posted a reasonably good summary of the notion of 'salvation' in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Essentially, it is a state where the soul is pure enough that it can spend eternity in God's presence.

EDIT: As a process, it refers to the process by which the soul is purified to the extent where it can spend eternity etc.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Nov 06

Originally posted by lucifershammer
Elsewhere vistesd has posted a reasonably good summary of the notion of 'salvation' in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Essentially, it is a state where the soul is pure enough that it can spend eternity in God's presence.

EDIT: As a process, it refers to the process by which the soul is purified to the extent where it can spend eternity etc.
Which is based on the evil concept that all humans are born in sin which means only christianity can save them. I sincerely wish I and millions of like minded people could start a colony on another planet where we are not hell bent on destroying each other based on their religion.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Nov 06

Originally posted by ahosyney
The reason I asked the question is I wanted to know If it will be useful to answer your questions or not. But now it appears to me that it will not make a difference to answer them. You already made up your mind and will not accept what I will say...

I didn't say you made anything up. The problem is you listen much to the media.

So I will just pray for all of us to reach the truth.

Thank you for your time.
So I assume you agree with the precepts of Islam that it's ok to kill infidels, that it's ok to subjugate women? That it's ok to kill those who desire to convert away from Islam? That it's ok to not allow women to drive in Saudi? I just wondered where you are coming from in all this.



02 Mar 04
08 Nov 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
Which is based on the evil concept that all humans are born in sin which means only christianity can save them.
Why is it an "evil concept"? Does the empirical evidence show that human beings in general are born perfect and infallible?

I sincerely wish I and millions of like minded people could start a colony on another planet where we are not hell bent on destroying each other based on their religion.

How long do you think it would be before your colony developed a form of religion anyway? How long before oppressive power structures took root?


03 Sep 06
08 Nov 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
So I assume you agree with the precepts of Islam that it's ok to kill infidels, that it's ok to subjugate women? That it's ok to kill those who desire to convert away from Islam? That it's ok to not allow women to drive in Saudi? I just wondered where you are coming from in all this.
No I didn't say that. I assume you will not accept any of what you say because of your idea about GOD.

You said GOD will not accept the people get killed. And that is why you don't think Islam is a message of GOD.

I asked you why GOD created us. And you didn't answer me.

As a muslim we belive GOD created us to worship him. So if we don't GOD has the right to punish us. If you don't think GOD should do that what can I do.

As a muslim we belive that GOD created us and he knows the sutible law for human. And we follow this law. Do you know this law. I guss not. But from what you say from the media you think this law cann't be from GOD. But you have to know to judge it. Other wise you will be unfair. Do you know the Islamic Law?

I can discuss each issue you raised but will you really want me to do that and accept it if it appear to you that it is right.

For example you claim that Islam subjugate women.

I don't know where did you got this from:

1- Woman in Islam is free to study and work.
2- Woman in Islam cann't be forced to anything.
3- Woman in islam is equal to the man in all rights and responsiblities except that man is responsible to fund his wife. But man is not allowed to touch his wife's money unless she accept that.
4- Do you know that many of instructions narrated to us through the prophet's wife and we call her the Mother of belivers.

5- Women in Islam inherite from her parents wealth. And no one take her share aganist her will.

6- Do you know that there is a complete chapter in Quran named "Nesa" means to Women in Arabic.

So can you tell me how Islam subjugate women

Zellulärer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
08 Nov 06
1 edit

Originally posted by ahosyney
So can you tell me how Islam subjugate women
Well, they can't go topless in Saudi Arabia, can they?


03 Sep 06
08 Nov 06

Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Well, they can't go topless in Saudi Arabia, can they?
🙂 Yes you are right. We should allow the woman to go naked to prove that she is free 🙂