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A Checkmate Question ??

A Checkmate Question ??




Since you get such a kick out of thinking you have me stumped by a question, this thread will be dedicated to your question.

It really had nothing to do with the thread in which you bragged about it as you used it as a distraction and red herring.

Come over here and let it be ITS OWN SUBJECT.

Will my rejection of your trinity teaching in any way preclude me from being spirit filled and therefore from being saved?

You are in “checkmate” because you know the answer but your won’t post it because it. You are in one of your quandaries 😉

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Some form of this question I have answer before.
Divegeester will not admit that probably because he finds it more fun to say "Finally, Finally after SO Long you answer."

But I have humored him probably about five or six times in a few years. The question is nuanced and the reply I give is not the clear YES or NO he wants.

You having "fun" asking and re-asking ?

What do you MEAN by being "spirit filled" ?

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Will my rejection of your trinity teaching in any way preclude me from being spirit filled and therefore from being saved?

What do you mean by my "trinity teaching" ? I have written many things about the triune nature of God as seen in the Bible.

What do you mean specifically by all these talks that I have had? Define my trinity teaching.

What do you mean by "spirit filled" ?

I do not think I am ALWAYS "Spirit filled". It doesn't effect my having received the gift of eternal life. I have the Spirit of Christ, I am pretty sure.

The books of Acts says on more than one occasion that the disciples were filled with the Spirit. I don't believe that at times when it was not said they were filled with the Spirit that because of this they were no longer saved.

So what do YOU mean by "spirit filled" ? And is there significance to you NOT capitalizing the word spirit there as I refer to God as the capital S - Holy Spirit.


@sonship said
Will my rejection of your trinity teaching in any way preclude me from being spirit filled and therefore from being saved?

What do you mean by my "trinity teaching" ? I have written many things about the triune nature of God as seen in the Bible.

What do you mean specifically by all these talks that I have had? Define my trinity teaching.

What ...[text shortened]... T capitalizing the word spirit there as I refer to God as the capital S - Holy Spirit.
Several posters here have said they think divegeester is not a Christian. Do you concur? If you think he is one, do you think you are a better Christian than he is?

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Strictly speaking I don't know who here is a brother in Christ and who is not. I may have some feeling about it. My feeling could be mistaken.

I don't think I have to tell people who is my Christian brother or sister with absolute infallibility. If someone teaches something that I think I should point out correction to, that's not pertaining to their status as a Christian.

The same goes with me being corrected by some other believers.

What do you mean by "a better Christian" ?

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In the natural life there are levels of maturity.
Is a 15 year old a "better" human being then a "10 year old" ?

What in your mind, FMF, constitutes a worst, good, better, and best Christian? And can you explain that before you go off that you really don't care a hoot about it anyway ?

If Divegeester or any other poster here is washed in the precious blood of Christ, I don't think the blood of Jesus that washed me is any "better" then the redeeming blood of Jesus that washed them.

I recognize levels of spiritual maturity among Christian saints.


@sonship said

Strictly speaking I don't know who here is a brother in Christ and who is not. I may have some feeling about it. My feeling could be mistaken.

I don't think I have to tell people who is my Christian brother or sister with absolute infallibility. If someone teaches something that I think I should point out correction to, that's not pertaining to their status as ...[text shortened]... goes with me being corrected by some other believers.

What do you mean by "a better Christian" ?
If you don't want to answer, it's ok.


@sonship said
In the natural life there are levels of maturity.
Is a 15 year old a "better" human being then a "10 year old" ?

What in your mind, FMF, constitutes a worst, good, better, and best Christian? And can you explain that before you go off that you really don't care a hoot about it anyway ?

If Divegeester or any other poster here is washed in the precious blood o ...[text shortened]... ood of Jesus that washed them.

I recognize levels of spiritual maturity among Christian saints.
If divegeester is a Christian, after all, are you more "mature" than he is?

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If you don't want to answer, it's ok.

That's correct.

If I ask for your meaning of "a better Christian" but you want to LEAVE it as "a better Christian" with no clarification, then I'll just pass.

I don't want to answer a question put to me so that answering it tends to PRESUME certain concepts inherent to the way the question is ASKED.


@sonship said

If you don't want to answer, it's ok.

That's correct.

If I ask for your meaning of "a better Christian" but you want to LEAVE it as "a better Christian" with no clarification, then I'll just pass.

I don't want to answer a question put to me so that answering it tends to PRESUME certain concepts inherent to the way the question is ASKED.
Do you expect to get more "rewards" in "Heaven" than him?




Answer me this question first, please.

Are you a more experienced troll then sonhouse or less ?

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Your OP is a cop out. You are in checkmate on this question and you know it.

On your say so ... I know this or that ?
Vain self congratulations.

If you say “yes” then you know you will face a barrage of challenge because “yes” is scripturally unsupportable.

Brilliant Sherlock. You think that's why such nuanced and vague leading questions doesn't get a binary yes or no ?

Brilliant detective work there.

So I ask you "what is my trinity teaching?"
And I ask you to clarify "what do you mean spirit filled, especially with a small s for spirit."

What are you talking about before I say YES, or NO ??

If you say “no” then you concede that your precious doctrine is really quite unimportant, and your vanity will not permit that. You are in “checkmate.

Am I suppose to drop my jaw at your pure GENIUS analysis ?

The Triune God is a Person.
The Trinity is a living Person - Father - Son - Holy Spirit.

"Precious doctrine" is your expression.
How about PRECIOUS Lord Jesus?
How about the PRECIOUS Father of our Lord Jesus?
How about the PRECIOUS Spirit of Christ, the precious Holy

I cut the post for length's sake here.

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You know the Holy Bible (which I don't think you read too much} says He who does not have the Son does not have the Father.

Right here:

"Everyone who denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who confesses the Son has the Father also." (1 John 2:23)

Do you confess the Son as your own Lord and Savior? Then you have the Triune God. Sorry! I don't care what kind of "precious doctrine" you have in your intellect. If you confess the Son you have the Father ALSO - Then you have the Father and the Son and you have the Trinity.

If you have the Son within then you have the Holy Spirit. Then too you have the Father - Son - Holy Spirit - the three - one God.

"In this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, that He has given to us of His Spirit." (1 John 5:13)

I know that the Son and the Father I have and dwell in me because God has given to me of His Spirit. So the Trinity has been dispensed into me. You have to answer for yourself before God.

What do you mean by "spirit filled" ?

Is "spirit" in that question the Holy Spirit, the human spirit or the mingled spirit or some OTHER spirit? Clarify if you are able to.

“Spirit filled” was YOUR terminology last time we went round on this topic.

Whether I used the phrase or not I don't know. But I am pretty sure I said CAPITAL S "Spirit" in terms of any "filling" if I did.

And there is a difference to me between small s "spirit filled" and captital S "Spirit filled".

So what do you mean by asking me can you be small s "spirit filled" if you don't like to talk or utter the words Trinity or Triune God ?

One more thing. My interest is the truth of the gospel. I couldn't care less about how many victory laps you make bragging about your (supposedly) checkmate questions.

My interest here is the truth of the Gospel.

Now your next post to me can clarify what you mean by small s "spirit filled" in connection with the assurance of salvation. I said your NEXT post.

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