A request to Dasa and his several detractors

A request to Dasa and his several detractors


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28 Oct 05
25 Sep 11
1 edit

Originally posted by rvsakhadeo
I have replied to you on 24 th Sept. on this thread only. Just look it up.If you want some more clarification,please ask.
You mean this?:

"I will look up that post and revert back but it was in a particular context,where-- as I remember-- Dasa's views were far too ideal or way out. Nothing do with Daa hitting out to all and sundry impolitely."

Too ideal? What do you mean? You think his ideas are "ideal" in some way, albeit too much so?

So then your answer, I take it, is that when you said "Dasa sets the bar too high" you were indeed issuing a somewhat qualified endorsement of the spiritual standards he seeks to set, with the caveat that they are 'too ideal' or perhaps 'far too ideal'?

Have I got this right?



19 Feb 09
25 Sep 11

Originally posted by FMF
You mean this?:

[b]"I will look up that post and revert back but it was in a particular context,where-- as I remember-- Dasa's views were far too ideal or way out. Nothing do with Daa hitting out to all and sundry impolitely."

Too ideal? What do you mean? You think his ideas are "ideal" in some way, albeit too much so?

So then your answer, I take i ...[text shortened]... aveat that they are 'too ideal' or perhaps 'far too ideal'?

Have I got this right?[/b]
yes,in so far as I remember.


28 Oct 05
25 Sep 11
1 edit

Originally posted by rvsakhadeo
yes,in so far as I remember.
So what's all this 'distancing yourself' from Dasa thing while at the same time lashing out at his victims with claims you pointedly failed to substantiate? On one hand Dasa's "posts on the Geeta are dragging [your] religion, [your] philosophy, [your]culture into mud. You are making the Geeta and the Vedas objects of ridicule" [to quote your OP], while on the other hand, at the same time, he represents some degree of "ideal" to you? How can that be?



19 Feb 09
25 Sep 11

Originally posted by FMF
So what's all this 'distancing yourself' from Dasa thing while at the same time lashing out at his victims with claims you pointedly failed to substantiate? On one hand Dasa's "posts on the Geeta are dragging [your] religion, [your] philosophy, [your]culture into mud. You are making the Geeta and the Vedas objects of ridicule" [to quote your OP], while on the ot ...[text shortened]... er hand, at the same time, he represents some degree of "ideal" to you? How can that be?
I am not concerned about Dasa or his victims in so far as their mutual mudslinging was concerned.I got upset when some posters started to ridicule the Vedas and allied thoughts.


28 Oct 05
25 Sep 11
1 edit

Originally posted by rvsakhadeo
I am not concerned about Dasa or his victims in so far as their mutual mudslinging was concerned.I got upset when some posters started to ridicule the Vedas and allied thoughts.
Oh? And yet you started a thread about it. And then you could not substantiate the accusations against decent people here who have had to put up with Dasa - and the "too high" bar you say he sets - almost all of whom have done so without doing what you claimed they did. You got upset - but then you got your reaction all confused, is that it?

Care to address the question in my post above yours?


28 Oct 05
25 Sep 11
1 edit

Originally posted by rvsakhadeo
I got upset when some posters started to ridicule the Vedas and allied thoughts.
If Dasa - as we witness him, and you have witnessed him too, on this forum - represents the Vedas-with-bar-set-high, or "too ideal" as you put it, then perhaps whether or not they deserve ridicule is a legitimate topic for discussion. Wouldn't you agree?



19 Feb 09
25 Sep 11

Originally posted by FMF
If Dasa - as we witness him, and you have witnessed him too, on this forum - represents the Vedas-with-bar-set-high, or "too ideal" as you put it, then perhaps whether or not they deserve ridicule is a legitimate topic for discussion. Wouldn't you agree?
If you want to ridicule Dasa, me , the Vedas or the Hindu spiritual thinking, do go ahead. Who am I to stop you ? If ridiculing " Dasa, rvsakhadeo, the Hindu spiritual thinking et al" occupies a priority in your posting, I cannot help wondering about your views on the topic of Hindu spiritual thoughts. Please do enlighten me about them.


28 Oct 05
25 Sep 11

Originally posted by rvsakhadeo
If you want to ridicule Dasa, me , the Vedas or the Hindu spiritual thinking, do go ahead. Who am I to stop you ?
Steady on. When have I ever ridiculed Vedas or the Hindu spiritual thinking? What are you on about? I have been patient and restrained for months and months with Dasa, asserting his right to believe what he believes, while asking him to stop abusing me and just about everybody else in the name of the Vedas. What are you insinuating?

How does Dasa represent a "too ideal" version of the Vedas?


16 Feb 08
25 Sep 11

Originally posted by rvsakhadeo
I am not concerned about Dasa or his victims in so far as their mutual mudslinging was concerned.I got upset when some posters started to ridicule the Vedas and allied thoughts.
The reason you started this thread was in my opinion and attempt to intellectually and philosophically disassociate yourself with dasa without dissociating yourself with the belief system. One or two others have also tried this approach but it doesn't because it is not necessary.

I'm Christian have to observe those who proclaim to follow, but in actually disrespect the Gospel of Jesus Christ; in reality truth, if it really is truth, it cannot be diminished.

As I suggested to you in my first post in this thread, if you are affected by it, have a word with dasa.



19 Feb 09
25 Sep 11

Originally posted by FMF
Steady on. When have I ever ridiculed Vedas or the Hindu spiritual thinking? What are you on about? I have been patient and restrained for months and months with Dasa, asserting his right to believe what he believes, while asking him to stop abusing me and just about everybody else in the name of the Vedas. What are you insinuating?

How does Dasa represent a "too ideal" version of the Vedas?
Dasa does not represent "too ideal" version of the Vedas. Far from it.That is why I knocked him about. But my words " too ideal " were about a particular line of thinking or a particular topic in the concerned post, which unfortunately I cannot remember and will not bother to search.


28 Oct 05
25 Sep 11

Originally posted by rvsakhadeo
Dasa does not represent "too ideal" version of the Vedas. Far from it.That is why I knocked him about. But my words " too ideal " were about a particular line of thinking or a particular topic in the concerned post, which unfortunately I cannot remember and will not bother to search.
I have seen people back-peddle more graciously than this in the past, rvsakhadeo.



19 Feb 09
25 Sep 11

Originally posted by FMF
I have seen people back-peddle more graciously than this in the past, rvsakhadeo.
Well count me as a new low standard in back pedaling then and be done with your anger about me.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
25 Sep 11

Originally posted by rvsakhadeo
Well count me as a new low standard in back pedaling then and be done with your anger about me.
So did you actually PM Vishavhetu and if so, did he answer back and if so, could you say the tenor of his response, if any?



19 Feb 09
25 Sep 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
So did you actually PM Vishavhetu and if so, did he answer back and if so, could you say the tenor of his response, if any?
Well I have hammered Vishvahetu,as an elder should. He has not talked back.


16 Feb 08
25 Sep 11

Originally posted by rvsakhadeo
Well I have hammered Vishvahetu,as an elder should. He has not talked back.
He won't. He has no response. He has no intention nor interest in an exchange of ideas and this is a feature of HIM not his philosophy/belief system. So you are wasting your time. You assume that because he is a proponent of the Vedas, that you are in some way "connected" and responsible for each other; this is a fallacy.

Dasa is an ignoramus troll who provides amusement to this forum but in now way diminished any proclamations of the Vedas.
