This has nothing to with Spirituality really. This is my opinion.
I think Rock Music with its incessant stomping thump of a beat has outlived its artistic usefulness by about 40 years.
I only hear one song anymore - "Stomp, Smack, Stomp, Smack, Stomp, Smack."
Probably the last serious Rock musician of any talent was, let's say, Ricky Nelson.
Originally posted by jaywillYou should be ashamed of yourself. 😉
This has nothing to with Spirituality really. This is my opinion.
I think Rock Music with its incessant stomping thump of a beat has outlived its artistic usefulness by about 40 years.
I only hear one song anymore - "Stomp, Smack, Stomp, Smack, Stomp, Smack."
Probably the last serious Rock musician of any talent was, let's say, Ricky Nelson.
EDIT: Aerosmith, the Stones and Modest Mouse have been making the rotation on my I-pod recently.
Originally posted by jaywillMore evidence that your theology is deeply stunted.
This has nothing to with Spirituality really. This is my opinion.
I think Rock Music with its incessant stomping thump of a beat has outlived its artistic usefulness by about 40 years.
I only hear one song anymore - "Stomp, Smack, Stomp, Smack, Stomp, Smack."
Probably the last serious Rock musician of any talent was, let's say, Ricky Nelson.
Originally posted by jaywillLike so much pablum doled out to the masses 🙂
This has nothing to with Spirituality really. This is my opinion.
I think Rock Music with its incessant stomping thump of a beat has outlived its artistic usefulness by about 40 years.
I only hear one song anymore - "Stomp, Smack, Stomp, Smack, Stomp, Smack."
Probably the last serious Rock musician of any talent was, let's say, Ricky Nelson.
Originally posted by knightmeisterU2 just about sum up my view of Christianity; a group with a figurehead who thinks he's god, but whose material is really just a bit lame. If you took away all the frills (ie The Edge's rubbish delay effects) you're left with the theological equivalent of a nursery rhyme.
Has to be U2 but I guess you would figure someone would say that. U2 proved that the Devil doesn't always have the best music!
Originally posted by PinkFloydWhat? No Pink Floyd? Quite frankly sir, I'm beginning to wonder if your avator name is steeped in hypocrisy. 😛
that's a tough one since I stopped listening to radio in 1979. Dire Straits was good for 15 minutes. And did The Who record anything in the 80s? The dinosaurs had already peaked--tho I will give the Stones some credit if Tattoo You came in the 80s