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26 Aug 07
08 Mar 16
3 edits

Also from the Commissions published report.

On a global basis the honesty, candour, and quality of the elders’ evidence should be acknowledged by the Commission along the lines of that reported by Janet Fife-Yeomans at page 32 of “The Daily Telegraph” on 1 August, 2015: While people from other churches dragged to the Royal Commission have obviously been coached by PR gurus and lawyers in how to present themselves and say the right thing, the Jehovah’s Witnesses were totally devoid of artifice.

lets read that again this time with my glasses on, TOTALLY DEVOID OF ARTIFICE. did it really say that?


02 Aug 11
08 Mar 16

Robbie you are writhing around as if someone has slashed your hooves.


26 Aug 07
08 Mar 16
6 edits

Originally posted by Captain Strange
Robbie you are writhing around as if someone has slashed your hooves.
have you nothing of even relevant interest, i mean the subject laid before you is based on a published report of court transcripts and all you could find was some cheap remark? time you were kicked back onto touch until you learn some manners and respect.


02 Aug 11
08 Mar 16

' Man what an ultra noob' time you were kicked back onto touch until you learn some manners and respect.


26 Aug 07
08 Mar 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Captain Strange
' Man what an ultra noob' time you were kicked back onto touch until you learn some manners and respect.
I should not have been so hard on you. Sorry for that. I know you are just jesting. But this is a serious business. Proper tantrum has been going around spreading these malicious allegations and now he must be called to account. Its a thankless task and fraught with danget and is no place for an unsuspecting and harmless jester.


28 Oct 05
08 Mar 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I should not have been so hard on you. Sorry for that. I know you are just jesting. But this is a serious business. Proper tantrum has been going around spreading these malicious allegations and now he must be called to account. Its a thankless task and fraught with danget and is no place for an unsuspecting and harmless jester.
So why ~ when a serious matter like this is under discussion ~ did you decide recently to deflect observations and questions I offered by suddenly insinuating that I was a pedophile and questioning whether I could be trusted with the children on this web site? A year or two ago, when you had trouble dealing with me disagreeing with you in some debate about something else, you started asking me if I had been sexually abused as a child and whether I was mentally ill. Why, if you think this a serious business, do you behave this way?

If you want change

Vote for it!

16 Feb 08
09 Mar 16

Originally posted by galveston75
Sorry to upset you so much about my personal life and my time and where I spend it. Sorry that I do have a life and you apparently don't.
At first I was going to tell you it's none of your business at all but I know you and you'll not let it go. Right?
I have foot surgery tomorrow and besides getting all my work done here at my job as I will not be ...[text shortened]... need to cancel my appointment tomorrow so I can be here for you and answer your every question?
I don't think I've ever come across someone who has so many issues preventing them logging onto the internet for 20 minutes.

If you want change

Vote for it!

16 Feb 08
09 Mar 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Ask yourself the question gman what benefit you have ever had in engaging with FMF and divegeester and you will realise yourself how futile it is to remonstrate with them. I am ignoring their posts entirely and havng the time of my life doing so, its like such a refreshing experience not being brought down by their personal remarks and moralising ov ...[text shortened]... it by extension to FMF and your enjoyment of this site will be much enhanced, i can assure you.
The pair of you cult-babies plus the insipid super-bantam lightweight roigam, are the biggest topic-dodging excuse-mongers on this site.


26 Aug 07
09 Mar 16

Feel free to ignore me at any time - regards divesgeester

Excellent! Can do.


26 Aug 07
09 Mar 16

If proper tantrum manages to show let me know I have many questions to ask him on his citation concerning the allegations he is making.


28 Oct 05
09 Mar 16
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
If proper tantrum manages to show let me know I have many questions to ask him on his citation concerning the allegations he is making.
Do you welcome the revelations about what was going on inside the JW organization in Australia for decades in so far as it might now give heart to any children (or anyone else , for that matter) in the organization who are being sexually abused, and thus perhaps give them the courage necessary to come forward, blow the whistle, and put a stop to abuse... and also ~ if they should occur again ~ to any cover ups that might be going on?


26 Aug 07
09 Mar 16
3 edits

Originally posted by FMF
Do you welcome the revelations about what was going on inside the JW organization in Australia for decades in so far as it might now give heart to any children (or anyone else , for that matter) in the organization who are being sexually abused, and thus perhaps give them the courage necessary to come forward, blow the whistle, and put a stop abuse and also ~ if they should occur again ~ to any cover ups that might be going on?
Your text is based on nothing more than an ignorant and ill informed stance replete with trite platitudes, tabloid style allegations, assumed values displaying a chronic ignorance of not only what the Royal commission published but also the practices of Jehovahs Witnesses as an organisation.

Please stay away from me I have no wish to respond to anything you have to offer here because quite frankly your posts are dishonest slime ridden grotesque contortions of reality the product of an ignorant and ill informed mind.

I repeat please stay far far away from me.


28 Oct 05
09 Mar 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Your text is based on nothing more than an ignorant and ill informed stance replete with trite platitudes, tabloid style allegations, assumed values displaying a chronic ignorance of not only what the Royal commission published but also the practices of Jehovahs Witnesses as an organisation.

Please stay away from me I have no wish to respond to ...[text shortened]... rmed mind.

Please stay far far away from me and if you refuse I will report you for stalking.
Do you or do you not welcome the empowerment of victims of child sex abuse ~ in any church, whether it be the Catholic Church or the one you are a member of ~ that investigations, revelations and confessions etc. might lead to?

If the uncovering of what happened means that victims get some degree of closure and other victims come forward and their abusers are exposed, is it a development that you welcome?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
09 Mar 16
1 edit

Originally posted by whodey
To have no doubt would mean to have no faith.

Knowing something with certainty means faith is absent.

"To have no doubt would mean to have no faith."


No doubt = No faith. So...

Doubt = Faith.

Are you high?

We have certainty BECAUSE we have faith.


26 Aug 07
09 Mar 16
1 edit

@FMF I welcome you staying away from me. I have nothing to say to you and my experience has been that that nothing ever good comes from discussing anything with you and until I see evidence of you refraining from dishonestly misrepresenting the stance of others with the sole objective to attack them it will stay that way. Goodbye.