Atheists on

Atheists on "Spirituality"


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It is what it is


20 Apr 04
15 May 08

Here is a puzzle I have been pondering for some time: How come there are so many atheists on this particular forum trying to denigrate or dissuade theists from their beliefs?

Consider this: go into any newspaper or magazine shop and you will find many different titles to please all tastes. For example, Bicycle racing mags or Boxing mags. Now, I for one have never ever bought a bycicle mag or a boxing mag, simply becuase the subjects do not interest me. However, I would never write a letter to the Editor of such magazines that they are stupid, nor would I discouraged others from buying them.

The point is this: a "Spirituality" forum should be for those interested in Spirituality, it should be a no-brainer to discover this. And there are certainly enough sub-sets of Spirituality to make this a very interesting and lively forum. For example, the various ideas about reincarnation, discussions about eschatology and even the various different Christian views of creation would IMHO be interesting to follow.

Instead, we have a plethora of atheists constantly chipping in with their two cents worth and trying to convince theists how wrong they are. Pulleeeze. By definition, atheists do NOT believe in Spirituality, so what's the point? You might as well try to convince Lance Armstrong that cycling is bad for you.

Could it be that the Bard was right: methinks the lady does protest too much?? Are these theists secretly doubting their own convictions??

In peace


Zellulärer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
15 May 08

Originally posted by CalJust
By definition, atheists do NOT believe in Spirituality, so what's the point?
Think about Georges Bataille.


With White Women

31 Jul 01
15 May 08

Originally posted by CalJust
Here is a puzzle I have been pondering for some time: How come there are so many atheists on this particular forum trying to denigrate or dissuade theists from their beliefs?

Consider this: go into any newspaper or magazine shop and you will find many different titles to please all tastes. For example, Bicycle racing mags or Boxing mags. Now, I for one ha ...[text shortened]... test too much?? Are these theists secretly doubting their own convictions??

In peace

I would never say that atheists don't believe in spirituality. That is hardly the case. To use your analogy, it would be like saying people with cancer don't ride bicycles.



27 Apr 05
15 May 08

Originally posted by CalJust
Here is a puzzle I have been pondering for some time: How come there are so many atheists on this particular forum trying to denigrate or dissuade theists from their beliefs?

Consider this: go into any newspaper or magazine shop and you will find many different titles to please all tastes. For example, Bicycle racing mags or Boxing mags. Now, I for one ha ...[text shortened]... test too much?? Are these theists secretly doubting their own convictions??

In peace

Spirituality is more than just Christianity.

Likewise, when the theologically inclined stop trying to write science policy I'll probably completely stop regarding religion completely. I don't care what you believe, but I get real irritated when you try and force your beliefs on me.


24 Apr 05
15 May 08

Originally posted by CalJust
By definition, atheists do NOT believe in Spirituality
Yikes. Could you be specific as to which bizarre, provincial definitions you are employing here?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
15 May 08
1 edit

Originally posted by CalJust
Could it be that the Bard was right: methinks the lady does protest too much?? Are these theists secretly doubting their own convictions??
And I could read all sorts of things into the fact that you put 'theists' in there not 'atheists'. But if one tries too hard to do Freudian readings one ends up ignoring the impact of ones own psychology on it all.

1. Atheists can be interested in spirituality too.
2. Many of the topics discussed are actually more scientific in nature than spiritual.
3. If someone tried to introduce boxing in your Child's primary school you might start complaining too. (I started out here in objection to ID being taught in schools.)
4. I find the debates more interesting than the ones in the 'debates forum'.
5. I think the world would be better off without religion or at least with better educated and more rational theists.

And there are other reasons why I am here too.

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
16 May 08

Originally posted by CalJust
Here is a puzzle I have been pondering for some time: How come there are so many atheists on this particular forum trying to denigrate or dissuade theists from their beliefs?

Consider this: go into any newspaper or magazine shop and you will find many different titles to please all tastes. For example, Bicycle racing mags or Boxing mags. Now, I for one ha ...[text shortened]... test too much?? Are these theists secretly doubting their own convictions??

In peace

If bicyclists were constantly trying to impose their bicyclocracy on the rest of us then I would take just as much umbrage at them as I do to theists. Or if your theism was just some quaint hobby that you practiced in isolation then I wouldn't take any notice of it. But basing public policy on someone's particular brand of theism has dire consequences for everyone. That is why I spend so much time denigrating and dissuading theists.

As for participation in this forum, it is open to anyone who wants to debate about spiritual matters, whether that be pro or con. It is not in any way restricted to those who are favorably inclined toward spirituality.

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
16 May 08

Originally posted by CalJust
Here is a puzzle I have been pondering for some time: How come there are so many atheists on this particular forum trying to denigrate or dissuade theists from their beliefs?

Consider this: go into any newspaper or magazine shop and you will find many different titles to please all tastes. For example, Bicycle racing mags or Boxing mags. Now, I for one ha ...[text shortened]... test too much?? Are these theists secretly doubting their own convictions??

In peace

Bicyclists don't try to control politics and conquer land the way monotheists seem to do in the name of their religion.


06 Jul 06
16 May 08

Originally posted by CalJust
Here is a puzzle I have been pondering for some time: How come there are so many atheists on this particular forum trying to denigrate or dissuade theists from their beliefs?

Consider this: go into any newspaper or magazine shop and you will find many different titles to please all tastes. For example, Bicycle racing mags or Boxing mags. Now, I for one ha ...[text shortened]... test too much?? Are these theists secretly doubting their own convictions??

In peace

well, i am right.


11 Nov 05
16 May 08

Originally posted by CalJust
Here is a puzzle I have been pondering for some time: How come there are so many atheists on this particular forum trying to denigrate or dissuade theists from their beliefs?

Consider this: go into any newspaper or magazine shop and you will find many different titles to please all tastes. For example, Bicycle racing mags or Boxing mags. Now, I for one ha ...[text shortened]... test too much?? Are these theists secretly doubting their own convictions??

In peace

Here is a puzzle *I* have been pondering for some time: How come there are so many creationists, IDers, and other anti-science people hanging around the Science Forum trying to denigrate or dissuade rational thinkers of Science from their beliefs?

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
16 May 08

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Here is a puzzle *I* have been pondering for some time: How come there are so many creationists, IDers, and other anti-science people hanging around the Science Forum trying to denigrate or dissuade rational thinkers of Science from their beliefs?


18 Jun 04
17 May 08

Originally posted by CalJust
...... we have a plethora of atheists constantly chipping in with their two cents worth and trying to convince theists how wrong they are. ........
............. atheists do NOT believe in Spirituality, so what's the point?

Could it be that ............ these theists secretly doubting their own convictions??

You have hit the nail on its head..

All athiests are insecure maniacs... They can't help but vainly ridicule theists. They are ever restless till they succeed in forcing their faithless faith on others who have experienced faith. Just like marxists.. argumentative, loud, angry, never able to reconcile with the fact that the theists are at peace with themselves and also at peace with the world....including the world of athiests.

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
17 May 08

Originally posted by neverB4chess
You have hit the nail on its head..

All athiests are insecure maniacs... They can't help but vainly ridicule theists. They are ever restless till they succeed in forcing their faithless faith on others who have experienced faith. Just like marxists.. argumentative, loud, angry, never able to reconcile with th ...[text shortened]... ith themselves and also at peace with the world....including the world of athiests.
Keep telling yourself that theists are different 😉



27 Apr 05
17 May 08

Originally posted by neverB4chess
.... theists are at peace with themselves and also at peace with the world....including the world of athiests.
That's why you have to keep building political power to try and foist your belief on others?


11 Nov 05
17 May 08

Originally posted by neverB4chess
You have hit the nail on its head..

All athiests are insecure maniacs... They can't help but vainly ridicule theists. They are ever restless till they succeed in forcing their faithless faith on others who have experienced faith. Just like marxists.. argumentative, loud, angry, never able to reconcile with th ...[text shortened]... ith themselves and also at peace with the world....including the world of athiests.
Don't take him too seriously. He is dead ironic.

Advice to neverB4chess: When you are ironic, use a smilie so you wont be misinterpreted. While your irony is of high standard, you must give a clue so people can understand the humour.