Bible Contradiction

Bible Contradiction


Aficionado of Prawns


30 Apr 17
29 May 18

Proverbs 26

4 Answer not a fool according to his folly,
lest you be like him yourself.

5 Answer a fool according to his folly,
lest he be wise in his own eyes.

Is this a contradiction? If not, what does that tell us about reading and comprehending the messages found in the bible?



04 Apr 04
29 May 18

Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
Proverbs 26

4 Answer not a fool according to his folly,
lest you be like him yourself.

5 Answer a fool according to his folly,
lest he be wise in his own eyes.

Is this a contradiction? If not, what does that tell us about reading and comprehending the messages found in the bible?
No it is not a contradiction.
The message there is that you must use your judgment when answering fools.

This does not mean that the Bible does not contain contradictions.
The bible has contradictions.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
29 May 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
No it is not a contradiction.
The message there is that you must use your judgment when answering fools.

This does not mean that the Bible does not contain contradictions.
The bible has contradictions.
<<The bible has contradictions.>>

Well, post them here, amigo! Let’s see what you’ve got.

PS Don’t ask Heartpence to recommend an atheist website. The one he’s using is terrible.

14 Mar 15
29 May 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
No it is not a contradiction.
The message there is that you must use your judgment when answering fools.

This does not mean that the Bible does not contain contradictions.
The bible has contradictions.
Agreed. The bible is riddled with contradictions.

16 Feb 08
29 May 18

Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
Proverbs 26

4 Answer not a fool according to his folly,
lest you be like him yourself.

5 Answer a fool according to his folly,
lest he be wise in his own eyes.

Is this a contradiction? If not, what does that tell us about reading and comprehending the messages found in the bible?
John 3:16

For God Sooooooo.....loves the world that he gave his son’s life (his life) while we were still sinners, he died once and for ALL.

BUT...if you don’t accept his love, or find it impossible to believe in this amazing God, he will personally burn you alive for all eternity.

If you want contradictions, this is the one you should be dealing with.

Aficionado of Prawns


30 Apr 17
29 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
John 3:16

For God Sooooooo.....loves the world that he gave his son’s life (his life) while we were still sinners, he died once and for ALL.

BUT...if you don’t accept his love, or find it impossible to believe in this amazing God, he will personally burn you alive for all eternity.

If you want contradictions, this is the one you should be dealing with.
I'm not thinking that's what John 3:16 says. Did you add anything?

16 Feb 08
29 May 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
I'm not thinking that's what John 3:16 says. Did you add anything?
Oh sorry, did my interpretation confuse you?

I think you’ll find the first sentence is all scripture btw...feel free to debate me on it.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
29 May 18

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Agreed. The bible is riddled with contradictions.
Well post them here, Heartpence! Let’s see what you’ve got.

14 Mar 15
29 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
John 3:16

For God Sooooooo.....loves the world that he gave his son’s life (his life) while we were still sinners, he died once and for ALL.

BUT...if you don’t accept his love, or find it impossible to believe in this amazing God, he will personally burn you alive for all eternity.

If you want contradictions, this is the one you should be dealing with.
Yep, that's a biggy.

Aficionado of Prawns


30 Apr 17
29 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
Oh sorry, did my interpretation confuse you?

I think you’ll find the first sentence is all scripture btw...feel free to debate me on it.
So you did add to it.

John 3:16 continues: "... that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life."

That would disqualify those who don't accept and believe. I guess the gist of it is, God (who stilled Abraham's hand, preventing him from doing the same) sacrificed his son for us. For us to reject him and essentially give him the middle finger? I guess he's not very fond of that.

Did Christ die for the ones who he already knew would reject him to their last breath? That's a matter of debate among titans in the Church, but it seems to me and many others that God wouldn't waste his time sacrificing for them.



04 Apr 04
29 May 18

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Agreed. The bible is riddled with contradictions.
Also God changes his mind, makes new rules, cancels the old ones, he has regrets, gets jealous, can hate with a passion etc.

The God of the church is a completely different entity.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
29 May 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
Also God changes his mind, makes new rules, cancels the old ones, he has regrets, gets jealous, can hate with a passion etc.

The God of the church is a completely different entity.
Well post some verses and passages, amigo!

Aficionado of Prawns


30 Apr 17
29 May 18

Trevor: "I heard the rooster crow 3 times."
Cletus: "I heard the rooster crow twice."

Do these 2 statements defy the law of non-contradiction?

protip: NO.

Aficionado of Prawns


30 Apr 17
29 May 18

I'm curious to see the bible contradictions and I hope they will be laid out in single fashion, complete with at least a small argument in the poster's own words. Meanwhile, I should probably brace myself for a 20 thousand-word copy and paste from ... though really I didn't intend for this to become a "post all your bible contradictions here" thread. I merely wanted to make the point--which the verses posted illustrate perfectly--that what may seem a contradiction at first glance, was intended by the writer to encourage the reader to pause and reflect.



04 Apr 04
29 May 18

Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
I'm curious to see the bible contradictions and I hope they will be laid out in single fashion, complete with at least a small argument in the poster's own words. Meanwhile, I should probably brace myself for a 20 thousand-word copy and paste from ... though really I didn't intend for this to become a "post all your bible contradictions he ...[text shortened]... iction at first glance, was intended by the writer to encourage the reader to pause and reflect.
You started a thread. I made a comment and you ignored it. I think i wont bother to waste my time educating dumb Christians like you.

In another thread you admitted not speaking the truth because others will be offended.. this the bible called 'men pleaser'... You then replied with some homosexual insult.

You are are jacka$$ and really should not be trying to ask for the opinions of others unless you know how to be nice and how to manage a thread.

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