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Christ as the Singularity

Christ as the Singularity


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We all have heard of the Singularity and the Big Bang. In this thread I plan to discuss the resurrection of Jesus Christ as God's singularity and big bang not of the old creation, but what is known as the new creation.

The old creation is the creation not mingled with God. The new creation is the creation mingled and united with God. And the singularity of this new creation is Jesus Christ.

In resurrection He became the Firstborn Son of God. And He dispensed Himself into His redeemed people to explode in them for a grand corporate expression of the mingling of God and man.

So I will develop this view more. Jesus Christ as God's singularity in the new creation.

"So then If anyone is in Christ, [he] or [there] is a new creation. The old things have passed away, behold, they have become new." (2 Cor. 5:17)

"These things says the Amen, the faithful Witness, the beginning of the creation of God." (Revelation 3:14)

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Originally posted by jaywill
We all have heard of the Singularity and the Big Bang. In this thread I plan to discuss the resurrection of Jesus Christ as God's singularity and big bang not of the old creation, but what is known as the [b] new creation.

The old creation is the creation not mingled with God. The new creation is the creation mingled and united with God. And the si ...[text shortened]... Amen, the faithful Witness, the beginning of the creation of God." (Revelation 3:14) [/b][/b]
This is false...

If you are to become a new creation, then you would not want to have the old errors of the old creation staying with you.

Slaughtering animals is part of the old creation, and should not be carried over into the new creation, or else the new is not really new but old.

He is not the first born Son of God because all living beings are eternally born of God and this cannot be changed.

You are already an eternal spiritual being and part of God, but at the moment you are under the illusion that you are separated.

There is no separation, never was an never will be.... but there is the appearance of separation, and when one lives the bonafide spiritual life, they shall remember and re-kindle their eternal relationship with the Lord.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
This is false...

If you are to become a new creation, then you would not want to have the old errors of the old creation staying with you.

Slaughtering animals is part of the old creation, and should not be carried over into the new creation, or else the new is not really new but old.

He is not the first born Son of God because all living beings ...[text shortened]... ide spiritual life, they shall remember and re-kindle their eternal relationship with the Lord.

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God is certainly these things...

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I have to give several grounds for saying Christ is the Singularity. These concepts may not be in good order though.

First, the particpants in eternal life are begotten, born, and regenerated through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead:

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has regenerated us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." ( 1 Peter 1:3)

This Singularity exploded into man at the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. All the believers in Christ are born again through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. His resurrection is their new beginning.

He is within the believes as a living Person. That is why Peter refers to "a living hope". The people who believe in the resurrected Christ and receive Him are born again unto a living hope, regenerated unto a living hope.

The living hope is that they will be filled with the God-man Jesus Christ. In the eyes of God all who are born again were born again at the moment of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Christ, the resurrected and living One explodes within man. We all can participate in the explosion of the Singularity by believing Christ. By calling out "Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus Christ" we confess that we believe He is living. And in response we participate in the initial expasion of God within man to produce a universal new creation.

From my point of view I was born again many years ago as a young man. But from the divine point of view I was born again at the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. In God's view from eternity I was born again before I was born.

In His eyes it is as if before I received that natural life from my natural parents God already put the supernatural life of the resurrected Firstborn Son of God within me.

Anyway, this impartation of Christ in the hearts of the believers is the Singularity's initial expansion. It is so exciting to participate in this expansion. We all can get in on the action early. When the new man is filled with God we will be able to look back on the first Big Bang of this explosion of God within man. We will look back to the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and our receiving Christ into our hearts.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
This is false...

If you are to become a new creation, then you would not want to have the old errors of the old creation staying with you.

Slaughtering animals is part of the old creation, and should not be carried over into the new creation, or else the new is not really new but old.

He is not the first born Son of God because all living beings ...[text shortened]... ide spiritual life, they shall remember and re-kindle their eternal relationship with the Lord.
There is no separation, never was an never will be.... but there is the appearance of separation, and when one lives the bonafide spiritual life, they shall remember and re-kindle their eternal relationship with the Lord.

Everything pertaining to the union of God and man is in this Singularity, the resurrected Jesus Christ.

All that relates to "godliness" is wrapped up in Christ: Right here:

"Seeing that His divine power has granted to us all things which relate to life and godliness ..." (2 Peter 1:3a)

Godliness is Godnized humanity. Godliness is God united with man that man may live God, live through God, live unto God, and have God live within him.

The divine power manifested in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is responsible for the dispensing of this divine life into the believers. They are forgiven for this purpose - that they may be qualified to receive the divine eternal life of the Father.

God explodes in man through his receiving the resurrected Redeemer Jesus Christ. This is a slow explosion. But its full consummation will make man God mingled with God to the full - for His expression from within man and man's eternal enjoyment.

The explosion of this holy Singularity is at the resurrection of Christ.

So He is called in Revelation "the beginning of the creation of God". Here in this passage it means the new creation, the man indwelt with by God.

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Originally posted by jaywill
There is no separation, never was an never will be.... but there is the appearance of separation, and when one lives the bonafide spiritual life, they shall remember and re-kindle their eternal relationship with the Lord.

Everything pertaining to the union of God and ma ...[text shortened]... of God"[/b]. Here in this passage it means the new creation, the man indwelt with by God.[/b]
Can you please speak common English, because this Bible slang is difficult to read, and much is lost in translation.

If you believe that this Old English makes the words sound more authentic, well it does not and its just hard to read.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Can you please speak common English, because this Bible slang is difficult to read, and much is lost in translation.

If you believe that this Old English makes the words sound more authentic, well it does not and its just hard to read.
Jesus is an unusual yet very real Person. Jesus has a way of becomming available to men and women down through the ages. Jesus is unusual.

In the old days they use to talk about the Holy Ghost to speak the Jesus one could actually get to know. Modern English has modified that to something that sounds less "spooky". Rather then Ghost we use the phrase Holy Spirit.

This phrase comes out of the Holy Bible. And Jesus is available to be known today through "the Holy Spirit".

This Holy Spirit is Jesus in another form in which He can enter into your innermost spiritual being.

When He enters He gives life for He is the "life giving Spirit". The "life" that He gives is Himself. And Who is He ? Jesus is God Who became a man to be our Savior, Lord, and new life.

His name is Jesus Christ. And If you call on His name like this "Lord Jesus. O Lord Jesus. O Lord Jesus" Jesus the life giving Spirit will come into your heart. You should confess that you are a sinner who cannot help yourself to fully stop your sinning.

All this about Jesus coming into your innermost being I am refering to in terms of being part of a great explosion of God Himself in man. YOU and I can participate.

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Divegeester why do yo lower yourself to comments like this ,because it really takes away from anything that you are attempting to present.

When persons knowingly hold on to their error, they do so because to admit error would also make the Bible in error.

But this is the only way to move forward in true spiritual life, and you have to die to some things, before you would be able to take on the new things.

Now your comment has shown that you are clinging to error and this will ultimately not serve you in your spiritual growth.

Besides holding onto error is dishonest, and one of the 4 pillars of religion is honesty.

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Originally posted by jaywill
Jesus is an unusual yet very real Person. Jesus has a way of becomming available to men and women down through the ages. Jesus is unusual.

In the old days they use to talk about the Holy Ghost to speak the Jesus one could actually get to know. Modern English has modified that to something that sounds less "spooky". Rather then Ghost we use the phrase [b] ...[text shortened]... s of being part of a great explosion of God Himself in man. YOU and I can participate.
I dont mean the use of a particular word in general....but the way you use the old English of the Bible in sentences and string them together.

You can string the sentences together using Common English instead of the Old English, because then everyone except for yourself would be able to understand what you are saying clearly.

Is the Old English meant to have us believe that what you say is more true.

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Originally posted by jaywill
We all have heard of the Singularity and the Big Bang.
Yes we have, but it appears you do not know very much about them. You seem to be using 'singularity' metaphorically to mean 'explosion' whereas in science it refers to a point in space time where the known laws of physics do not apply. The singularity related to the Big Bang is not an explosion but rather the point in time or very short time before the big bang. Because it is a singularity we know nothing much about it (because the known laws don't apply). The Big bang also is not so much an explosion as a dramatic expansion of space-time.
Metaphor is nice, but when you get it wrong you are likely only to confuse your audience.

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I know enough. The resurrected Christ is still expanding and exploding. The ripples of this explosion are still reverberating through man until today. (And I have heard the word "explosion" in relation to the Big Bang many many times in spite of what you say.

The Roman Empire was not able to stop this explosion.
The Inquistion was not able to stop it either.
Things present nor things to come cannot stop this expansion of the resurrected Christ within the believers.

This resurrection was a great beginning in the universe. Jesus in resurrection is a great beginning in the "new creation". Here in Colossians Paul tells us Chrst is the Beginning as the resurrected One:

"And He [Christ] is the Head of the Body, the church; He is the beginning, the Firstborn from the dead, that He Himself might have the first place in all things...." (Colossians 1:18)

Jesus Christ, in resurrection is "the Beginning".
Jesus Christ in resurrection is "the Firstborn from the dead" .

He is the expanding and exploding point dispensing God into His believers. If you don't believe in the resurrected Jesus you will be left behind. You will be left behind in the old creation.

To prove to you that Jesus Christ is the new beginning and the old creation is being superceeded, I refer you to the last judgment, the judgement of the great write throne at the end of old creation:

"And I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose facee earth and heaven fled away, and no place was gfound for them.

And I saw the dead, the great and nthe small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened; and another scroll was opened which is the book of life.

And the dead wre judged by the things which were written in the scrolls, according to their works." (Rev. 20:11-12)

The one sitting on the great white throne is Jesus Christ. And from His face, the earth, the mountains, the stars, everythng in the skies, the sun, moon, and planets all fled away. The world seems blown away and nothing is seen remaining but the face of the Godman Jesus on His throne.

For the unbelievers it is a negative explosion because whoever's name was not found written in "the book of life" is cast into the lake of fire:

"And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire" (Rev. 20:15)

They were judged according to what was in the scrolls. But they were cast into the lake of fire according to whether their name was or was not in the book of life.

But to the believers whose names were found written in the book of life this explosion of the resurrected Christ is very positive and consumates in a new heaven and a new earth. That is because immediately after the great white throne judgement John writes:

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more." (Rev.21:1) (The sea is also a symbol of death. And Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire along with Satan and all the unbelievers (Rev.20:10,14,15)

This resurrected Firstborn from the dead, Jesus Christ, is certainly the holy and divine singularity of God's new creation.

" These things says the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the beginning of the creation of God." (Rev.3:14)

In coming posts I will speak to how everything for the new creation is compacted and comressed in this all-inclusive Singularity Jesus Christ.

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