Originally posted by Rajk999My favorite crazy is FreakyKBH. His advice to me in that thread was basically, 'cheer up, brother; it just gets worse from here!' And who can forget the thread he made with the claim 'we call things "light" because they imitate the sun'?
This is not a quote but the way so many Christians rushed headlong to help along SwissGambit to get converted recently. Christians need to take this 'desire to convert' issue down a couple notches. That thread was crazy. 🙂
One time in the distant past, he came up with something like 'that doesn't prove it's true. However, it does prove it's not false.' Classic stuff.
-Removed-And that is at the heart of it. If you admit to believing irrational stuff, how can you possibly criticise others for doing the same? I really can't understand how some Christians manage to look at other people and say 'what he believes is crazy.'
Once you make crazy beliefs acceptable (by holding them yourself) you should refrain from making fun of people who do the same.
Originally posted by FMFThat's a pretty common theistic attitude. "You never disagree with me. Your disagreement is with God." It is impossible to get such a person to accept correction, or admit that they may not have all the answers on spiritual matters.
I care greatly about God's evaluation of my thoughts and deeds. Human criticisms I leave in His hands. ~ Grampy Bobby.
11 Apr 14
"Anyone who enters a melee thinking that they will come away clean I think is seriously deluded. I wont say that I am completely unprincipled but certainly I use what may be expedient at the time, its a much more reactionary stance rather than a calculating one." ~ robbie, very recently, referring to forum discussions.
-Removed-So since I am an even milder version of crazy, can I legitimately make fun of you?
I am also not convinced that your crazy is of a lesser degree than theirs. I think it is simply that people tend to be at least partially blind to their own crazy and only really see it in others. Its most likely that your crazy is simply more socially acceptable in your social circle than their crazy.
Originally posted by SwissGambitAhhh...
My favorite crazy is FreakyKBH. His advice to me in that thread was basically, 'cheer up, brother; it just gets worse from here!' And who can forget the thread he made with the claim 'we call things "light" because they imitate the sun'?
One time in the distant past, he came up with something like 'that doesn't prove it's true. However, it does prove it's not false.' Classic stuff.
Thanks, buddy!
I don't recall the true/false one, though.
Classic Freaky.