Forgiving Murderers

Forgiving Murderers


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San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
31 Oct 12

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Was that how you were taught to Witness?
Nope but we also are told not to waist our time on ones that are not wanting to learn. So far he hasn't displayed that idea. If he does I'd be more then glad to discuss many things with him.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
31 Oct 12
1 edit

The original-language terms (Heb., nephesh Gr.,( psy·khe) as used in the Scriptures show “soul” to be a person, an animal, or the life that a person or an animal enjoys.

The connotations that the English “soul” commonly carries in the minds of most persons are not in agreement with the meaning of the Hebrew and Greek words as used by the inspired Bible writers. This fact has steadily gained wider acknowledgment. Back in 1897, in the Journal of Biblical Literature (Vol. XVI, p. 30), Professor C. A. Briggs, as a result of detailed analysis of the use of nephesh, observed: “Soul in English usage at the present time conveys usually a very different meaning from [nephesh] in Hebrew, and it is easy for the incautious reader to misinterpret.”

More recently, when The Jewish Publication Society of America issued a new translation of the Torah, or first five books of the Bible, the editor-in-chief, H. M. Orlinsky of Hebrew Union College, stated that the word “soul” had been virtually eliminated from this translation because, “the Hebrew word in question here is ‘Nefesh.’” He added: “Other translators have interpreted it to mean ‘soul,’ which is completely inaccurate. The Bible does not say we have a soul. ‘Nefesh’ is the person himself, his need for food, the very blood in his veins, his being.”—The New York Times, October 12, 1962.


28 Oct 05
31 Oct 12

Originally posted by galveston75
Nope but we also are told not to waist our time on ones that are not wanting to learn. So far he hasn't displayed that idea. If he does I'd be more then glad to discuss many things with him.
What do you mean? I have been following what robbie has been saying very carefully and all my questions and points have been totally on-topic and closely interwoven with the arguments that have been arising in the discussion. What more would you want from a discussion?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
31 Oct 12

Originally posted by FMF
What do you mean? I have been following what robbie has been saying very carefully and all my questions and points have been totally on-topic and closely interwoven with the arguments that have been arising in the discussion. What more would you want from a discussion?
I'm glad you are. I'm only speaking of our conversations so far....


28 Oct 05
31 Oct 12

Originally posted by galveston75
I'm glad you are. I'm only speaking of our conversations so far....
That's not true. Your comment on the previous page was clearly about my discussion with robbie.


28 Oct 05
31 Oct 12

Originally posted by galveston75
Forgiving someone is different then accepting the punishment that is due to them.
* TWO BUMPs * for galveston75.

So your forgiveness is just a subjective thing, keeping you all square with your own God and your perception of His requirements, for your own private purposes? [As in when you said "Yes Christians are required to forgive"]. But it doesn't have any objective impact on the guilty party or affect his fate in any way, or affect anything external to you?

Originally posted by galveston75
God is the one who desides in the end what punishment a murderer recieves. He has allowed the governments to stand at this time and we are to follow those rules as Christians as long as it does not cross the lines of rules and laws he has given us. So if a government does execute murderers then that is what is done. God has not told these govermental agencies not to execute such ones. So personally I detest what he did and if Jehovah allows an execution to happen then it must be deserving.

So, according to you, God decides not to execute people in European Union countries, but does decide to execute them in the U.S. and China? Why would God have different policies for different continents?

So personally I detest what he did and if Jehovah allows an execution to happen then it must be deserving.

If Jehovah allows an execution to happen in Zimbabwe or China, must it also be be deserving, or are you only talking about the U.S.?


26 Aug 07
31 Oct 12

Originally posted by FMF
The point being, why is robbie being so evasive?
the point being that you cannot stick to the script, have you ever made a post the intent of which is not to attack the proposer, personally? ever?


26 Aug 07
31 Oct 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
Why do you wish to know what the soul is?
I want to know what you think it is, you have not said.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
31 Oct 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
the point being that you cannot stick to the script, have you ever made a post the intent of which is not to attack the proposer, personally? ever?
Which post(s) in this thread do you feel are directed at 'attacking' you 'personally'?


26 Aug 07
31 Oct 12
2 edits

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Which post(s) in this thread do you feel are directed at 'attacking' you 'personally'?
The point being, why is robbie being so evasive? - the furtive one

this is a defamatory and slanderous personal attack, it insinuates that I, me, robbie
carrobie , is deliberately withholding information for some kind of nefarious reason. It
calls into question my honesty and my integrity. It has no basis in reality and is simply a
slanderous slur, slime, of the type which typifies FMF's posts.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
31 Oct 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The point being, why is robbie being so evasive? - the furtive one

this is a defamatory and slanderous personal attack, it insinuates that I, me, robbie
carrobie , is deliberately withholding information for some kind of nefarious reason. It
calls into question my honesty and my integrity. It has no basis in reality and is simply a
slanderous slur, slime, of the type which typifies FMF's posts.
So a poster thinking you are being evasive is a 'personal attack'? And yet you finish off your post accusing the same of poster of 'slime'?! Talk about irony.


26 Aug 07
31 Oct 12
4 edits

Originally posted by Proper Knob
So a poster thinking you are being evasive is a 'personal attack'? And yet you finish off your post accusing the same of poster of 'slime'?! Talk about irony.
I have provided reasons why its slime, it calls into question both my honesty and my
integrity are you denying the fact? Its a slanderous insinuation which typifies FMF's
posts. Yes sir, slanderous and had this been 1868, he would be choosing his weapons,
pistols or French foils, for this slight upon my noble and virtuous character!


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
31 Oct 12
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have provided reasons why its slime, it calls into question both my honesty and my
integrity are you denying the fact? Its a slanderous insinuation which typifies FMF's
posts. Yes sir, slanderous and had this been 1868, he would be choosing his weapons,
pistols or French foils, for this slight upon my noble and virtuous character!
But you didn't answer the question. If you ask me a question and i don't answer it, surely you have every reason to ask why am i being evasive?


28 Oct 05
31 Oct 12
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have provided reasons why its slime, it calls into question both my honesty and my
integrity are you denying the fact? Its a slanderous insinuation which typifies FMF's
There has been no slander, robbie. I have been examining your professed beliefs with regard to the death penalty and remained unconvinced by your answers [hence the word 'evasive' - I couldjust as well have used the words 'incoherent' or 'inconsistent']. This was why we were involved in a discussion, although you seem to have baled out now and settled for some ad hominem personal remarks instead.


26 Aug 07
31 Oct 12
1 edit

Originally posted by Proper Knob
But you didn't answer the question. If you ask me a question and i don't answer it, surely you have every reason to ask why am i being evasive?
no i would not think that you were being evasive, not after having been told by you that
you cannot think of any instances in particular and not after having asked you, what
particular evidences were looking for, I would simply conclude that you cannot think
of any or you are unaware of any, not that you were being evasive. For to do so would
be to insinuate that you were in some capacity being devious.