Originally posted by bvbYes, it is disturbing that that atheist Rwingett was allowed to marry. I only wish I could have picketed the ceremony.
Why is it that gays are not allowed to be married yet athiests and murderers are allowed to marry? It seems to me that Christians that condemn gay marriage need to explain why they are not marching in the streets against marriage of athiests and murderers as well.
Originally posted by bvbWhy are atheists somehow aligned with murderers?
Why is it that gays are not allowed to be married yet athiests and murderers are allowed to marry? It seems to me that Christians that condemn gay marriage need to explain why they are not marching in the streets against marriage of athiests and murderers as well.
Originally posted by bvbTechnically, murderers and atheists are only allowed to marry in kind, so there is type of prohibition, lest they feel left out of the exclusionary collusion.
Why is it that gays are not allowed to be married yet athiests and murderers are allowed to marry? It seems to me that Christians that condemn gay marriage need to explain why they are not marching in the streets against marriage of athiests and murderers as well.
Originally posted by bvbIt is easier to oppress the minority.
Why is it that gays are not allowed to be married yet athiests and murderers are allowed to marry? It seems to me that Christians that condemn gay marriage need to explain why they are not marching in the streets against marriage of athiests and murderers as well.
The church stands for marrige with the purpose of multiplication, something inpossible for gay couples. But atheists and murderers when married have a infinitely bigger chance of have done so for multiplication. And even though their past actions where bad, church says you should forgive and not care about peoples past and stuff, so "technicaly" it makes sence.The question is why an atheist wants to marry in a church if he doesnt belive in what he is doing, but thats another thing.
Originally posted by bvbYou assume that gays are not allowed to marry merely because of us judgemental and close minded Christians. It is not merely a religious isuue. What you fail to recognize is, if you let gays marry what is next? Should polygomy be legalized? Should you be allowed to marry your dog? Then the government is then in a position to condon or condemn the union, whatever that may entail, with benefits and such. The more marriages they must recognize, the less money that comes into that government. I am all for benefits, after all we all like to have money, however, you need to set limits. If I were to marry every one in the country I now live in, it would propell the government closer to bankruptcy. Trust me, the government cares little about morality, it is more concerned with money. To legalize gay marriages would mean that less tax revenue would result for the government. It is not only government, however, that has a lot at stake. If big business has to begin to insure those you are married to as well, it will effect their bottom line. It may hamper the economy and reduce available jobs. I think this is the crux of the issue, but it will continue to get blamed on us Christians.
Why is it that gays are not allowed to be married yet athiests and murderers are allowed to marry? It seems to me that Christians that condemn gay marriage need to explain why they are not marching in the streets against marriage of athiests and murderers as well.
Just as a side note, if they did decide to allow gays to marry and give them benefits, I still don't think it should be called marriage. I think for clarification reasons they should distinguish between a union between a man and a woman and a union for those of the same sex. The term marriage should be left as it has always been, a union between a man and a woman. Perhaps the later union could be referred to as a civil union.
Originally posted by bvbIf gays were allowed to marry could you immagine what that would do to the cost of health care an America?
Why is it that gays are not allowed to be married yet athiests and murderers are allowed to marry? It seems to me that Christians that condemn gay marriage need to explain why they are not marching in the streets against marriage of athiests and murderers as well.