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This forum has been hijacked by bullies and agitators.

The atheistic beliefs of these bullies have been defeated and exposed numerous times and yet they shamelessly advocate their nonsense and absurd teachings.

They spend all day in the spirituality forum and are not the slightest bit interested in learning about spirituality and true religion.

They think false relgion is true religion because they do not know what constitutes true relgion or false religion. (they are childishly ignorant)

They worship speculation and fabrication and imagination.

When their false and absurd beliefs are challenged and defeated and exposed / they become belligerent and hostile and seek to attack the messenger and spend all day in the forum thinking up new ways to attack truth and common sense.

They are trolls.

They believe in the random and unintelligent appearance of the cosmos and everything in it ........( the laws of physics and all the principle that go with it / and the conscious life of the millions of species and a our amazing eco systems etc)........ without the cause of this manifestation having any power or creative intelligence or purposeful will.

It just happened. ( a big bang) and then perfect order out of chaos.

They argue that life just popped into existence after a lightning bolt struck a puddle of mud and then presto out of that puddle we got / elephants and cats and dogs and birds and cows and bee,s and horses and sheep and pineapples and strawberries and wheat and oranges and cotton and fig trees etc etc.( incredibly millions of conscious and self reproducing species)

They reject intelligent design / even though they themselves have intelligence and everyone else has intelligence.

I find this repugnant.


Originally posted by Dasa
This forum has been hijacked by bullies and agitators.

The atheistic beliefs of these bullies have been defeated and exposed numerous times and yet they shamelessly advocate their nonsense and absurd teachings.

They spend all day in the spirituality forum and are not the slightest bit interested in learning about spirituality and true religion.

They th ...[text shortened]... they themselves have intelligence and everyone else has intelligence.

I find this repugnant.
Nice. I especially like the conscious pineapples.


Your post is proof that intelligence is lacking in at least one person!🙂

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Yes, this forum is chock full of people who are certain they are the ones who are right and everyone else is wrong, deceived, ignorant, possessed, misguided, unenlightened, or just plain evil. No other belief is valid except their own.
I can't help but notice the similarities between Dasa and RJHinds in this respect. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

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Originally posted by caissad4
Yes, this forum is chock full of people who are certain they are the ones who are right and everyone else is wrong, deceived, ignorant, possessed, misguided, unenlightened, or just plain evil. No other belief is valid except their own.
I can't help but notice the similarities between Dasa and RJHinds in this respect. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
I could not help noticing similarities between caissad4 and the atheist bullies and agitators that Dasa referred to as Trolls. What a coincidence.

The Instructor

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Alright you two.

This is why we can't have anything nice in here.

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Originally posted by Dasa
This forum has been hijacked by bullies and agitators.

The atheistic beliefs of these bullies have been defeated and exposed numerous times and yet they shamelessly advocate their nonsense and absurd teachings.

They spend all day in the spirituality forum and are not the slightest bit interested in learning about spirituality and true religion.

They th ...[text shortened]... they themselves have intelligence and everyone else has intelligence.

I find this repugnant.
"This forum has been hijacked by bullies and agitators. "

Hey, I've been pretty quiet lately.

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Originally posted by Dasa
This forum has been hijacked by bullies and agitators.

The atheistic beliefs of these bullies have been defeated and exposed numerous times and yet they shamelessly advocate their nonsense and absurd teachings.

They spend all day in the spirituality forum and are not the slightest bit interested in learning about spirituality and true religion.

They th ...[text shortened]... they themselves have intelligence and everyone else has intelligence.

I find this repugnant.
Yes yes yes...fascinating as I'm sure that all was, the real question is:

"Should we all be wiped off the face of the planet, exterminated!? what about our atheistic children too?"

5 edits

Originally posted by Dasa
This forum has been hijacked by bullies and agitators.

The atheistic beliefs of these bullies have been defeated and exposed numerous times and yet they shamelessly advocate their nonsense and absurd teachings.

They spend all day in the spirituality forum and are not the slightest bit interested in learning about spirituality and true religion.

They th ...[text shortened]... they themselves have intelligence and everyone else has intelligence.

I find this repugnant.
I think you may misunderstand the nature of this forum. It is a forum for 'debate'. If you don't believe me, have a look at its description on 'All public forums'.

One side presents their views and the other presents theirs. They support their views with argument and preferably evidence.

They should also observe common standards of behaviour. These are set out in the TOS.

You have come to this forum and break all the accepted rules:

1 You have not come to debate. You have come to state, and then ignore or reject comments from anyone who disagrees or presents a different perspective.

2 You present no arguments/evidence for your views.

3 You insult people who disagree with you, calling them criminals, child abusers etc.

4 You call for the use of violence against Muslims, and the termination of all Muslims males. Simpy calling for this on the Internet is a crime in Australia.

So, if you are not prepared to observe the terms of site you choose to post on, and not even the laws of the country you reside in, then you have little justification for whining like a toddler about people who reject your views.

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Exactly right!

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Originally posted by Rank outsider
I think you may misunderstand the nature of this forum. It is a forum for 'debate'. If you don't believe me, have a look at its description on 'All public forums'.

One side presents their views and the other presents theirs. They support their views with argument and preferably evidence.

They should also observe common standards of behaviour. ...[text shortened]... ou have little justification for whining like a toddler about people who reject your views.
In responding to my post you have made 5 false statements to me.

In your rant you have twisted and juggled my words dishonestly.

False statement 1. When You click on forums you are given a list of forum topics to select / and the debating forum is listed under DEBATES / and the spirituality forum is not for debates / because true religion and spirituality are never debated because truth is not debatable.

False statement 2. Views about true relgion and spirituality are never supported with argument and this is because argument supports speculation / and truth cannot be argued because it is absolute. (truth is discussed)
I have presented evidence based on logic and common sense and higher realized knowledge which is supported by the Vedic literature which is the authority on all things spiritual and religious and cosmological and earth bound.

False statement 3. I have insulted no person because I have not falsely accused any person / and a person who teaches falsity to young persons is a child abuser and child abuser is criminal / therefore there is no insult because there are no false statements.

False statement 4. I have not called for senseless violence / however I have called for capital punishment for all Muslims who rape and murder and plunder and pillage / because it is condoned by the State under the correctional services Act. / When I called for all Muslims to be eradicated / I was meaning all violent criminal Muslims. / the same goes for Christians and Buddhists and atheists and Hindus etc.

False statement 5. I have followed all of the terms of this site and the laws of this country / in as much as I may be able to present the truth of life and spirituality and true relgion / and stretching the boundaries of the forum rules and laws and conditions is something every keen forum user does quite frequently.

You are teaching the youth that they are a random accidents / and that their great grandparents were created in a muddy puddle when it was randomly struck by lightning./ and that life is simply chemicals rubbing together and nothing more.

The falsities that you have instigated in your responding post are forgiven / but they are still dishonest and unacceptable.

1 edit

A splendid display of ignorance and arrogance in a dangerous combination!

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Originally posted by Dasa
In responding to my post you have made 5 false statements to me.

In your rant you have twisted and juggled my words dishonestly.

False statement 1. When You click on forums you are given a list of forum topics to select / and the debating forum is listed under DEBATES / and the spirituality forum is not for debates / because true religion and spirituality ...[text shortened]... instigated in your responding post are forgiven / but they are still dishonest and unacceptable.
Dasa, can you explain why these words don't apply to you -

Religion means to surrender to God. It doesn't matter what religion you profess. It doesn't matter. But you must learn how to obey the Supreme Lord. That is religion. Religion does not mean that you stamp some stereotype religion, "I am Christian," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Buddhist," and then fight. That is not religion. That is fanaticism. Religion means how one has become devoted to God. That is religion.

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Originally posted by Dasa
In responding to my post you have made 5 false statements to me.

In your rant you have twisted and juggled my words dishonestly.

False statement 1. When You click on forums you are given a list of forum topics to select / and the debating forum is listed under DEBATES / and the spirituality forum is not for debates / because true religion and spirituality ...[text shortened]... instigated in your responding post are forgiven / but they are still dishonest and unacceptable.
Wow, your rebuttal sounds an awful lot like debate to me.

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Originally posted by 667joe
A splendid display of ignorance and arrogance in a dangerous combination!
…truth cannot be argued because it is absolute. (truth is discussed)

This is correct if one is speaking of a “direct-reality” idea of truth—where “true” is synonymous with “the real” or “being”. More predominant in the west is the “correspondence-with-reality” idea of truth—where a (propositional or descriptive) statement is true if it corresponds with reality, with the facts. In the latter usage, truth and the real are not synonymous, but truth is an accurate statement about the real, and the real itself cannot be said to be “true”—it just is; truth or falsity applies only to the statements.

Neither usage is right or wrong, but confusion can result when the distinction is not realized in discourse. I suspect that the root of the distinction is related to different etymologies in different inherited languages. In English, for example, “truth” is cognate with such words as trust, troth—and even tryst. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that, in Sanskrit, satya (“truth” ) is cognate with sat (“being”—as in sat-chit-ananda). If so, one can see how the different linguistic heritages would imply different usages.

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