Huge anti-gay marriage protest march in Paris

Huge anti-gay marriage protest march in Paris


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16 Jan 07
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I could argue the bit with you but it seems, peasant that i am, i need to work for a living, while you window licking capitalist bourgeoisie factory owning students can spend all day doing your little maths sums and pondering the meaning of life, oh for the revolution. Who says the Khmer rouge were all bad? Sorry safe settings prevents me from watching window licking material and an innate sense of good taste has my spider senses tingling.
can hardly imagine a safe setting that would block a bbc clip from a prime time tv show shown on youtube without any youtube censorship. maybe you have norton 'jehovah witness' special edition running.

anywhooo, dont let me stop your urge to go out and acquire material wealth.


26 Aug 07
04 Jun 13
1 edit

Originally posted by stellspalfie
can hardly imagine a safe setting that would block a bbc clip from a prime time tv show shown on youtube without any youtube censorship. maybe you have norton 'jehovah witness' special edition running.

anywhooo, dont let me stop your urge to go out and acquire material wealth.
yes we have the spiritual edition of Norton, it blocks bad taste, mostly RBHill airhead type videos of gay preachers, material wealth, hmmm, you mean to feed, clothe and shelter my family.

16 Jan 07
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes we have the spiritual edition of Norton, it blocks bad taste, mostly RBHill airhead type videos of gay preachers, material wealth, hmmm, you mean to feed, clothe and shelter my family. that all you spend money on? xbox's and bottles of whisky dont grow on trees.

oh well, it was the musical genius of tim minchen, your loss. he does a nice song about god and anal sex as well, you should check it out.


04 Feb 05
04 Jun 13

i think you lost sight of what this thread was about. and i mean you stell. the robbie is way off the reservation and it suits him just fine. he understands he has absolutely no argument to support his stance and he tries to steer the conversation into the far corners of the galaxy.


26 Aug 07
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie that all you spend money on? xbox's and bottles of whisky dont grow on trees.

oh well, it was the musical genius of tim minchen, your loss. he does a nice song about god and anal sex as well, you should check it out.
my kids do not celebrate Christmas, they get gifts all through the year, what of it? Gone are the days of an apple, an orange and a fifty pence piece in your stocking, sadly, times were so simple then, not now, its Samsung S4's , Ipads and designer jeans, only yesterday i paid £45.00 for a pair of Vio jeans, could i persuade them that they were simply the same as ASDA jeans with a little v spray painted on the bum, no chance, what a rip off man!


26 Aug 07
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
i think you lost sight of what this thread was about. and i mean you stell. the robbie is way off the reservation and it suits him just fine. he understands he has absolutely no argument to support his stance and he tries to steer the conversation into the far corners of the galaxy.
I provided a thorough refutation of your failed assertion Zippy of homosexuality in Animals myth, you should suck that up and i would be pleased if you refrained from telling other people what it is i understand and do not understand, you had a chance to respond to the points, you did nothing except to come here and whinge!


04 Feb 05
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I provided a thorough refutation of your failed assertion Zippy of homosexuality in Animals myth, you should suck that up and i would be pleased if you refrained from telling other people what it is i understand and do not understand, you had a chance to respond to the points, you did nothing except to come here and whinge!
sure little buddy, you keep repeating that to whoever chooses to listen.


26 Aug 07
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
sure little buddy, you keep repeating that to whoever chooses to listen.
I believe the universe tends towards justice, all can see my comments for themselves and determine whether they are just or not.


04 Feb 05
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I believe the universe tends towards justice, all can see my comments for themselves and determine whether they are just or not.
except, pookie, nobody does. not one reasonable person on this thread agrees with you, other than the other proven fundies.

stellspalife is simply deluding himself into thinking that if he formulates his arguments clearly and simple enough, your cogs will eventually start spinning. the others are simply ignoring you


26 Aug 07
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
except, pookie, nobody does. not one reasonable person on this thread agrees with you, other than the other proven fundies.

stellspalife is simply deluding himself into thinking that if he formulates his arguments clearly and simple enough, your cogs will eventually start spinning. the others are simply ignoring you
argumentum ad populum, appealing to popular opinion is not a refutation of the arguments but an informal fallacy, but you keep repeating it to yourself, perhaps one day, you may actually address the salient points.

16 Jan 07
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
i think you lost sight of what this thread was about. and i mean you stell. the robbie is way off the reservation and it suits him just fine. he understands he has absolutely no argument to support his stance and he tries to steer the conversation into the far corners of the galaxy.
i know. robbie is refusing to admit to all the errors he has made trying to post 'evidence'. until he does so, i see no point in debating any further. if he is not willing to admit he was wrong here then there is no guarantee that he will not resort to the same tactics whenever he wants. his lack of honesty also shows that he is willing to fabricate the truth to win an argument. this indicate to me that his christian values actually mean very little to him. a true christian would admit when they have made a mistake as blatant as the ones here.
he seems happy to cut and paste any article that supports him, regardless of the articles integrity and there is something tragically insincere and manipulative about that. he needs to show that he understands why it is wrong to resort to these tactics.

so until he can debate like a grown-up, im happy to hurl mud, its the level he operates best on, so makes things a bit more equal and saves me having to read reams of badly written papers and studies to do a critical analysis because i actually care about the truth rather than just finding propaganda for a fixed opinions.

16 Jan 07
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
argumentum ad populum, appealing to popular opinion is not a refutation of the arguments but an informal fallacy, but you keep repeating it to yourself, perhaps one day, you may actually address the salient points.
are you going to keep denying you used bad articles as 'evidence' and that you misunderstood the nature of the study you thought was providing that 'evidence'. you are not currently in a position to criticize anybody else argument when you yourself are showing that your own ego is more important than openly exploring the issues we are discussing.


26 Aug 07
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
i know. robbie is refusing to admit to all the errors he has made trying to post 'evidence'. until he does so, i see no point in debating any further. if he is not willing to admit he was wrong here then there is no guarantee that he will not resort to the same tactics whenever he wants. his lack of honesty also shows that he is willing to fabricate the ...[text shortened]... ause i actually care about the truth rather than just finding propaganda for a fixed opinions.
lol, that made me laugh.


26 Aug 07
04 Jun 13
1 edit

Originally posted by stellspalfie
are you going to keep denying you used bad articles as 'evidence' and that you misunderstood the nature of the study you thought was providing that 'evidence'. you are not currently in a position to criticize anybody else argument when you yourself are showing that your own ego is more important than openly exploring the issues we are discussing.
ad hominem fest, no comment needed.

16 Jan 07
04 Jun 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
my kids do not celebrate Christmas, they get gifts all through the year, what of it? Gone are the days of an apple, an orange and a fifty pence piece in your stocking, sadly, times were so simple then, not now, its Samsung S4's , Ipads and designer jeans, only yesterday i paid £45.00 for a pair of Vio jeans, could i persuade them that they were simpl ...[text shortened]... the same as ASDA jeans with a little v spray painted on the bum, no chance, what a rip off man!
we try to discourage materialism, its tough though. so we have you save up half and we'll pay half rule for most things non essential. luckily for us my eldest is a total nerd and is more into rocks and gardening than clothes and electronic gadgets. she's not a teenager yet though, she'll probably end up wanting designer shovels, rakes and jimi choo-wellies.

i dont intend to criticize your parenting/religion but isnt the concept of buying designer clothes counter to your beliefs?