Jesus Said 'Beware of False Prophets'

Jesus Said 'Beware of False Prophets'


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04 Apr 04
12 Apr 18

Originally posted by @romans1009
Jesus identified Himself as God more than a few times and predicted His crucifixion and Resurrection several times. He also spoke of the New Covenant and purpose of His crucifixion.

The fact He didn’t do that in the passage you cited doesn’t mean He never spoke of these matters.
Where ?



04 Apr 04
12 Apr 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @romans1009
How often do you do that?
You have identified yourself as a goat.

A sheep is one who follows Christ commandments.
A goat do not and state that commandments are not important for eternal life



04 Apr 04
12 Apr 18

Originally posted by @thinkofone
A key point that seems to invariably fall the wayside is that fact that Jesus emphasizes a strict dichotomy between a 'good tree' and a 'bad tree':
"Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. [b]A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit

As su ...[text shortened]... e other than Jesus despite the fact that they are 'false prophets' according to Matthew 7:15-20.[/b]
Younger Christians are supposed to be admonished into refraining from sin, and Christians who are mature in the meat of the word do not commit sin, I agree. I have seen absolutely no indication in the doctrine of Christians around here that this maturity is encouraged. Everything seems to be that they are saved, they cannot lose their eternal life and doing good works is trying to earn their salvation. Their doctrine is an insult to the teachings of Christ and the Apostles. Paul was equally clear [as Jesus was] that nobody inherits the Kingdom of God unless they live righteously.

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31 Jan 18
12 Apr 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
Makes no difference. Peter is crystal clear.
The verses you cited don’t pertain to salvation. Saying they do doesn’t make it so, amigo.

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31 Jan 18
12 Apr 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
Where ?
I’ve posted numerous examples. You don’t remember any?

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31 Jan 18
12 Apr 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
You have identified yourself as a goat.

A sheep is one who follows Christ commandments.
A goat do not and state that commandments are not important for eternal life
Not by a long shot, amigo.

And I’ve written numerous times that good works and an aversion to sin are evidence of salvation - not a requirement of it.

Did the thief on the cross have time to do good works or curtail his sinning? No, but Jesus said the thief would be with Him in paradise based solely on the thief’s belief in Jesus’ divinity and His Resurrection.

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31 Jan 18
12 Apr 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
Younger Christians are supposed to be admonished into refraining from sin, and Christians who are mature in the meat of the word do not commit sin, I agree. I have seen absolutely no indication in the doctrine of Christians around here that this maturity is encouraged. Everything seems to be that they are saved, they cannot lose their eternal life and doi ...[text shortened]... ually clear [as Jesus was] that nobody inherits the Kingdom of God unless they live righteously.
You’re still falling back on your false salvation-by-works doctrine. You have to get rid of that chest-puffing pride, amigo. Jesus did it all. Believe in Him and in His Resurrection. Enough with the chest puffing and strutting. You’re impressing no one.



04 Apr 04
12 Apr 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @romans1009
The verses you cited don’t pertain to salvation. Saying they do doesn’t make it so, amigo.
The verses speak of eternal life in the Kingdom of God.
Even those who are born again Christians,,
If they continue with sin they will be destroyed.
Sinners do not have eternal security.
Its like mocking God even think you have this security and boast of your sins:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. (Galatians 6:7-8 KJV)

You boasting sinning Christians mock God and you will reap corruption


15 Oct 06
13 Apr 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
Younger Christians are supposed to be admonished into refraining from sin, and Christians who are mature in the meat of the word do not commit sin, I agree. I have seen absolutely no indication in the doctrine of Christians around here that this maturity is encouraged. Everything seems to be that they are saved, they cannot lose their eternal life and doi ...[text shortened]... ually clear [as Jesus was] that nobody inherits the Kingdom of God unless they live righteously.
It makes perfect logical sense that the only true prophets are those that no longer continue to sin.

For those Christians who believe it impossible for any human to no longer commit sin, Jesus would necessarily be the only true prophet and all the NT writers as well as all the OT prophets would necessarily be false prophets. The beliefs of those Christians are incoherent, They are built upon sand.

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31 Jan 18
13 Apr 18

Originally posted by @thinkofone
It makes perfect logical sense that the only true prophets are those that no longer continue to sin.

For those Christians who believe it impossible for any human to no longer commit sin, Jesus would necessarily be the only true prophet and all the NT writers as well as all the OT prophets would necessarily be false prophets. The beliefs of those Christians are incoherent, They are built upon sand.
Just off the top of my head, Jonah was an Old Testament prophet who sinned by defying God’s instruction that he go somewhere to preach to a population that he disliked.

Where do you get the idea that Old Testament prophets were sinless?


15 Oct 06
13 Apr 18

Originally posted by @romans1009
Just off the top of my head, Jonah was an Old Testament prophet who sinned by defying God’s instruction that he go somewhere to preach to a population that he disliked.

Where do you get the idea that Old Testament prophets were sinless?
Where do you get the idea that Old Testament prophets were sinless?

That's not an idea that I put forth. What I put forth was how Jesus defined false prophets and the ramifications that has for those Christians who believe it impossible for any human to no longer commit sin.

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31 Jan 18
13 Apr 18

Originally posted by @thinkofone
[b]Where do you get the idea that Old Testament prophets were sinless?

That's not an idea that I put forth. What I put forth was how Jesus defined false prophets and the ramifications that has for those Christians who believe it impossible for any human to no longer commit sin.[/b]
How did Jesus define false prophets? Did you already state that and I missed it?

BTW, are you defining prophet as someone who speaks for God? If you are (and I believe that’s the correct definition,) Jesus would not be a prophet, nor did He describe Himself as one.


15 Oct 06
13 Apr 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @romans1009
How did Jesus define false prophets? Did you already state that and I missed it?

BTW, are you defining prophet as someone who speaks for God? If you are (and I believe that’s the correct definition,) Jesus would not be a prophet, nor did He describe Himself as one.
How did Jesus define false prophets? Did you already state that and I missed it?

Evidently you did. Reread my posts.

BTW, are you defining prophet as someone who speaks for God?

Once again, reread my posts.

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31 Jan 18
13 Apr 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @thinkofone
[b]How did Jesus define false prophets? Did you already state that and I missed it?

Evidently you did. Reread my posts.

BTW, are you defining prophet as someone who speaks for God?

Once again, reread my posts.[/b]
Not interested enough to search through 20 pages of posts for the answers. But your belief that it makes perfect sense Old Testament prophets were sinless is nonsense, as I showed with Jonah defying God. I’m sure I could come up with more examples, but why bother?


15 Oct 06
13 Apr 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @romans1009
Not interested enough to search through 20 pages of posts for the answers. But your belief that it makes perfect sense Old Testament prophets were sinless is nonsense, as I showed with Jonah defying God. I’m sure I could come up with more examples, but why bother?
Not interested enough to search through 20 pages of posts for the answers.

I started posting on the previous page and you responded to that post just several hours ago so I know that you've already read it and are well aware of it. I'm not surprised that you're pretending that you don't know that Jesus defined false prophets even though it's the topic of this very thread. Once again you've shown your dishonesty. It's what you do when you are unable to refute what others post.

But your belief that it makes perfect sense Old Testament prophets were sinless is nonsense, as I showed with Jonah defying God. I’m sure I could come up with more examples, but why bother?

It's not a belief that I hold. You are well aware of this also.The following correction is from a post I made less than an hour before you made your post and you responded to it. It's on this very page. Yet another example of your dishonesty. It's what you do when you are unable to refute what others post.

Romans: Where do you get the idea that Old Testament prophets were sinless?

ToO: That's not an idea that I put forth. What I put forth was how Jesus defined false prophets and the ramifications that has for those Christians who believe it impossible for any human to no longer commit sin.