03 Jul 17
Originally posted by FabianFnasFundamentalist, extremist Christians believe that doctrine.
Will Jews, who doesn't accept Jesus Christ as their savior, end up in hell, burning for eternity?
If I don't accept Jesus Christ as my savior, will also I end up in hell, burning for eternity?
The moderate Christians dont.
There is extremism in all walks of life.
These believe, even wish for, the worst fate possible to befall everyone else, and for the best for themselves.
03 Jul 17
Originally posted by FabianFnasJesus said
Will Jews, who doesn't accept Jesus Christ as their savior, end up in hell, burning for eternity?
John 3: 16-18 ESV
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him
should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever
believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already,
because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
The way to God is open to all, to all who believe, and those that do not are condemn
already. It does not matter what nationality you are, how good you think you are, how
godly you think you are, how sinless you think you are, as a matter of fact if you are not
putting your trust in what Jesus did for us, you are condemn already.
From this we redeemed back to God, from there we are to live as one who is in His
Kingdom, loving God and each other.
03 Jul 17
Originally posted by KellyJayJesus himself wasn't a christian, but a jew. What he said in the matter doesn't count.
Jesus said
John 3: 16-18 ESV
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him
should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever
believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is ...[text shortened]... back to God, from there we are to live as one who is in His
Kingdom, loving God and each other.
03 Jul 17
Originally posted by KellyJaySo is that a "yes" ... the Jews WILL end up in hell, burning for eternity?
Jesus said
John 3: 16-18 ESV
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him
should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever
believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is ...[text shortened]... back to God, from there we are to live as one who is in His
Kingdom, loving God and each other.
03 Jul 17
Originally posted by Rajk999Does this mean that some non-christians end up in heaven, without having to accept Jesus as their savior? Others go straight to hell?
Fundamentalist, extremist Christians believe that doctrine.
The moderate Christians dont.
There is extremism in all walks of life.
These believe, even wish for, the worst fate possible to befall everyone else, and for the best for themselves.
Originally posted by FabianFnasBefore in the OT God worked through a man, and the Jews all came through him. They
Jesus himself wasn't a christian, but a jew. What he said in the matter doesn't count.
were used to establish God's promises to us, and they showed us that we could not by
human effort be justified before God, so God through them made a promise that an
eternal kingdom would come through one of their kings, king David, and through His birth
line Jesus came.
Through Jesus, the law that God had setup was set aside, and righteousness now was
established through our faith in the One God sent, Jesus Christ, the Word of God made
flesh. So it isn't any longer our ability to be good enough by obeying the law, our efforts
now are simply believing what God has done, and from there our relationship with God
has been restored.
In the OT the Holy place and the most Holy place was divided by a curtain, representing
the division between God and man. When Jesus said it was finished that curtain was
ripped from top to bottom. This shows us that what was keeping us apart was now dealt
with and we could have a relationship with God again, God dealt with our sins once and
for all.
Matthew 27:50-52 (ESV)
50 And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.
51 And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.
Originally posted by KellyJaySo, burning for eternity for the Jews, is it?
Before in the OT God worked through a man, and the Jews all came through him. They
were used to establish God's promises to us, and they showed us that we could not by
human effort be justified before God, so God through them made a promise that an
eternal kingdom would come through one of their kings, king David, and through His birth
line Jesus came. ...[text shortened]... ed up his spirit.
51 And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.
Originally posted by FabianFnasGod likes good an righteous people. These will end up in the Kingdom of God
Does this mean that some non-christians end up in heaven, without having to accept Jesus as their savior? Others go straight to hell?
What one professes with their mouth means nothing. What one believes in their heart means something. It is through belief in your heart that good works are done.
Therefore a man can say he believes but does nothing. Another man can say he does not believe but does something.
Mouth worship and those who practice it are despicable to God.
Originally posted by FabianFnasWell let's see, I got the list right here, let me check.
Will Jews, who doesn't accept Jesus Christ as their savior, end up in hell, burning for eternity?
If I don't accept Jesus Christ as my savior, will also I end up in hell, burning for eternity?
Um........er.......no.......sorry bout your luck chuck!
Seriously though, I find it pointless to ask this question, especially since I don't have the list and don't make the list, nor does anyone else here.
What I do believe, however, is that Jesus is the only way to God, which is how Jews like Abraham and David eventually were able to go to heaven.
03 Jul 17
Originally posted by whodeyYes, the trouble is with our lists of good and righteous people, if we have a list is that the
Well let's see, I got the list right here, let me check.
Um........er.......no.......sorry bout your luck chuck!
Seriously though, I find it pointless to ask this question, especially since I don't have the list and don't make the list, nor does anyone else here.
What I do believe, however, is that Jesus is the only way to God, which is how Jews like Abraham and David eventually were able to go to heaven.
scripture teaches there are none. We become righteous in Christ, outside of Jesus none
will be since they have missed the Way God has setup, the Light of the World which Jesus
is, and the Life of God by missing the Spirit that God gives as a seal. It isn't us who are
righteous by our own righteous acts, which do not wash away our sins, it has to be Jesus.
03 Jul 17
Originally posted by whodeyFollowing Jesus is the the only way to God.. of course.
Well let's see, I got the list right here, let me check.
Um........er.......no.......sorry bout your luck chuck!
Seriously though, I find it pointless to ask this question, especially since I don't have the list and don't make the list, nor does anyone else here.
What I do believe, however, is that Jesus is the only way to God, which is how Jews like Abraham and David eventually were able to go to heaven.
Some Christians believe that talking about Jesus is the way to God
03 Jul 17
Originally posted by KellyJayYou talk about Jesus with your mouth but your heart in not with him. Proof of that is you says things contrary to his doctrine.
Yes, the trouble is with our lists of good and righteous people, if we have a list is that the
scripture teaches there are none. We become righteous in Christ, outside of Jesus none
will be since they have missed the Way God has setup, the Light of the World which Jesus
is, and the Life of God by missing the Spirit that God gives as a seal. It isn't us w ...[text shortened]... o are
righteous by our own righteous acts, which do not wash away our sins, it has to be Jesus.
Show me one reference where Jesus says nobody is righteous