Judgement, Injustice, and love

Judgement, Injustice, and love


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02 Jan 06
01 Nov 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]The fall of mankind was when they divorced God from being their Lord.

The fall of mankind allegedly occurred when Eve was coerced into taking a bite of fruit by a talking snake. I think that sums it up.

As for the rest, i shall return tomorrow. I'm off to bed.[/b]
The woman plainly retorts that God has forbidden the fruit. She ignores such warnings via her own free will.

31 May 06
01 Nov 11

Originally posted by whodey
God withdrew himself from mankind once mankind rejected him. Then when such a withdraw rouses objections from those who are suffering, what are we to think?

If God be the source of all love and life and we reject him, what is left?
It's only relevant if god exists and has the attributes you are attributing to him.

Have you demonstrated gods existence?

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
02 Nov 11

Originally posted by whodey
God withdrew himself from mankind once mankind rejected him. Then when such a withdraw rouses objections from those who are suffering, what are we to think?

If God be the source of all love and life and we reject him, what is left?
So it is your view that the woman who was raped and stabbed essentially deserved what she got, because mankind rejected God? It is your view that God refusing to intervene in a preventable horror was morally justified, because of mankind's previous rejection of Him?


Windsor, Ontario

10 Jun 11
02 Nov 11

Originally posted by karoly aczel
Yeah? could you elaborate a tad?

Do you believe there is such a thing as a qualified leader? (I'm thinking the Dalai Lama, perhaps he could be a living example of a leader who is on the side of sanity(?) )
dalai lama isn't a qualified leader, ergo his existence is not a symptom of social insanity.


Windsor, Ontario

10 Jun 11
02 Nov 11

it's interesting how the worshipers of the mad god will stumble over themselves trying to defend their god's insanity as some kind of act of loving kindness.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
02 Nov 11

Originally posted by bbarr
So it is your view that the woman who was raped and stabbed essentially deserved what she got, because mankind rejected God? It is your view that God refusing to intervene in a preventable horror was morally justified, because of mankind's previous rejection of Him?
Ah yes... let's not miss the opportunity to use the ol' "woman repeatedly raped and stabbed" argument.

I guess Pleasantville is the only acceptable reality if a loving Creator exists. Otherwise, the Creator must be evil and "insane" as another puts it.


31 May 06
02 Nov 11

Originally posted by sumydid
Ah yes... let's not miss the opportunity to use the ol' "woman repeatedly raped and stabbed" argument.

I guess Pleasantville is the only acceptable reality if a loving Creator exists. Otherwise, the Creator must be evil and "insane" as another puts it.


Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
02 Nov 11

Originally posted by sumydid
Ah yes... let's not miss the opportunity to use the ol' "woman repeatedly raped and stabbed" argument.

I guess Pleasantville is the only acceptable reality if a loving Creator exists. Otherwise, the Creator must be evil and "insane" as another puts it.

I have no idea what you mean by 'loving', since, on your view, it is consistent with being loving that you allow women to be raped and stabbed when you could easily prevent it. But that's typical theism; you just use these terms however you see fit.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
02 Nov 11

Originally posted by bbarr
I have no idea what you mean by 'loving', since, on your view, it is consistent with being loving that you allow women to be raped and stabbed when you could easily prevent it. But that's typical theism; you just use these terms however you see fit.
If it wasn't women being raped and stabbed, it would be something else. It's just the most horrifying, ugly experience you can drum up in some desperate attempt to hold a 3rd party responsible.

I suppose if God allowed someone to step in and blow the rapist's head off with a .357, you'd prosecute God for THAT horrible, cold-blooded assassination as well.

We could wipe out all sin in the world except for white lies, and then you'd hone in on that... so... what ev, dude.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
02 Nov 11
1 edit

And I never said "it is consistent with loving" that someone would allow a woman to be raped and stabbed.

That line of reasoning tells the reader a lot less about what I think or who God is, and a lot more about what is going on in your mind.

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
02 Nov 11

Originally posted by sumydid
If it wasn't women being raped and stabbed, it would be something else. It's just the most horrifying, ugly experience you can drum up in some desperate attempt to hold a 3rd party responsible.

I suppose if God allowed someone to step in and blow the rapist's head off with a .357, you'd prosecute God for THAT horrible, cold-blooded assassination as well. ...[text shortened]... in the world except for white lies, and then you'd hone in on that... so... what ev, dude.
Well, I hold the criminal responsible for the atrocity. But if a 'loving' passerby happened upon the scene, and could have easily prevented it but decided to walk away, we would think him morally in error; callous at best. God could have done any number of things to prevent this atrocity, but didn't. The same argument applies.

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
02 Nov 11

Originally posted by sumydid
And I never said "it is consistent with loving" that someone would allow a woman to be raped and stabbed.

That line of reasoning tells the reader a lot less about what I think or who God is, and a lot more about what is going on in your mind.
Right, and that is simply an admission that when you use terms like 'loving', 'merciful', 'just' etc. in reference to God, you're using them in non-standard ways. You want to use them in the standard way in order to drum up worshippers, but then use them in a totally different way when presented with the obvious paradoxes. It's just equivocation, and it's pretty transparent.


02 Jan 06
02 Nov 11
4 edits

Originally posted by bbarr
I have no idea what you mean by 'loving', since, on your view, it is consistent with being loving that you allow women to be raped and stabbed when you could easily prevent it. But that's typical theism; you just use these terms however you see fit.
James has an interesting thing to say about praying for those who need food and clothes. Instead of only praying to God that they may be fed and clothed try giving them food and clothes yourself. He then goes on to say that faith without works is DEAD.

Also, we see a story in Jonah where God commands Jonah to go to the city of Ninevah to warn them about their wickedness and that they should repent least worst things come upon them. In the end they city repented and was spared, however, what if Jonah had not be persauded to do his part?

I also heard a story of a woman who was taken by someone to be raped. She then inexplicably began to witness to the man and to make a long story short the man repented and converted.

These stories make us mindful that God is not all controlling, rather, we are participants in this thing we call life. That is why faith is so vital. Faith is telling God he has permission to work in our life and then in the lives of those around us. In short, faith is our free will aligning itself with God. Armed with such faith and with an all powerful God, wouldn't anything be possible? The only limiting factor might be considered our unbelief in his power.


02 Jan 06
02 Nov 11

Originally posted by bbarr
Right, and that is simply an admission that when you use terms like 'loving', 'merciful', 'just' etc. in reference to God, you're using them in non-standard ways. You want to use them in the standard way in order to drum up worshippers, but then use them in a totally different way when presented with the obvious paradoxes. It's just equivocation, and it's pretty transparent.
But love has a very "dark" side, does it not?

For example, love opens us up to pain. If we did not ever love anyone, would we cry if they died? If we did not love, would we feel bad if they did not love us back? If we did not love, would we ever punish our children when they get out of line? Would we ever help those in need even though it may put us out financially or in terms of demands on our time?


02 Jan 06
02 Nov 11

Originally posted by googlefudge
It's only relevant if god exists and has the attributes you are attributing to him.

Have you demonstrated gods existence?
Those that embrace God see him as loving and merciful. Those that reject God see him as vengeful and brutal.

For the Christian, we have God in the flesh as our witness as to who God really is. Unfortunately for you, you have no real reason to accuse him of being evil because his witness is otherwise. At best, all you can do is say he was a "good" man, who was either misinterpreted or misguided.

As Christians, we are to demonstrate God's existence via our testimony and love for others.