KellyJay has promised to show evidence of that dinosaurs lived side by side with humans. He is too stubborn to admit that this is pure fantasies that KellyJay believe in.
Is it okay to be untruthful when you are christian?
Are there more christians who share KellyJays belifs, or is he unique? If so, why isn't there any other christians who defend him? Is he too extreem for the likings of other christians?
KellyJay doesn't believe in science, yet he resides more than willingly in the Science Forum, I don't know why. Is it to provoce the Forum, or is it that he wo eagerly want to preach his views and imagines that he is actually talking about science?
Creationism is not a part of science, therefore I want to discuss this religious matter her in the Spiritual Forum.
Originally posted by FabianFnasWhy is it so hard to believe that people once lived with Dinosaurs?
KellyJay has promised to show evidence of that dinosaurs lived side by side with humans. He is too stubborn to admit that this is pure fantasies that KellyJay believe in.
Is it okay to be untruthful when you are christian?
Are there more christians who share KellyJays belifs, or is he unique? If so, why isn't there any other christians who defend him art of science, therefore I want to discuss this religious matter her in the Spiritual Forum.
Originally posted by FabianFnasHi, the Bible not being a science text book only makes a very fleeting reference to dinosaurs, and does not actually term them specifically as such, for example we read in the book of Genesis that some dinosaurs (and pterosaurs) may indeed have been created in the fifth era listed in Genesis, when the Bible says that God made ' flying creatures of the heavens and the great sea monsters (or great reptiles).' - Genesis 1:20. Perhaps other types of dinosaurs were created in the sixth epoch. The vast array of dinosaurs with their huge appetites would have been appropriate considering the abundant vegetation that evidently existed in their time, there is no biblical evidence to suggest that dinosaurs lived along side humans and indeed science and carbon dating would seem to rule this possibility out!
Because there is no evidence for it, none whatsoever.
Do you know any observations who shows the possibilities that dinosaurs lived at the same time as humans? KellyJay needs help.
Originally posted by FabianFnasDinosaurs did not really exist. They are a trick of the Devil to discourage the faithful. 😵
KellyJay has promised to show evidence of that dinosaurs lived side by side with humans. He is too stubborn to admit that this is pure fantasies that KellyJay believe in.
Is it okay to be untruthful when you are christian?
Are there more christians who share KellyJays belifs, or is he unique? If so, why isn't there any other christians who defend him ...[text shortened]... art of science, therefore I want to discuss this religious matter her in the Spiritual Forum.
Originally posted by RBHILLThe answer is: Lack of evidence and evidence to the contrary.
That's not a good answer.
But Santa Clause was made up from a real person anyways.
It's the same in both. We don't believe in Santa Claus because we have no evidence he exists and all the evidence has is that he doesn't. Of course I'm referring to the myth of Santa Claus that everyone thinks of when you refer to him.
The same goes for the idea that humans and dinosaurs co-existed at the same time: There is no evidence they existed at the same time and all the evidence we do have suggests that humans and dinosaurs never co-existed.
Originally posted by RBHILLWhat is hard to believe is that modern day humans with a functioning brain believe that people and dinosaurs existed at the same time. Christianity is a poor excuse for blatant stupidity.
Why is it so hard to believe that people once lived with Dinosaurs?
Originally posted by FabianFnasI have heard his evidence. It is concrete and indisputable. The answer is that he is very politically active and has been seen with McCain on more than one occasion. In fact, there are pictures to prove it!!!
KellyJay has promised to show evidence of that dinosaurs lived side by side with humans. He is too stubborn to admit that this is pure fantasies that KellyJay believe in.
Is it okay to be untruthful when you are christian?
Are there more christians who share KellyJays belifs, or is he unique? If so, why isn't there any other christians who defend him ...[text shortened]... art of science, therefore I want to discuss this religious matter her in the Spiritual Forum.
Yes, man and dinosaur live even today side by side!!
Originally posted by RBHILLNot all creationists believe this RB. You see, the camp is divided between old earth and young earth creationists. As for myself, I am an old earth creationist. You may want to check into it.
As a Creationist the world is only 6000 years old So taht means that there were no cave men.
I'm puzzled. We have here a man who believes in the existence of God,
and who believes that the word of the bible is the truth. And we're upset
about this man believing in the co-existence of man and dinosaur to the
point where we follow him around in the forums taunting him about it?