"Loving Jesus" and "eternal torture"


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28 Oct 05
11 Oct 14

For those Christians who subscribe to the ideology that it is right and just for non-believers and "sinners" to be tortured in burning agony for all eternity ~ as revenge and punishment ~ by God, do you think you will still continue to love God and Jesus even if you are cast into the burning flames and tortured for ever and ever for your "sins"?

16 Feb 08
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by FMF
For those Christians who subscribe to the ideology that it is right and just for non-believers and "sinners" to be tortured in burning agony for all eternity ~ as revenge and punishment ~ by God, do you think you will still continue to love God and Jesus even if you are cast into the burning flames and tortured for ever and ever for your "sins"?
As far as I can tell myself and Suzianne are the only Christians in this forum who do not accept the eternal burning in hell doctrine.

I think I may find a video clip of someone being burned alive and post it here so that those who believe their version of the loving, merciful god has created a place especially for burning people for eternity, can have a point of reference for their belief.


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by divegeester
As far as I can tell myself and Suzianne are the only Christians in this forum who do not accept the eternal burning in hell doctrine.
CalJust too.

16 Feb 08
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by FMF
CalJust too.
Oh yes, my apologies to caljust.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
For those Christians who subscribe to the ideology that it is right and just for non-believers and "sinners" to be tortured in burning agony for all eternity ~ as revenge and punishment ~ by God, do you think you will still continue to love God and Jesus even if you are cast into the burning flames and tortured for ever and ever for your "sins"?

I suspect that the person who follows Satan to the end may very well, in eternity, become more and more like him. But I do not know this for sure.

That is perhaps the infinitely rebellious character of the Devil, refusing ever to be reconciled to the Creator he hates, will gradually consume those who have followed the Devil.

As for the Christian, the promise of Christ is that they will never perish forever -

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; And I give to them eternal life, and they shall by no means perish forever, and no one shall snatch them out of My hand." (John 10:27,28)

This renders the essence of the question nonsensical since the saved man will never perish forever.

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by divegeester
As far as I can tell myself and Suzianne are the only Christians in this forum who do not accept the eternal burning in hell doctrine.

I think I may find a video clip of someone being burned alive and post it here so that those who believe their version of the loving, merciful god has created a place especially for burning people for eternity, can have a point of reference for their belief.
Let's not forget Zahlanzi!

16 Feb 08
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by Agerg
Let's not forget Zahlanzi!
I haven't forgotten him, I just have no idea what he believes about anything to be honest.

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by divegeester
I haven't forgotten him, I just have no idea what he believes about anything to be honest.
I think he is a Christian in much the same way as you are - doesn't really buy into to the garbage of religion yet still holds to the notion of a personal god associated in some way with the Bible. Like most moderates I find he talks good sense around here (barring obvious exceptions like the deity he believes in of course!).

It is what it is


20 Apr 04
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by divegeester
Oh yes, my apologies to caljust.
Accepted - and thanks FMF.

I don't post a lot in this forum anymore because it is (mostly) the same stuff re-hashed over and over again. (Evolution, hell, OSAS, etc)

I miss Hakima! And also it would be nice if there were other faiths prepared to debate - or even find common ground.

16 Feb 08
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by CalJust
Accepted - and thanks FMF.

I don't post a lot in this forum anymore because it is (mostly) the same stuff re-hashed over and over again. (Evolution, hell, OSAS, etc)

I miss Hakima! And also it would be nice if there were other faiths prepared to debate - or even find common ground.
I like to think of it like the EPL (English Premier League), each year it more or less the same teams fighting the same games but it's still fun to watch.


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by sonship
[quote] For those Christians who subscribe to the ideology that it is right and just for non-believers and "sinners" to be tortured in burning agony for all eternity ~ as revenge and punishment ~ by God, do you think you will still continue to love God and Jesus even if you are cast into the burning flames and tortured for ever and ever for your "sins"? [/qu ...[text shortened]... s renders the essence of the question nonsensical since the saved man will never perish forever.
But you could be punished for your sins, right? So, if that's what happens to you, will you still continue to love God and Jesus even if you are being punished by torture for eternity in burning flames?

29 Dec 08
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by FMF
But you could be punished for your sins, right? So, if that's what happens to you, will you still continue to love God and Jesus even if you are being punished by torture for eternity in burning flames?
sonship says, John 10:27,28 "...renders the essence of the question nonsensical since the saved man will never perish forever."

The only reasonable way to interpret this claim of nonsense is this: "...renders the essence of the question nonsensical since [only] the saved man will never perish forever." Thus all unsaved will perish.

That is, there will be no eternal punishment because the unsaved will perish.


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by JS357
That is, there will be no eternal punishment because the unsaved will perish.
If there is no ideology that holds that being tortured for eternity is a just punishment for sin and disbelief, and that people simply "perish", then the Christians who appear to propagate it should make it clear. As for the OP question, KellyJay once stated that he would try to keep loving Jesus even if he were to be punished by torture forever


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by sonship
As for the Christian, the promise of Christ is that they will never perish forever...
So, regardless of your "sins" ~ no matter how heinous ~ you cannot and will not be punished by "eternal torment" because you are a Christian?

29 Dec 08
11 Oct 14

Originally posted by FMF
If there is no ideology that holds that being tortured for eternity is a just punishment for sin and disbelief, and that people simply "perish", then the Christians who appear to propagate it should make it clear. As for the OP question, KellyJay once stated that he would try to keep loving Jesus even if he were to be punished by torture forever
Maybe I'm trying too hard to disambiguate sonship's words.