movement to atheism

movement to atheism


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Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Jan 19
1 edit

@fmf said
The topic is scientific knowledge as opposed to beliefs about supernatural things. That's the topic. I am engaging you over what you have said about the topic. This is a debate and discussion forum.
Really, and if there is evidence for it things like ID you would engage, debate, or
reject it out of hand without giving it serious thought, will you give serious
thought to holes in things like evolutionary beliefs concerning common ancestors?
Can I ask you to discuss these things and you will, because you want to engage? I
can show you discussions, debates, links and you will engage giving these things
very serious thought, and not just go on after my or other's motivations?

I doubt you are seriously honest about this, and to coin something you say now
and then, I'm calling you out on this! I don't think you are willing to engage on the
topic, but I'm willing to see if you are. Do you really want to engage in discussion,
or just blow smoke which I believe is your normal operating activity?

Watch this then we can engage in debate on this discussion forum, or slither away.
The things I'm going to show you are the reasons why I say the things I do about
science and faith.


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
Really, and if there is evidence for it things like ID you would engage, debate, or
reject it out of hand without giving it serious thought, will you give serious
thought to holes in things like evolutionary beliefs concerning common ancestors?
Can I ask you to discuss these things and you will, because you want to engage? I
can show you discussions, debates, links and y ...[text shortened]... re the reasons why I say the things I do about
science and faith.
[youtube] p2MwUgi8dlc [/youtube]
I'm interested in an answer to my question.


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
Really, and if there is evidence for it things like ID you would engage, debate, or
reject it out of hand without giving it serious thought, will you give serious
thought to holes in things like evolutionary beliefs concerning common ancestors?
Can I ask you to discuss these things and you will, because you want to engage? I
can show you discussions, debates, links and y ...[text shortened]... re the reasons why I say the things I do about
science and faith.
[youtube] p2MwUgi8dlc [/youtube]
I suggest you take your ideas about evolutionary science to the science forum. My question to you is about spirituality.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Jan 19

@fmf said
I'm interested in an answer to my question.
Then you have to look, listen, watch, study the things I bring. I have not seen your
response to the first thing I showed you. Are you going to engage?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Jan 19
1 edit

@fmf said
I suggest you take your ideas about evolutionary science to the science forum. My question to you is about spirituality.
You asked why I mix them, so put your big boy pants on and engage.
Deflection doesn't become you.


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
Then you have to look, listen, watch, study the things I bring. I have not seen your
response to the first thing I showed you. Are you going to engage?
If you want to take your superstition-based claim that the earth is 6,000 years old and prove that it is, instead, backed by sound science, take it to the Science Forum. I don't have anything to add to what the likes of Kazetnagorra, Ghost of a Duke, Wolfgang59 and others say to you about evolutionary science on this forum. My question is about something else.


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
You asked why I mix them, so put your big boy pants on and engage.
Deflection doesn't become you.
You are not going to convince me the earth is 6,000 years old. I am more interested in why you need to bolster your biblically-based religious faith in the notion that it is only 6,000 years old by telling yourself that you are being scientifically sound when you assert that it is.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Jan 19

@fmf said
If you want to take your superstition-based claim that the earth is 6,000 years old and prove that it is, instead, backed by sound science, take it to the Science Forum. I don't have anything to add to what the likes of Kazetnagorra, Ghost of a Duke, Wolfgang59 and others say to you about evolutionary science on this forum. My question is about something else.
No, I don't care about the time factor.

I am willing to discuss the answer to the question you have been asking, about
science and faith. You backing away after receiving the first of many causes for
my views, then attempting to bring into the discussion the young earth that I
have never used as a proof for faith, I have only talk about it due to direct
questions put to me, giving honest answers to what I do believe, even if it hurts
my positions in the minds of those I'm talking to.

Your questions are about me using science! So ENGAGE in the conversation or
deflect, and slither away. I knew you were being disingenuous and if you actually
cared about what you were asking about you'd ENGAGE in the conversation, the
discussion as to what and why.

You are not instead you flip to age of the earth, and invoke cover for yourself by
bringing in people who actually do engage as if you are like them, you are not.
Each of the people whose names you brought I have without a doubt disagreed
with, but completely unlike you they backed up their beliefs with arguments you
have yet to do that, your argument is to trash the other person you are talking too,
then cowardly attempt to get others to join you in that. What a pathetic show of
engagement, put up or slither away!

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Jan 19
1 edit

@fmf said
You are not going to convince me the earth is 6,000 years old. I am more interested in why you need to bolster your biblically-based religious faith in the notion that it is only 6,000 years old by telling yourself that you are being scientifically sound when you assert that it is.
Changing the subject, where in this have I said 6,000 was evidence for anything?


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
No, I don't care about the time factor.

I am willing to discuss the answer to the question you have been asking, about
science and faith. You backing away after receiving the first of many causes for
my views, then attempting to bring into the discussion the young earth that I
have never used as a proof for faith, I have only talk about it due to direct
questions put ...[text shortened]... empt to get others to join you in that. What a pathetic show of
engagement, put up or slither away!
If you think it's "science", submit it to the scrutiny on the Science Forum. Show me a link to thread when you have done it.

I've seen your copious efforts to generate your own confirmation bias on this forum and I have nothing to add to what has been put to you and how you have been set straight by posters like Kazetnagorra, Ghost of a Duke, wolfgang59 and ThinkOfOne. Nothing to add. What they said.

Meanwhile, my question remains unanswered. One way of answering it would be to show me the link to a thread on the Science Forum where you had subjected your superstitious notions - the 6,000 year old earth for example - to scientific analysis and you had established that science and superstition in fact coincide. Until then the question stands.


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
Changing the subject, where in this have I said 6,000 was evidence for anything?
You don't think the earth is 6,000 years old? If not, then I have misunderstood and apologize.


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
You are not instead you flip to age of the earth, and invoke cover for yourself by
bringing in people who actually do engage as if you are like them, you are not.
I am not "bringing in" people like Kazetnagorra, Ghost of a Duke, wolfgang59 and ThinkOfOne. I am saying I have read your discussions with them and have nothing to add.


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
I am willing to discuss the answer to the question you have been asking, about
science and faith. You backing away after receiving the first of many causes for
my views, then attempting to bring into the discussion the young earth that I
have never used as a proof for faith, I have only talk about it due to direct
questions put to me, giving honest answers to what I do believe, even if it hurts
my positions in the minds of those I'm talking to.
I am not questioning the honesty of your faith or your sincerity or your certainty.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Jan 19

@fmf said
You don't think the earth is 6,000 years old? If not, then I have misunderstood and apologize.
I believe in a young earth, you don't follow along well.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Jan 19

@fmf said
I am not questioning the honesty of your faith or your sincerity or your certainty.
Do you ever read the things you say?